Is there a tsql command on sqlserver 2008 which can be run in order to enable Database Diagramming instead of this dialog appearing:
This database does not have one or more of the support objects required to use database diagramming. Do you wish to create them?
I'm writting an essey and i have to represent my database with ER diagram, integrated data model and logical database model. Well, can enybody tell me what is the difference?
I am using Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect 7 Professional and I can not find a way to hide the labels from Foreign Keys Associations in Database Diagrams.
Yes, I know I can right-click each of the connectors and use the "Set Visibility" option from the context menu but I guess there must be a per-diagram or golabal setting to do it.
I am using SQL Server 2005 database with SQL Server Management Studio.
Is there a way to hide a relationship between two tables in the diagram without actually deleting the relationship from the database? Any help will be most appreciated.
i see there is "arrange tables" that organizes your table relationships to be clear. is there anyway to autosize the tables so it shows:
the full name of the table
the full height to show all fields.
i find myself tweaking tables over and over manually and its a pain. I would hope there would be some way to auto correct the sizing ...
Our application has a fairly large, sprawling DB design, with 175 tables. Most tables are used by one or two primary features, and I'd like to create several little "mini-schemas" to describe the structure of different parts of the system to new hires (without showing them the gigantic total schema which is, frankly, so big as to be use...
I tried to create a database diagramm with SQL Server 2008, but an error occurs:
Database diagram support objects
cannot be installed because this
database does not have a valid owner.
To continue, first use the Files page
of the Database Properties dialog box
or the ALTER AUTHORIZATION statement
to set the database ...
Currently, we model our databases in Rational Rose. And, it provides the capability to export the database relationship diagrams to a html tree. Does SQL Server or any other tool allow a similar output? We'd like the ability to document our design and deliver it to our customer in an easy way.
This question came up today and I couldn't find any historical answer as to why a database is always represented as a cylinder. I am hoping someone in the stack world would know why and have a link or something backing it up.
I have a very large database I need to diagram. The database is SQL Server 2008 on x64. It is large in that there are hundreds of related tables, each with up to 2000 fields (some are sparse), multiple relationships between tables (often hundreds per table, in fact), multiple schemas... you get the idea.
I tried to use the Database Diag...