
execute php via mysql ?

Is it possible to execute a php file using mysql stored procedure or event scheduler? ...

How to restrict user from modifying data in mysql data base?

We need to deploy application(developed by Java) WAR file in client place which make use of MySql 5.0. But we would like to restrict the client (the application owner, not the webpage visitor) from modifying any data in the database. Is there any way to protect data. The client can make use of the application but they should not be able ...

question on database query using hibernate in java with annotations

Hello, simple question regarding HQL(Hibernate query language) so i have user class , that can hold a list of Projects, how do i take this out of the database depending on a username, this is how i take out my user String username = "stephen"; YFUser user = (YFUser) session.createQuery( "select u FROM YFUser u where u.usernam...

Does anyone else think instance variables are problematic in database-backed applications?

It occurs to me that state control in languages like C# is not well supported. By this, I mean, it is left upto the programmer to manage the state of in-memory objects. A common use-case is that instance variables in the domain-model are copies of information residing in persistent storage (i.e. the database). Clearly this violates the ...

Can you have 2 tables with identical structure in a good DB schema?

2 tables: - views - downloads Identical structure: item_id, user_id, time Should I be worried? ...

Can I create my own database from PHP?

I have a working PHP server. Now I want to use databases (MySQL or something similar). Is it possible to create a database from PHP? I would like to emphasize that in my case I do not have any user-name and password which I can use to connect to MySQL server. I also do not have a control-panel where I could create a database or a table ...

storage format for small iphone database?

I need to make a program, which will have about 1000 articles in it. Articles are grouped by categories, one article can be under more than one category. Users can browse through articles through categories (iphone tables will be used here) or through full text search. There will be hyperlinks in articles too, they will lead to another a...

Financial Market Developer Dilemma

In the no-so-distant future I plan to work for a corporation in the financial sector as a software developer. I have a few of options as right now: Learn and focus on .NET since (presumably) it is widely used in the financial industry. Study the programming concepts, learn algorithms, learn a little bit of C/C++, C#, JAVA, Objective-C...

Which tables should be created to store all the kinds of files for online application?

Hi I new in database design. I have a question with my own few solution, what do you think? Which tables should be created for all the kinds files that stored in my online store (images, attached email files, text files for store email body, etc.) ? option 1: use seperate table for files types files{ id files_types_id FK file_path f...

Visual Basic 6 ADO Update question...

Hi, I've been working with a Legacy application which interacts with a database through ADODB, and most of the changes to records follow a fairly straightforward pattern of: Create a Recordset from a query Make various change to the recordset call .Update on the recordset. What I'm wondering is, with ADODB recordsets, is there anywa...

How add a Primary Key autoincremented on my existing table ?

I have a table with some datas. Is there a way to add a PK without erase the table ? ...

Data dump of Hibernate-based application

Is there some tool for do dump data to some format. May be XML, JSON, CSV etc for using it in other application(may be with other DB engine) ...

Tapestry / JDBC - Storing Date

So Im using Tapestry and trying to store a date from a beaneditform into a simple Access database. It wont work, Im getting Null pointer exceptions and I cannot understand why. String onSuccess() { System.out.println("in on success!"); String nextPage = null; try { Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); connection =...

dymanic columns in mysql tables?

i want to add dynamic columns in a mysql table. but i dont know exactly how. i want to let the user add some columns (fields) in a thread. eg. let him add a integer field and a value (eg. price: 199) or a string field and a value (eg. name: teddybear). the user can add as many field/value-pairs as he wants. i thought i could create ...

best web database solution for scala for a high traffic site?

I am in charge of a rebuilding a website that gets about 250,000 visitors a day. We'd like to use Scala, but it does not work very well with Spring (in some minor cases) and Hibernate (there is a major and very annoying mismatch here if you want to use scala collections, which we do). The application itself is going to have about 40-50 ...

Mapping issue with multi-field primary keys using hibernate/JPA annotations

Hi all, I'm stuck with a database which is using multi-field primary keys. I have a situation where I have a master and details table, where the details table's primary key contains fields which are also the foreign key's the the master table. Like this: Master primary key fields: master_pk_1 Details primary key fields: maste...

Single Table Inheritance (Database Inheritance design options) pros and cons and in which case it used?

Hi, I study about today about 2 database design inheritance approaches: 1. Single Table Inheritance 2. Class Table Inheritance In my student opinion Single Table Inheritance make database more smaller vs other approaches because she use only 1 table. But i read that the more favorite approach is Class Table Inheritance according Bill...

free public databases with non-trivial table structures?

I'm looking for some sample database data that I can use for testing and demonstrating a DB tool I am working on. I need a DB that has (preferably) many tables, and many foreign key relationships between the tables. Ideally the data would be in SQL dump format, or at least in something that maintains the foreign key references, and cou...

How do I save user specific data in an site?

I just set up user profiles using 3.5 using wvd. For each user I would like to store data that they will be updating every day. For example, every time they go for a run they will update time and distance. I intend to allow them to also look up their history of distance and time from any past date. My question is, what does th...

How to publish internal data to the internet - as simple as possible

We have a .net 2-tier application where a desktop program is talking to a database. We support MS SQL Server 2000, 2005, 2008 and Oracle 9, 10 and 11. The application is sold, not as shrink-wrap, but pretty close. It is quite important for us that the installation and configuration is as easy as possible as installation instructions are...