
How can I drop table if Entity Mode in Hibernate properties is Dynamic-Map?

Hi all, My application is creating tables dynamically using entity mode as dynamic-map in hibernate properties. Tables are generally network devices having their attributes as columns of table. Requirement is if device is deleted from database, its table will be deleted. Can i drop table using hibernate tools dynamically? ...

Keeping a local MySQL DB in sync with a live DB (MySQL Replication?)

Hi All, I have a large production database at the moment (7GB+), much of the data I require to test my development branches needs to be up to date. I would like to create a local DB so I can implement a CI server and have the development DB separate to the production DB, however with a DB of this size how do I ensure it's always in syn...

Print table data mysql php

Hi people, i'm having a problem trying to print some data of a table. I'm new at this php mysql stuff but i think my code is right. Here it is: <html> <body> <h1>Lista de usuários</h1> <?php $host="localhost"; // Host name $username="root"; // Mysql username $password=""; // Mysql password $db_name="sabs"; // Database name $tbl_name="do...

DB Design Pattern - Many to many classification / categorised tagging.

I have an existing database design that stores Job Vacancies. The "Vacancy" table has a number of fixed fields across all clients, such as "Title", "Description", "Salary range". There is an EAV design for "Custom" fields that the Clients can setup themselves, such as, "Manager Name", "Working Hours". The field names are stored in a "C...

SQL/PHP: How to upload big database to server when I have import file size limit? And then update...

Hi, I'm creating locally a big database using MySQL and PHPmyAdmin. I'm constantly adding a lot of info to the database. I have right now more than 10MB of data and I want to export the database to the server but I have a 10MB file size limit in the Import section of PHPmyAdmin of my web host. So, first question is how I can split the d...

Store database in /assets and access it

Hi i have very large database so i am not able to store it in... \data\data\"PACKAGE_NAME"\databases so i want to store database in Assets and access it from there .I do not want to copy database from assets into \data\data\"PACKAGE_NAME"\databases .. So any fertile brain there to plant solution..... ...

What databse uses these specific type of .dat and .idx files?

I'm trying to figure out what type of database uses these specific .dat and .idx files. When I view the .dat files using a binary file reader I see Record Schema followed by somewhat decipherable data names. A little further down I see Key Schema whch apears to be a comma separated list of clear text references. Each .dat file has a mat...

Suggestions on including free database products to include in an application - SQL Server Express or other

I am working on an enterprise level product that is designed around SQL Server Express and specifically its features (views, concurrent users, stored procedures, CASE and IF statements). Though we don't use any advanced SQL Server features, the database size limit of 4GB in the Express edition may up being a limitation. A work-around is...

Migrating to workflow makes, does it make sense?

Hi, We have very complicated code(still well written) which performs lot of stuff for a particular operation. Currently, this is performed in a service which talks to database directly. I have two goals for this service. I want to simplify the organization of the code. I want to be able to add more machines to scale in the future. T...

Database design -- does it respect 3rd NF?

Hi I have the following relations (tables) in a relational model Person person_id, first_name, last_name, address Student person_id, matr_nr Teacher person_id, salary Lecture lecture_id, lect_name, lect_description Attendees lecture_id, person_id, date I'm wondering about the functional dependencies of Student and Teach...

What performance gains can I expect from database paging?

Say I have a table X with 100 records in it and that running a select * from X takes 100 seconds. How long should I expect the query select top 10 * from X to take? I'd expect that the relationship is more or less linear so 10 seconds. Is this correct, or is the relationship non-linear in some way? ...

Is it possible to dynamically discover tables in an Entity Framework model ?

Hi, I have co-workers working on an Entity Framework model that changes structure (entities), over time as software development progresses. I've written some utilities that interact with the tables within the model, but I'd like to have the code dynamically discover the tables. Is there a way I can do this ? Perhaps with ADO.NET to g...

Question about oracle db connection with .NET

I'm trying to connect to an oracle database with .net but i get the error: ERROR [IM002] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified however, when I enter add a new database connection through tools>connect to database. it works fine. even after copying the connection string which is:...

Twisted + SQLAlchemy and the best way to do it.

So I'm writing yet another Twisted based daemon. It'll have an xmlrpc interface as usual so I can easily communicate with it and have other processes interchange data with it as needed. This daemon needs to access a database. We've been using SQL Alchemy in place of hard coding SQL strings for our latest projects - those mostly done f...

Using views as a data interface between modules in a database

Hello, I am working on the database layout of a straighforward small database in Mysql. We want to modularize this system in order to have more flexiblity for different implementations we are going to make. Now, the idea was to have one module in the database (simple a group of tables with constraints between them) pass its data to the ...

I created an access database in Access 2007 and split it, now I need to add another table. Is this possible?

I can add the table in the backend or the front end, but if I add to the front end, it doesn't update on others computers. If I add it to the backend, it didn't show on the front end either. Probably because it is not linked. How would i link the new table AFTER I already split the databse? Thanks! ...

How to insert a large number of records quickly using ADO.Net Entity Model?

I am using the ADO.Net Entity Model. Everytime I create a record, I am calling _entity.AddToTable(object); _entity.SaveChanges(); What is the fastest way of inserting the data? Is there any "batch" or "SqlBulkCopy" option for entity model? ...

Create a service that connects to remote database and uses public key encryption

I have been searching all day and reading many tutorials and still I am confused. I am working on a project that has the following requirements as specified by the client (customer - not to be confused with client app): Connect to a remote server and verify that connection was successful. Connect to Web service on said server via SOAP....

In django models, how to make all table names not have the app label?

I have a database that was already being used by other applications before i began writing a web interface with django for it. The table names follow simple naming standards, so the django model Customer should map to the table "customer" in the db. At the same time I'm adding new tables/models. Since I find it cumbersome to use app_cust...

Database web application

How would i go about creating a php application for my web page that can extract data from my database (i currently get the data in a CSV file). id also like the user to be able to filter the data by certain parameters. can u help ...