
SQL 2005 sp_GetAppLock --- When to call sp_ReleaseAppLock?

SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ UNCOMMITTED BEGIN TRAN DECLARE @res INT EXEC @res = sp_getapplock @Resource = 'This a Lock ID 3', @LockMode = 'Exclusive', @LockOwner = 'Transaction', @LockTimeout = 60000, @DbPrincipal = 'public' if @res < 0 begin declare @errorMessage nvarchar(200) set @errorMessage = case @r...

Is there a possible race condition in this UPDATE statement?

I'm writing a synchronizer software which will take all changes in one DB and synchronize them to another DB. To this end I've added in my table T two columns: alter table T add LastUpdate rowversion, LastSync binary(8) not null default 0 Now I can easily select all rows that have changed since the last synchronization: select * from...

Deadlock help needed please

I have a peculiar situation. I have tables that are constantly accessed by different parts of our code and thousands of clients and so we employed the use of transactions when doing simple updates and inserts on our tables. Problem is we keep getting deadlock errors. Anyone have any idea how I can alleviate this problem? ...