
Android Cursor over Generic list of business objects?

In .NET land I would normally query the database and populate a generic List kind of collection. Then the app would use this. In Android land I have been reading about DB access and use in apps. Why do most of the docs show the use of a cursor and use of constants to access it? Is this to save on resources perhaps? ...

"The method setListAdapter(ArrayAdapter) is undefined for the type create"

Hi to all , I am completely new to java & android ,so I try to found useful sample about android & databases . So I found this blog with project I run project and he works fine , but I was trying to create new project and to copy & past code in it ...

Rails advanced queries with join and sum calculation

I have two models: companies and expenses. Companies have many expenses and expenses belong to companies. My expense model has an 'amount' column. I was wondering if there is a way to perform a find based on a date range and the amount column of the expenses. Something like top 3 companies by total expense amounts over a 7 day period. ...

Silverlight database

I'm looking for an embedded database for a silverlight application.I have found several choices like MCObjects( and EffiProz( Which one is most suitable as local cache? ...

Dataset Binding stored procedures update/insert/delete

I am currently having a problem since the DB has been changed. I am using Datasets for a c# application, and there is a user management system. For the security issues, our current DB design is like user log into app. DB returns a session ID On use of any other stored procedures, a session ID must be specified. BUT, the DB did...

large databases in sqlite - file size considerations?

I'm using a sqlite db which is very convenient and seems to meet all of my needs at this point. Currently my db size is <50MB, but I now need to add a new table which will store large text blobs, which will cause the db to reach up to 5GB within the next year. Would sqlite be able to deal with a 5GB db size? Any caveats to that, compar...

What's the best way to migrate a Django DB from SQLite to MySQL?

I need to migrate my db from sqlite to mysql, and the various tools/scripts out there are too many for me to easily spot the safest and most elegant solution. This seemed to me nice but appears to be 3 years since getting an update which is worrying.. Can you recommend a solution that is known to ...

storing original password text

My web application stores external website login/passwords for interaction with them. To interact with these websites I need to use the original password text, so storing just the hash in my database is not going to work. How should I store these passwords? Edit: I am concerned if someone gets access to my server. If I use some kind of...

Application connection with database persist after sucessfull transaction also.MAX CONNECTION POOL SIZE REACHED

Hi , I am using Spring.Data.NHibernate12 on my database application connection with database is not getting released. Underneath given is Dataconfiguration.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <objects xmlns="" xmlns:db=""&gt; <object i...

Why doesn't the OFFSETS function respect docid condition?

Why does SELECT OFFSETS(Data) FROM Data WHERE docid = 1 AND Data MATCH 'term' take same time as SELECT OFFSETS(Data) FROM Data WHERE Data MATCH 'term' And how can I make it work fast, i.e. just for one record? Thanks! ...

display an image stored in the database with Java

I have a problem when I want to display an image stored in the database with OLE using JAVA. ...

Creating a database instance in C#

Is it possible to create a sql database instance with C# code. I have no problem adding a database to an existing SQL instance, for example WONEA\SQLEXPRESS but for creating another SQL instance such as WONEA\SQLEXPRESSTEST I'm a little stumped. Help! ...

MS Sql Full-text search vs. LIKE expression

Hi. I'm currently looking for a way to search a big database (500MB - 10GB or more on 10 tables) with a lot of different fields(nvarchars and bigints). Many of the fields, that should be searched are not in the same table. An example: A search for '5124 Peter' should return all items, that ... have an ID with 5124 in it, have 'Peter'...

Is existed web markup languages with possibility insert sql query?

Actually what I want - simple DB with simple User Interface. Like MS Access, but for web and it can be without Dragn n Drop, but described with markup language. For example if I want to create list report, then i need to write something like: <table query="SELECT * from mytable"></table> It needed for simple data applications. In that ki...

How do I avoid a race condition in my Rails app?

Hi, I have a really simple Rails application that allows users to register their attendance on a set of courses. The ActiveRecord models are as follows: class Course < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :scheduled_runs ... end class ScheduledRun < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :course has_many :attendances has_many :attendees, :thr...

how to design a db like Facebook where users can update their status and of the fb page as admin

i am designing a database where users can update status messages of theirs and they can create pages groups like facebook fan page and post status like the admin of the page and not as a user. user(id, name..) group(id, name...) group_admin(group_id, user_id) this is my set up. Is this the way to do it. How to post under the group a...

Naming of boolean column in database table

I have 'Service' table and the following column description as below Is User Verification Required for service ? Is User's Email Activation Required for the service ? Is User's Mobile Activation required for the service ? I Hesitate in naming these columns as below IsVerificationRequired IsEmailActivationRequired IsMobileActivatio...

Create SQLite database in android

I want to create a SQLite database in my app, which contains three tables, I will add data into tables and will use them later on. but I like to keep database ,as if when app is first time installed it checks whether the database exist or not, if exists it updates it else if not then creates a new database. further more I am making a D...

How to inject php code from database into php script ?

I want to store php code inside my database and then use it into my script. class A { public function getName() { return "lux"; } } // instantiates a new A $a = new A(); Inside my database there is data like "hello {$a->getName()}, how are you ?" In my php code I load the data into a variable $string $string = loa...

Should I Split Tables Relevant to X Module Into Different DB? Mysql

I've inherited a rather large and somewhat messy codebase, and have been tasked with making it faster, less noodly and generally better. Currently we use one big database to hold all data for all aspects of the site. As we need to plan for significant growth in the future, I'm considering splitting tables relevant to specific sections o...