
PHP: Log errors to a logfile locally

Hello all, I am trying to setup PHP to log errors locally so that I can solve this problem. However, I can't even get this to work. I have followed this tutorial, but nothing. Does it only log fatal errors or what? Is there anything else I need to make sure of? ...

Use of databaseIncrementSize variable on LucidDb

What happens if I set this variable to 0? What are its side effects? I'm currently having trouble with the db.dat file, it's currently on 60 gB. Can I solve this issue setting the databaseIncrementSize to 0? I'm currently reading this link Data in LucidDB is stored using 32K pages in an operating system file named db.dat. Pages...

What is this for an IP in my google app engine log file?

I get many normal log lines in my google app engine application. But today I go these instead the 4-part number: 2a01:e35:2f20:f770:6c54:3ee8:67fb:df8 What is this for an format? ipv6 are 6 numbers, mac address too... Normal logfile line: - - [19/Mar/2010:14:31:35 -0700] "GET /geo_data.js HTTP/1.1" 200 776 "http://www...

What do the square brackets in LaTeX logs mean?

I'm currently working on a parser that reads complete LaTeX logs. Most of the log format is, though weird, easy to figure out, but these square brackets are puzzling me. Here's an example from near the end of one of my logs: Overfull \hbox (10.88788pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 40--40 []$[]$ [] [102]) [103] Kapitel 14. (./Thermo...

how to insert a specific data in text file(with .log extension) into database table?

I have managed to insert the whole text-file data in SQL-SERVER database table with this statement BULK INSERT [dbo].[tablename] FROM 'c:\weblog.log' WITH ( FIELDTERMINATOR = ' ', ROWTERMINATOR = '\n' ) But my text-file is not organized in any format and it contains some data i want to omit from the insertion process. So i am looking ...

regarding log4view file reciever

I am trying to open old files which are logged long time ago but i am not sure with which logging framework but it does seem like log4net because the files have date, thread and a message basically. Now the problem is log4view receiver cannot view the file. Is log4view specific for log4net files only or is there something i am missing? ...