I'm writing a utility program with C# in WPF that allows users to create role-playing scenarios, including monsters, items, characters, etc.
The user will create or import the elements (monsters, etc) and then use the imported elements to create scenarios. Everything used by the program is created within the program, so I don't have an...
Hi, I'm going to be developing a site where users will have the opportunity to edit previously submitted form data. What I have been asked to do is to track all edits via some form of versioning system in the database. I'm still not entirely sure of the structure of the data i'll be working with yet, but I'm trying to think of the best a...
Hi all-
I am creating a site similar to the infamous Woot in one particular way: I would like to rotate through products at a rate of one per day. I am using RoR, and would prefer to dynamically choose a product, and not have to enter one each day. So here are the requirements:
1) Get a new product each day
2) Select dynamically f...
Can someone give a demo?
I'm using MySQL,but the idea should be the same!
In fact I'm asking what's the difference between Doctrine_Relation and Doctrine_Relation_ForeignKey in doctrine?
I'm a little confused about MongoDB's read locking. How many concurrent read operations can a single collection support?
I need to implement a tag system for video program and before I build something myself, is there an attractive drag-n-drop tag component that will filter a table for me?
We have a large number of data in many categories with many properties, e.g.
category 1: Book
properties: BookID, BookName, BookType, BookAuthor, BookPrice
category 2: Fruit
properties: FruitID, FruitName, FruitShape, FruitColor, FruitPrice
We have many categories like book and fruit. Obviously we can create many tables for them (M...
I am into designing ETL with source and target database as oracle Standard Edition.
For ETL purpose I need to get the changed data everytime.Client does not want any changes to be made in source objects.
Is it feasible to create Materialized view log on source database using dblink to track Inser/Update/Delete on the identified tables....
I have been building a multi-user database application (in C#/WPF 4.0) that manages tasks for all employees of a company. I now need to add some functionality such as sending an email reminder to someone when a critical task is due. How should this be done? Obviously I don’t want every instance of the program to be performing this functi...
I have two Oracle questions.
How can I set the primary key of a table when the table is made up of an object type? e.g.
CREATE TABLE object_names OF object_type
I have created a Varray type,
but when I try to do
SELECT p.tags.count FROM pg_photos p;
I get an inv...
i am using a query inside php as
$query = 'SELECT * from #__chronoforms_UploadAuthor where text_6 like "%'.$_GET['title'].'%" and text_7 like "%'.$_GET['author'].'%" limit 0,1';
where i am trying to insert a php variable instead of 1 in the limit..
$query = 'SELECT * from #__chronoforms_UploadAuthor where text_6 like "%'.$...
Full text search is becoming a tedious job using the relational databases’ approach. Can anybody suggest an alternate option if any or way to customize the full text search ?
My production database is several GB's uncompressed and it's getting to be a pain to download and run locally when trying to reproduce a bug or test a feature with real data.
I would like to be able to select the specific records that interest me, then have the library figure out what other records are necessary to produce a dataset tha...
But what if I want the total rows? I don't want to make another query without the limit. I just want this one query to return the total rows if I didn't put the LIMIT in there.
cursor.execute("SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS user_id FROM...limit 5")
rows = cursor.fetchall()
total_rows = cursor.execute("SELECT FOUND_ROWS()") #this doesn't work for some reason.
Edit: I tried SELECT FOUND_ROWS() FROM my_table...and the numbers are funky.
I have a column whose value is a json array. For example:
[{"att1": "1", "att2": "2"}, {"att1": "3", "att2": "4"}, {"att1": "5", "att2": "6"}]
What i would like is to provide a view where each element of the json array is transformed into a row and the attributes of each json object into columns. Keep in mind that the json array doesn...
I came from several years working in a company where all the database objects were stored in source control, one file per object. We had a list of all the objects that was maintained when new items were added (to allow us to have scripts run in order and handle dependencies) and a VB script that ran to create one big script ...
Suppose I have 500 rows of data, each with a paragraph of text (like this paragraph). That's it.I want to do a search that matches part of words. (%LIKE%, not FULL_TEXT)
What would be faster?
SELECT * FROM ...WHERE LIKE "%query%"; This would put load on the database server.
Select all. Then, go through each one and do .find >= 0 This ...
Another question on SO suddenly got me wondering what the largest database in the world is (and how big it could be). A quick Google search turned up this: the NSA call database, created by the U.S. National Security Agency. Supposedly this database contains over 1.9 trillion records containing details relating to phone calls placed thro...
What happens if I set this variable to 0? What are its side effects?
I'm currently having trouble with the db.dat file, it's currently on 60 gB. Can I solve this issue setting the databaseIncrementSize to 0?
I'm currently reading this link
Data in LucidDB is stored using 32K
pages in an operating system file
named db.dat. Pages...