
write control in couchdb

Hey SO, reading the couchdb book, I came across the statement, "Writes are serialized, allowing only one write operation at any point in time, for any single database" what does this mean? how does it control write conflict without locks? This is probably a question better suited to the couchdb mailing list, but I wanted a more compu...

duplicated foreign key constraints - reasons for or against

I've just come across a table in production which has 4 foreign key constraints. Two of the constraints are exact duplicates of the other two. ie fk1(a_id) references a(id) fk2(a_id) references a(id) fk3(b_id) references b(id) fk4(b_id) references b(id) I have never seen this before ... it strikes me as being quite wrong and my gut ...

MDF (SQL) database file is over 88 GB and i have no idea why!

hi, With some reason my sql database file exploded to become over 88 GB and i can't see a reason why. i run few scripts to search for large tables, found nothing to be too big. i also tried to run shrink database (which did nothing) and shrink files (which return an error). has anyone has any idea what else i can do? Thanks. ...

arff file format

Please give me the program code in java or perl to convert a microarray dataset to ARFF file format ....... ...

Differerence between hibernate types: boolean, yes_no, true_false

When to use each? To what do they map in the database? ...

SQL: Create new database options explanation..

When creating a new database in SQL SERVER, there are many options. Can any of you guys please help me in understanding all these options? Any explanation/links/help well appreciated. ...

how does the new keyword in hql work?

I found this example in jboss's documentation. select new Family(mother, mate, offspr) from DomesticCat as mother join mother.mate as mate left join mother.kittens as offspr Where does the Family class come from. Do I need to import somewhere, or to use its fully qualified class name? ...

Is there a C# open-source search app which scales cheaply?

I need to quickly replace a listings website which has the following characteristics: smallish database (10,000 items, < 1GB) < 10% of the items updated/created/removed daily most common activity is searching the whole dataset, returning 1-1000 items traffic peaks at 1m page impressions per day Scaling strategy for the existing app h...

Is it realistic to edit an ecommerce db with Excel?

Hi, I'm building an ecommerce website and the client insists that he'll be able to edit products with Excel spreadsheet. It is a bit complex ecommerce website. We have physical product - computer service - computer installation product with variations - shirt with different sizes group product - a shirt and a tie. Is it realistic ...

Auto-tuning tools for Postgres?

Hi, I am looking for tools to auto-tuning for postgresql database. Do you know any tools for postgres like DB2 Design Advisor in DB2, Database Tuning Advisor in Microsoft SQL Server or SQL Access Advisor in Oracle? Thanks for any links and ideas:). ...

Could somebody explain SOLR requestHandlers and responseWriters in detail?

Firstly, many parts of the solr wiki is not very useful for somebody who just learned how to index and search fields. It seems it is written for experts! It uses terms that is RELATIVE to solr, so it's very difficult to understand it without reading it several times over. NOTE: I have a classifieds website where the most recent ads alwa...

Grails limit database column size

Hi, In my Grails app I have a domain class that has a property SearchPrivacy searchPrivacy = SearchPrivacy.PUBLIC where SearchPrivacy is an enum enum SearchPrivacy { PRIVATE('pr'), PUBLIC('pu'); final String id SearchPrivacy(String id) { = id } static getEnumFromId(String id) { values()...

Oracle 10g timestamp importing into SQL Server as clob

We're importing an Oracle 10g database into SQL Server 2008. When using the 'SQL Server Import and Export Wizard', the Oracle fields with a datatype of 'timestamp(6)' get converted into a 'CLOB' in SQL Server. Why doesn't it get converted into a 'date' datatype? ...

Data processing benchmarks.

We are using a ORM to interact with Microsoft SQL Server database and Oracle database, we do a lot of record processing and updations. I am looking into how I should benchmark my data processing capabilities.Should it be time versus data processed ? GOALS: Amount of time it takes to process invalid records to valid records.(trace/ti...

Getting Started with Sync Framework

I'm having some trouble getting started with the Sync Framework. In doing research, it looks like the Sync Framework is a better fit for what we need than replication or a custom-rolled solution. Basically, we need to keep some datasets synced from our central office with every store in the company to overcome shortfalls with crappy DS...

Connecting to a MS Access database through a function

This is my function: Public Function DBConnection(ByVal path As String) ' This function makes the database connection and returns the object ' to reference it. cn = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=" + path + ";") cn.Open() Return cn End Function As you can see, I want to initializ...

Tool to see android database, tables and data

Hi, I am new to Android and i would like to know if there's any tool to see databases (.db) tables and data into these tables. Thanks in advance. Best Regards. Josema. ...

Should a Federal Tax Id be encrypted in a database?

My first inclination is to say yes, since it's essentially a corporation's SSN which I would encrypt. However, I'm not sure whether SOX or and Federal guidelines actually require it to be encrypted. Anyone know for sure? ...

How to generate typed datasets for multiple database platforms ?

Hello, I want to generate a typed DataSet for both Oracle and DB2 databases from a single XSD file. Background: When I drag a table onto the Visual Studio Dataset Designer, it generates a XSD file (e.g. DataSet1.xsd) with all appropriate information. Then VS invokes the built-in Tool (MSDataSetGenerator) to generate the Dataset classes...

Combining the date in order to insert it to the database

I need to combine day, month and year in PHP in order to insert it to MySQL database. How I'll combine the day, the month and the year? I'm choosing the date from a drop down menu. ...