
mysql subquery strangely slow

I have a query to select from another sub-query select. While the two queries look almost the same the second query (in this sample) runs much slower: SELECT ,user.first_name -- user.* FROM user WHERE IN (SELECT ref_id FROM education WHERE ref_type='user' ...

where has sun mysql database manager gone???

If I recall correctly, there where at least to desktop programas from sun which were very useful for handling mysql databases... Now, all I can find is some mysql workbench which is only useful for designing data... Both programs I'm talking about allowed you to manage servers, create database, create tables, index, perform querys, edi...

Ideas on Populating the Fact Table in a Data Mart

Hi I am looking for ideas to populate a fact table in a data mart. Lets say i have the following dimensions Physician Patient date geo_location patient_demography test I have used two ETL tools to populate the dimension tables- Pentaho and Oracle Warehouse Builder. The date, patient demography and geo locations do not pul...

How should I structure my settings table with mysql?

I want to use MySQL to store a bunch of admin settings - what's the best way to structure the table? Like this? Setting _|_ Value setting1 | a setting2 | b setting3 | c setting4 | d setting5 | e Or like this? |--------|_setting1_|_setting2_|_setting3_|_setting4_|_setting5_| Settings | a | b | c | d ...

Problem with SubSonic's SimpleRepository.Exists

I've got the following code: UserLoginData userLoginData = _securitySoap.Login(username, password); _repository = new SimpleRepository(SimpleRepositoryOptions.RunMigrations); _repository.Add<UserLoginData>(userLoginData); var queryResult = _repository.Exists<UserLoginData>(x => x.UserName == userLoginData.UserName); The last line thro...

Providing multi-version databases for backward compatibility for production applications/databases.

How can I manage multiple versions of a database easily? I have some data (as views as selects for data originating in tables from other schemas), which other database may reference using various means including database synonyms & links. I wish to provide a sort of interface/guarantee in-case future for applications/databases which u...

How to insert a DataTable with existing Key to a SQL Server Table.

I am working with VB.NET.. i have a DataTable called "QUESTION", containing 3 fields: QuestionNumber (unique integer key) QuestionText QuestionType In my SQL Server database I created a Table called "QUESTION" with the same fields. QuestionNumber is defined as integer unique key, auto increment Now, when i make a bulk copy to inser...

.ADD examples to be used in Sybase Advantage Database Server

Hi, Im after an xx.ADD example database to run on a Sybase Advantage Database Server. cant find one, All help welcome, Thanks, Fox ...

Does any SQL frontend display sub-datasheets?

I'm looking for an SQL client app that can display subdatasheets like the following: Do you know of any? ...

doublechecking: no db-wide 'unicode switch' for sql server in the foreseeable future, i.e. like Oracle

Hi all, I believe I know the answer to this question, but wanted to confirm: Question Does Sql server (or will it in the foreseeable future), offer a database-wide "unicode switch" which says "store all characters in unicode (UTF-16, UCS-2, etc)", i.e. like Oracle. The Context Our application has provided "CJK" (Chinese-Japanese-Kor...

Database design query

Hi, I'm trying to work out a sensible approach for designing a database where I need to store a wide range of continuously changing information about pets. The categories of data can be broken down into, for example, behaviour, illness etc. Data will be submitted on a regular basis relating to these categories, so i need to find a good w...

Need to compare blobs in firebird

Hey guys, I need to check on the contents of blobs in my databases (yes, plural, but one problem at a time). In one database, I have about 900 images of potentially varying sizes. I need to check to see if the versioning system that's built into our application is actually correctly replicating the image data from the previous version...

Are there any examples/tutorials of using Spring 3.0 with Cassandra as a backend?

Hello, As I had written in title, I am trying to learn Spring 3.0 (I already know Django, Pylons and few simpler MVC frameworks) and try to use Cassandra as a backend for my web application. Are there any real world examples of doing this? Or maybe some tutorials? I know about the existence of documentation of both technologies, yet I...

Oracle .dmp file

I have an oracle .dmp file, and no access to a local oracle install.. Is there any way I can read the data or open it in another program to see what data is in this file? ...

Table with a lot of attributes

Hi, I'm planing to build some database project. One of the tables have a lot of attributes. My question is: What is better, to divide the the class into 2 separate tables or put all of them into one table. below is an example create table User { id, name, surname,... show_name, show_photos, ...) or create table User { id, name, sur...

How to retrieve items from a database c#

I have 3 tables "pics", "shows", "showpics" I want to be able to edit the table "shows". In order to do this i need to retrive the pictures that the show contains (the pictures are stored in the table "pics") the "showpics" table acts as a link does anyone have any ideas as im completely lost and have no idea where to even start Than...

PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 2388608 bytes...

I get this, when I try to run my PHP. When I comment out the database execute() method it is going without errors. But this is not helping me a lot. Please Help :-) ...

Archiving Database Tables using Java

My application demands archiving database tables between sybase and db2 and vice-a-versa and within(db2 to db2 and sybase to sybase) using java. I am trying to understand the best strategies around in terms of performance, implementation, ease of use and scalability. Here is my current process - source and destination tables with th...

Compressing large text data before storing into db?

Hello, I have application which retrieves many large log files from a system LAN. Currently I put all log files on Postgresql, the table has a column type TEXT and I don't plan any search on this text column because I use another external process which nightly retrieves all files and scans for sensitive pattern. So the column value c...

Keyword to SQL search

Use Case When a user goes to my website, they will be confronted with a search box much like SO. They can search for results using plan text. ".net questions", "closed questions", ".net and java", etc.. The search will function a bit different that SO, in that it will try to as much as possible of the schema of the database rather than ...