
Is there a way to generate database by writing PHP?

Is there a way to generate SQLite3 database by writing PHP with no SQL? Somewhat like django's models. ...

Is it possible for hibernate to create the database and database user?

I have an application that uses hibernate and JPA to handle the database. I know that hibernate can create the database tables for me, however, I've found that I must first create the database files and the database user account before hibernate can create the tables. Is there a way for hibernate to do create the database and user accoun...


Hi, I would like create a table and add to it a Primary Key. As for my understanding MS SQL add a clustered Index on the Primary Key and will name it with a default name. I would like to know if is possible create a table and ASSIGN a custom name for the index created by default or how can i change the default name after the table as ...

should i implement my key/value system in memory or in MS SQL or 3rd party?

i think i've done enough research to know that i want to go with a NOsql key/value route. i've read up as much as i can and have the following questions still: should i go with something like amazon simpledb, google big table or microsoft azure's solution? (note i'm a .NET site) why not just simply create an in memory hashtable of ke...

Are there any JDBC implementations for NoSql databases?

I just wonder if there are any JDBC implementations (in some extent, as much as possible) for any NoSql DB (opensource or proprietary)? How do you think, is it possible that this implementation will show as good performance as raw API of correspondent NoSql DB? Which parts cannot be implemented (transactions? CallableStatements? etc)? ...

How to add (existing/new) database to Intellij IDEA?

Adding database in NetBeans or Eclipse is very simple. In IDEA I don't see appropriate tools (data sources window doesn't seem to be suitable for this). ...

Database tables naming, plural or singular

When naming tables and schema of the db is it best to use singular or plural. For example. should it be Customers or Customer? And when naming should it be Capital such as Customer or customer? Any best practice regarding naming? ...

How to get the distinct field value in a multiple field in multiple table?

Hi friends, i have a two table x and y. In that x table has x1 as country, x2 as country, y table has y1 as country, y2 has country. For this data, how can i get the distinct country values in this two table with this four country field? Before that i used a single country in a single table like this, $query="select distinct(`x1`) f...

Is it ok to place user id's from a db in the GET string for a php app page?

Hi, apologies if I make any cardinal errors in question asking, this is my first post. Building a simple app in php where the user has permissions to a number of different sets of data which are held in a db with corresponding id's. Currently I have the user switching the set of data they are viewing by choosing a set from a dropdown. ...

Python Framework for Desktop Database Application

Is there a framework to develop Desktop Database applications (some screens with CRUD screens) for Python? I am looking for something similar to Windows Forms, with the ability to associate TextField, Combos and other UI metaphors with datasets connected to relational databases such as MySQL, SQLServer, Oracle or PostgreSQL. Thanks! ...

What is the most used method for accessing database from C# nowadays

Ok, I am asking this question because I am totally confused. I used to use normal approach to access databases from C#(I mean by using SQLConnection, OracleConnection, SQLCommand, executequery etc.). Then I heard about ADO.NET, ORM and learned NHibernate(not a pro, but I can manage). Recently I don't see any particular activities regard...

Year Based Primary Key?

How can I create a Primary Key in SQL Server 2005/2008 with the format: CurrentYear + auto-increment? Example: The current year is 2010, in a new table, the ID should start in 1, so: 20101, 20102, 20103, 20104, 20105... and so on. ...

Database field definitions

Hi, I need to do a data migration from a data base and I'm not too familiar with databases so I would like some clarification. I have some documentation that could apply to either an Oracle or a SQL database and it has a column defined as NUMBER(10,5). I would like to know what this means. I think it means that the number has 10 digits ...

Does SAS Programming have a meaningful future?

I saw some job offers for SAS Programmer. I hear nothing about SAS at my college and I really dont know what to think about it. Is it a niche programming platform like Oracle Forms or Lotus Notes? How does SAS Programming compare to Java, C# ? ...

Connecting Coldfusion 9 with MySql 5 on Ubuntu 9.10

I've recently set up a Ubuntu 9.10 server with a LAMP configuration and then installed Coldfusion 9 Development version as well. I've got phpMyAdmin working, so MySql and PHP are fine, and I can serve coldfusion pages, but if I cannot verify my Coldfusion datasource. I get the following error: Could not create connection to databa...

How can I generate database tables from C# in order to version control the database?

Currently, changes to the database are made through the SQL Server Management program. IF a table changes, sqlmetal is run to regenerate the linqtosql classes and development continues. However, this makes deployment a pain, as you have to go through and manually update the deployment database (and any other databases used in the devel...

How to populate a test database in Android?

I have a test class that extends ProviderTestCase2<>. I would like to populate this test class database with data from some .db files. Is there some particular method to push some .db file into the Mock Context of a ProviderTestCase2? Otherwise which way is the easier to populate the database from the .db file?! Thank you very much!!...

how can i distribute the future data onto separate computers using ms sql srvr08.

i have made a one database having three tables. these three tables are common across 20 departments in a college, but the data is not. problem is each department has its own computer lab, and wants to maintain its own computer where only the particular departments data is stored. ( please ignore the fact that its not needed as sql ser...

performance effect of joining tables form different databases

I have a web site using a database named lets say "site1". I am planning to put another site on the same server which will also use some of the tables from "site1". So should I use three different databases like "site1" (for first site specific data), "site2" (for second site specific data), and "general" (for common tables). In which ...

Framework/Platform Selection?

So...I am creating software for a university. The purpose of the software doesn't matter. What I do need to know is, the best way to make it, and what technology to use. The software needs to be able to accept multiple data sources, from Excel to SQL. However, the students will be using it primarily, and they won't always be on the scho...