
How to set up access to MSSQL 2005 Database Mail?

I've just setup Database mail within MSSQL 2005. I have been able to send email from an administrator account on the server and through a SQL Server Agent job. But, I unable to send email when I tried to send email via a login that just has access to a database for our web application. What is the best way to set up access to Database M...

Sending E-Mail via DatabaseMail with C#

How can I send e-mails using Database Mail (which is integrated in SQL Server) in C# ? I couldn't find a useful article or something which can help me thoroughly. ...

SQL Execute per each result row

I've been googling around for a bit but I can't seem to find an answer to this. I'm trying to use the Database Mail in SQL Server 2005 in a stored procedure where the idea is to send separate mail for each row in a query, each mail depending on an address residing in the rows. Imagine for example 15 - 50 rows of product orders with the ...

Configure database mail settings

How can I configure database mail settings and send the mail from the database in Sharepoint created default database instance as i can not find where to configure the database mail settings from the management after login sa user. ...

How to Configure and run DataBase Mail in SQL Server

How to enable and run Database Mail in SQL Server 2008 . I know that it need Enabling Service Broker Configuring SMTP (a Mail server is needed) Using Configuration Storeprocedure. I don't know what's the relation between application and dataBase mail. Actually How to enable Database mail for a RollBack and Commit Transaction ? (not f...

sp_notify_operator: The specified @operator_name does not exist (but it does!)

OK, so I think I'm going mad here! Here's where I am. SQL Server 2008: I've set up Database Mail, and I've sent myself a test email. Simple, works fine. I've created an operator, called 'Tom'. I've given it an email address (but nothing else). However, when I run this command: EXECUTE msdb.dbo.sp_notify_operator @name=N'Tom',@subj...

Scripting setup of database mail

I've used the SQL Server 2008 GUI to set up database mail profiles & accounts on my test server, and I'd now like to duplicate those to our production database. Is there a way to generate a script to do this? ...

No rows in MSDB.dbo.sysmail_faileditems

Initially I was getting a "no SELECT privilege" error when attempting to query contents for a report I need to create. So we granted DatabaseMailUserRole in MSDB to my account - I see columns, but none of the data we know to exist. What am I missing that needs to be done for my account to see the data? ...