
Is there any open source tool/software which can test data between two different databases ?

Hi, I want an open source/free tool which can test the schema, data, user defined functions, views and stored procedures between two different databases or two different versions of the databases. I am using MySQL database. Currently I am using DB Solo which is a 30 day trail version. Thanks in advance. ...

Taking MySql backup from my Java application

I am developing a Java application with MySql as the database. I have to dump the MySql database from my application periodically(let say every day at 10 a.m.) and I have written a batch (.bat) file for dumping the database. The batch file is working fine, but the problem is that it is asking for password each time during its execution. ...

Please provide an alternative for DB visualiser for handling netezza database

Hi .. currently i use db visualiser for connecting the netezza database. can you suggest any otehr alternative (freeware) for the same. ...

Cloud Database Service Latency/Performance

Hi All, I am running a heavy traffic site and our server is beginning to get to its limits, at the moment the entire LAMP stack is on one box (not ideal). I would like to move the database onto it's own box or onto a cloud service, but from my previous experience moving the database off the same box as the webserver increases the laten...

internal implementation of database Queries

In my experience I have used many queries like select, order by, where clause etc.. in mysql, sql-server, oracle etc For a moment i have thought, 1)how is this internally written to implement the above queries 2) which language do they use? 3) is that programming language? if yes which language? 4)what kind of environment required t...

Pros and Cons for CreatedDate and ModifiedDate columns in all database tables

What are the pros and cons? When should we have them and when we shouldn't? UPDATE What is this comment in an update SP auto generated with RepositoryFactory? Does it have to do anything with above columns not present? --The [dbo].[TableName] table doesn't have a timestamp column. Optimistic concurrency logic cannot be generated ...

SQL: Search and Replace part of string in all tables

Is it possible to search and replace all occurrences of a string in all tables of a database? ...

Database MySql design - varchar length for utf8 fields :: 1. password 2. username

Hi, Most of the times I define varchar(255) length auto. But now I thinking how much varchar length should be best to define for utf8 fields: password username email If this fields should be define less than varchar 255, how much performance it will improve? Thanks ...

Which comes first: database or application logic ?

What is the best way or recommended best practice in the flow of database driven web application? I mean the database first or coding first or side by side? ...

White Label Ecommerce app. Shared or Individual dbs

Currently I'm working with an in house white label cms that we resell to multiple clients and it all runs from the same box/db. I'm just looking at converting this to have an ecommerce version that we'll run alongside it. I'm wondering whether there will be an issue keeping all the products/categories/orders in one db or whether it wou...

Best datastructure for this relationship...

I have a question about database 'style'. I need a method of storing user accounts. Some users "own" other user accounts (sub-accounts). However not all user accounts are owned, just some. Is it best to represent this using a table structure like so... TABLE accounts ( ID ownerID -> ID name ) ...even though there will be som...

Web frameworks with scaffolding and/or web based DB administration tools?

I'm looking for web app frameworks and/or database administration tools, either popular and unpopular, written in any language, for any relational database. In short, I'm looking for web accessible CRUD front-ends with minimal programming effort. For example: phpMyAdmin (MySQL administration tool) Ruby on Rails (web app framework wit...

What is the fastest way to get a DataTable into SQL Server?

I have a DataTable in memory that I need to dump straight into a SQL Server temp table. After the data has been inserted, I transform it a little bit, and then insert a subset of those records into a permanent table. The most time consuming part of this operation is getting the data into the temp table. Now, I have to use temp tables,...

Expand my knowledge in DB programming

Hi there, my name is Tal, Im working on a PHP Application the should have lots and lots of records, what DB should I use, and are there guides on the web that explains how to build efficient dbs and tables? Tnx! ...

What is a good approach to preloading data?

Are there best practices out there for loading data into a database, to be used with a new installation of an application? For example, for application foo to run, it needs some basic data before it can even be started. I've used a couple options in the past: TSQL for every row that needs to be preloaded: IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM M...

DataSet - Ensuring PrimaryKey data when Filling with a query that is a join.

When filling a DataSet, I am using the "AddWithKey" value for the DataAdapter's MissingSchemaAction. According to MSDN: Adding schema information to a DataSet before filling it with data ensures that primary key constraints are included with the DataTable objects in the DataSet. But, when I do the following: DataColumn[] ...

Zip multiple database PDF blob files

I have a database table that contains numerous PDF blob files. I am attempting to combine all of the files into a single ZIP file that I can download and then print. Please help! <?php include '../config.php'; include '../connect.php'; $session = $_GET['session']; $query = "SELECT $tbl_uploads.username, $tbl_uploads...

Combine PDF Blob Files from MySQL Database

How do I combine numerous PDF blob files into a single PDF so that can then be printed? <?php include 'config.php'; include 'connect.php'; $session= $_GET[session]; $query = " SELECT $tbl_uploads.username, $tbl_uploads.description, $tbl_uploads.type, $tbl_uploads.size, $tbl_uploads.content, $

What open source database platform is most easily transferred from my personal machine into a windows server?

I would like eventual interaction with MS Dynamics SL and/or MindTouch Core (running on WMware) for eventual intranet and/or internet display. ...

SQL query for selecting the firsts in a series by column

I'm having some trouble coming up with a query for what I am trying to do. I've got a table we'll call 'Movements' with the following columns: RecID(Key), Element(f-key), Time(datetime), Room(int) The table is holding a history of Movements for the Elements. One record contains the element the record is for, the time of the recorded l...