
Open source database schema converters

I work in an agency that uses many different databases; Informix, Oracle and SQL Server among others. In this era of reducing costs I have started to look for an Open Source tool capable of converting the schemas from those products to Postgresql and Mysql. Though I have in the past used Erwin and various Embarcadero tools, I want to lim...

Is normalization necessary on this 2 column table?

I have 2 columns: "string" "int" I set both as primary keys for unique combination. Would searching based on the string column be poorer than normalizing further the string column and having 2 int columns instead? ...

linking two tables

I have two table: job with jobid, jobdescription, etc and user with userid, jobid, name, etc. What is the best practice to link two jobid to the same userid in table user ? I can do this with a intermediate table that store the entries of the jobs of the same user but I am thinking that is a more elegant solution. Thank you. ...

Dash in a field name in access database table

Hi, Im having problems retrieving a field from my ms-access database. The table name is TEST and one of the field's name is HD-TEST When i do: SELECT * from TEST where TEST.HD-TEST='H' and i execute the query, ms-access shows me a dialog expecting the parameter HD. Do you know what could be the reason? Thanks a lot. Kind Regards. ...

Object Oriented Database Vs object Relational Database

Hi, I wonder how Object Oriented data modeling is different from Object Relational data modeling? Is it something like the pluses of both object oriented and relational data modeling were clubbed to achieve object relational data modeling? cheers ...

Database design question: discriminatory column vs foreign key

So let's say that I have a database for managing customers. A customer has all the basic properties that one might expect however, there are special kinds of customers called distributors. A distributor doesn't have any special properties in and of itself, except that it can distribute products to certain markets which are stored in a...

What is the preferred method for an updated by field in a table?

Just wondering if there's a preferred method or Best Practice for storing "Updated By" type fields in a database. I tend to see just the name of the user being stored pretty frequently, but I've been designing my tables with the ID of the user who last updated that table. Is there a reason to use one method over the other? I like my m...

Does YAGNI apply to database design?

In code, it's generally pretty easy to add new classes to provide additional functionality and such. I have a fairly good understanding of refactoring code and what's involved so YAGNI generally makes sense to me. What I'm not as familiar with is working with and updating a relational database once it's deployed. I'm developing a li...

Referencing foreign keys in the same column

I'm designing a bd-scheme for mysql. My db stores 3 kinds of points: a, b or c and a path is composed by n pair of points: Route = [ (a1 or b1 or c1 ; a2 or b2 or c2), (a2 or b2 or c2 ; a3 or b3 or c3), ...] create table a_points ( point_id serial not null, owner_id bigint unsigned not null, name varchar(20) not null, ...

SQL Server: the maximum number of rows in table

I develop software that stores a lot of data in one of its database tables (SQL Server version 8, 9 or 10). Let's say, about 100,000 records are inserted into that table per day. This is about 36 million records per year. For fear that I would lose on performance, I decided to create a new table everyday (a table with current date in its...

How to store "wishlist" in database?

I am thinking of creating a "wishlist". Each user will be able to purchase wishes in a shop. How do I store the wishlist? I am thinking of creating an user table and a wishlist table. The structure of user table: Columns: id, username, password etc Columns: id, wish, price, quantity etc user id is the primary key for user table and i...

Modeling Tools that understand both Relational and LDAP

I am looking to do some modeling and would like to have a tool that can capture not only a relational model like ERWIN but also allow us to easily port to LDAP as an option. NOTE: Visio can connect to an existing LDAP server and draw, but does not allow for you to model first and then deploy, unlike its relational capabilities. ...

Are boolean flags in a database acceptable for this list of options?

I'm working on adding user submitted comments to a personal project. Comments have a number of flags for special purposes. Comments are also versioned for moderation purposes so timestamps aren't need on specific fields. These are the options I have so far in the functional design. (list not final) This list will change at some point ...

MySQL idea for high-volume "rotation" of stats?

I have an online game where I record lots of gameplay stats. These stats tables get large very quickly, and I have to be careful because simply recording more stats can cause the game's performance to get pretty bad, once the table gets big enough. My strategy, which isn't a very good one, is to keep the stats tables small. I have an ...

How to handle enumerations without enum fields in a database?

How would I implement a enumeration field in a database that doesn't support enumerations? (i.e. SQLite) The fields need to be easily searchable with "field = ?" so using any type of data serialization is a bad idea. ...

Company vs Employee ID dilema

I have two tables in my SQL database: Company: - ID (autoincrement) - name - address - ... Employees: - ID (autoincrement) - Company_id - internal_id - name - lastname The problem is that I would like to have a employee id (internal_id) that is relative to the company they belong to. I got this dilema since I'm really been se...

Database - Data Versioning

I've read a few questions on SO (such as this one) in regards to versioning your data within a database. I liked some of the suggestions that were mentioned. I have for the longest time wanted (needed) to revision many of my tables but never got around to it. Being a programmer with only simple database work under my belt I was wonder...

How to effectively design dynamic hierarchies in a data schema model?

To clarify, Let us say I have users and userstats in my database and I also have information like city, state, county, and region associated with these two tables. In this scenario I can effectively roll up my userstats to city, state, county and region levels easily by a overnight or incremental process. The alternate scenario where I ...

What's the difference between identifying and non-identifying relationships?

I haven't been able to fully grasp the differences. Can you describe both concepts and use real world examples? ...

Data model for a private messaging system

I am writing a private messaging system for my web app. Just think of it as doing the same thing as sending PMs on your typical social networking website like Facebook or Twitter, or even sending an e-mail through Hotmail. I have come up with the following migration so far: class CreateMessages < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up ...