
designing database to hold different metadata information

So I am trying to design a database that will allow me to connect one product with multiple categories. This part I have figured. But what I am not able to resolve is the issue of holding different type of product details. For example, the product could be a book (in which case i would need metadata that refers to that book like isbn, ...

How to communicate with server's database from android phone?

Hello, I'm currently making an app where it would communicate with a simple database that will be hosted on a server. The database will only have three columns, a _id, title, and url link. I've successfully done this using the phone's local database using SQLiteDatabase but I want it so that any other phone can also access the same data...

SQL Server backup causes recent table records to disappear for one table

I just noticed two months after switching out a backup drive that one table in one of the backed-up databases is losing records past a certain point. The database is backed up weekly. Prior to the new drive, the table had records from 3/11/2010 to 6/8/2010. After the first backup ran, the table was missing all records past 3/11/2010,ex...

Quick and dirty reports based on a SQL query

I never thought I'd ever say this but I'd like to have something like the report generator in Microsoft Access. Very simple, just list data from a SQL query. I don't really care what language is used as long as I can get it done fast. C#,C++,Python,Javascript... I want to know the quickest (development sense) way to display data from ...

How can I transfer data between 2 MySQL databases ?

I want to do that using a code and not using a tool like "MySQL Migration Toolkit". The easiest way I know is to open a connection (using MySQL connectors) to DB1 and read its data. Open connection to DB2 and write the data to it. Is there a better/easiest way ? ...

sqlite: how to find all rows in a table where ANY of the columns are null?

I have a very large CSV file that I imported into a sqlite table. There are over 50 columns and I'd like to find all rows where any of the columns are null. Is this even possible? I'm just trying to save myself the time of writing out all of the 50 different columns in a where clause. Thanks. ...

Table design question

Hi, I am having a problem choosing the variable types for database table. Can someone please give me some general guidelines as to how to choose the types? The following are some of the questions I have -- What should an userid be? An INT seems small as the design should take large number of users into account. So if not INT what el...

Java & Local Databases

TL DR; Want some Java help with connecting to a truly local database ( no access to server tech ), or if you can whip up code, that will work. All it has to do is query the DB ( MS Access, although can be changed ), and output a JSON string. See EDIT2 for more specificity. EDIT: Before anyone says JDBC; I looked through the tutorials ( ...

Large Database management using C#

We are using MySQL to get data from database, match the data and send back the matched data to user. The MySQL Db contain 10 table , 9 tables are having less data which needed to be matched with 10th table which has 25 Million records and still adding. I need to create C# application to match the data and send to user. After every 1 min,...

"SQLiteDatabase created and never closed" problem.

Hi, I have the same problem as in - I get "SQLiteDatabase created and never closed" although I close all my databases and cursors. But I am new to java, can someone please help me implement the solution in my context? since I am not using my own p...

How to use Oracle without transactions?

MySQL has special table type MyISAM that does not support transactions. Does Oracle has something like this? I'd like to create write-only database(for logging) that needs to be very fast(will store a lot of data) and doesnt need transactions. ...

is there a good PHP CRUD code generator?

Is there any better PHP CRUD code generator? I want to get Data Access Object, Business Object and Value Object. It would be difficult to match my needs, but I am happy at least I can get any relevant one. Thanks in advance. [EDIT] I am working on an MVC based application. I am using my own MVC framework. I need this code generator to ...

Database source control vs. schema change scripts

Building and maintaining a database that is then deplyed/developed further by many devs is something that goes on in software development all the time. We create a build script, and maintain further update scripts that get applied as the database grows over time. There are many ways to manage this, from manual updates to console apps/bui...

How do I register a DbProvideFactory?

I am trying to create a new ADO.NET connection string using the 'Add Connection' dialog. I click the 'Change' button to change the selected 'Data Source' but can't see the desired data source in the list of registered data sources. Now, I know I need to update the machine.config file 'DbProviderFactories' element with the appropriate e...

Autoincrement of table id using string combination in database automatically

We know that id of any table is of integer type and auto-increment in that table is fine. But my problem is that i want to increment a combination of string and integer. For example String : ABC is the starting code for the unique id. First Id of my table should be primary key and ie ABC10001, ABC10002,..... and so on. Without using ...

DB design: one large DB for all customers or many small DBs

Looking for any suggestions or advise or even best practices. I have developed an online database using php and mysql. It allows companies to log complaints and resolutions etc. There is a user database for login and a cip database for logging the main data. 2 companies are trialing and testing the database. At the moment each compan...

Filtering data in Mysql

I know WHERE, LIKE, IN filters in database. But how can I filter with "except" ? I want to select all data except a specificdata. Thanks in advance ...

C# Lightweight Data Access From Windows Forms App

I have a simple C# Application that requires access to an admin table which persists two variables. Can someone tell me what is the fastest(in terms of dev time) method to interact with the database to retrieve and update the table. I don't wish to create an entire data layer just to gain access to a single table? ...

variable table name in sqlite

Question: Is it possible to use a variable as your table name w/o having to use string constructors to do so? Info: I'm working on a project right now that catalogs data from a star simulation of mine. To do so I'm loading all the data into a sqlite database. It's working pretty well, but I've decided to add a lot more flexibility, ...

SQL Server real/float precision changing during SSIS import to MS-Access database

I am using SSIS to grab the results from 2 Views in a SQL Server database, union them (with appropriate mapping), filter them and place them into an Access database. This process is working, but the precisions of certain data are changing. I was already aware of the normal float/real problem of storing approximate values (e.g. http://s...