
Should I do de-normalization in this case?

Here is the situation: [Job] belongs to one [Job Category], which [Job Category] is belong to one [Industry] So, my initial design is like that: A Job have a fk to find the Job Category, and a Job Category have a fk to reference to Industry. But the problem is when I want to know the job is belong to which industry, I need to find the ...

db4o: compacting / shrinking

Does anyone know of a way to shrink/compact a db4o database? Thanks, John ...

What´s the single most influential database book or tutorial every DBA should read?

I am looking to learn more about databases (MySQL for starters), particularly about choosing the right approach (e.g. stored procedures vs views and triggers for data aggregation) in a situation. Maybe this example shows what I mean: Yesterday I asked a general SQL question about aggregation of data and received the answer that "it depe...

Need suggestion for web crawler software to help build a databse of accountants

We are working on simplifying accounting, payables and invoicing. In order to get the accountant to use our product we are intending to an email marketing targetted exclusively to all the book-keeprs and accounting/CPA firms in USA. We will like ot know whether there is any software/application that will help to crawl the net and get ema...

IllegalArgumentException: column '_id' does not exist when call to SimpleCursorAdaptor

I have a table namemaster having columns id, name, surname, gender, designation When i fire query to get cursor for Cursoradapter i get IllegalArgumentException: column '_id' does not exist when call to CursorAdaptor But there is no column with _id. Can anybody tell me why i ma getting this error.. Here stack trace 07-13 15:45:40....

Service-based Database in Visual Studio 2008

Hello Everyone, I'm creating a Windows Application in Visual Studio 2008. I've got experience developing business applications using SQL Database and Access Databases as well. But, I've seen "Service-based Database" in Visual Studio 2008 and I've made my whole application working with that Service-based Database. and It works pretty fin...

Database layout for trading/exchanging stuff

Hi, I'm building a prototype for a project where you are supposed to exchange stuff. How would you suggest I layout the database for the easiest query to match users with items they want to trade (I want to get rid of this/I want to get hold of that)? Thanks in advance! ...

Django - Is it ok to erase django generated database indexes?

AFAIK django creates indexes for you in the database (I use MySQL). As these indexes are preventing me from altering column names as part of a south migration I'm performing, I would like to remove these indexes. Is it legitimate to manually erase django indexes? Will django recreate them? ...

Is it better to store redundant information or join tables when necessary in MySQL?

I have an online shop where users can have little shops with their own products. Each of this products can have questions associated to it and the owner of the shop has the ability to answer those questions. This information is stored in 3 tables a "Questions"(QuestionID,ProductID,...) table, a "Products"(ProductID,ShopID,...) table and ...

How to adjust constraints / DB mapping for Map within grails domain class

Following grails domain class: class MyClass { Map myMap } Now for myMap, grails automatically creates a new table for the elements in the map. However if I add elements which are too long (e.g. 1024 characters), I get a DB error. Can I somehow tell grails to make the respective column in myMap's table big enough to allow for large...

Oracle: Selecting all records where the table's date fields' hour and minute value are set to certain value

I have a table in a Oracle database containing a date field EXPIRYDATE. I would need to select all records from the table, where the hour and minute portion of the date field are set to 0 (i.e. midnight). How can I achieve this? I tried with the extract function (

SQLJet - reading data

I want to modify the access method of the index structure of SQLJet. I managed to use the underlying B+Tree directly (without using the standard method by creating tables, rows...) to insert data and I can also move the ISqlJetBtreeCursor to the record I'm looking for. But unfortunately, there I'm stuck. The ISqlJetBtreeCursor is pointin... plugin for website

There is a company that uses salesforce software to keep track of all customers and the performance of the employees. I am building a points website, which is about the manager rewarding points to employees for a job well done. I want to integrate the info from salesforce software database about the employees and present it on my website...

VB.NET - SqlException: Could not locate entry in sysdatabases for database...

Hello, I want to backup my database using Linq to SQL: Dim sql As String = "BACKUP DATABASE SeaCowDatabase TO DISK = _ '" + sfd.FileName + "'" db.ExecuteCommand(sql) But instead, I get this error: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Could not locate entry in sysdatabases for database 'SeaCowDatabase'. No entry fo...

Android Content Provider inside the same application

I've more than one activity (inside the same Application) that needs to have access to the database. What's the best pattern to implement this ? Do I need a content provider even if all activities belong to the same application? Which activity should have the responsibility for opening and closing the database ? ...

Adding a unique constraint on calculated value of a column

Hi all, I'm not exactly sure how to phrase this, but here goes... We have a table structure like the following: Id | Timestamp | Type | Clientid | ..others.. 001 | 1234567890 | TYPE1 | CL1234567 |..... 002 | 1234561890 | TYPE1 | CL1234567 |..... Now for the data given above... I would like to have a const...

mySQL jar name and location

I wanted to know, What jars do I need to have to connect to MySQL, and Where can I download it? I googled it but there are so many of'em. Can somebody tell me what class DO I need to use.? Thanks ...

Best way to swap two records in TDataset Delphi?

New to delphi and database programming in general but am curious if there is a better way to swap records in a TDataset? I have read through some help and cant find any obvious methods. Currently I have a procedure implemented to move records down the dataset until they hit the Eof marker. However I am getting some odd errors when I get ...

Should I install 32-bit database or 64-bit database?

(I've read a lot about 64-bit versus 32-bit OS/Apps, but this question is specifically in regards to databases.) I'm trying to understand the pros and cons of 32-bit versus 64-bit databases, and namely, under what conditions that it starts to make sense to use 64-bit installations. The database systems that I am interested in are: SQL ...

Sphinx question: Structuring database

Hey, I'm developing a job service that has features like radial search, full-text search, the ability to do full-text search + disable certain job listings (such as un-checking a textbox and no longer returning full-time jobs). The developer who is working on Sphinx wants the database information to all be stored as intergers with a ke...