
Javascript/jQuery Data Storage Method (Database)

Hello! I'm currently designing a website that would involve storing a long list of names (with no additional data) on the server and then outputting them to the client browser on request. To store these names I obviously would need a data storage method of some sort and I was just wondering, as the entire site is coded in javascript/jq...

Best Server-Side Data Storage Method for Simple Data

Hello! I'm coding a website that involves storing very simple data, just a very long list of names with no additional data, on the server. As this data is so simple, I don't really want to use MySQL (it would be a bit too clunky) so I'm asking what's the best way to store very simple data on the server. I definitely would favour speed ...

how to split a field when using union?

Hey all, I am using this query using UNION, where both fields that contains the amount are combined into one table, and i wanted to split them into 2 fields, first for cash and other for cheque SELECT exp_cat.cat_name, SUM(exp_cheque.exp_amount) AS Cheque FROM exp_cat INNER JOIN exp_cheque ON exp_cat.ID = exp_cheque.exp_cat_id GROUP BY...

How to insert, update, delete from remote database from within an iphone app

I am making an app for my msc project for which I need to connect to a remote mysql database and need to do insert, update and delete from my app. What is the basic code for that? I'm totally new in this platform.... ...

Recommendations for database with R

I am using R to run simulations using time series data. I have been using arrays to store data but I need a less memory intensive solution for storing data at intermediate steps in order to document the process. I am not a programmer so I am looking for something relatively easy to setup on multiple platforms if possible (Windows, Mac, L...

Unique and readable ID for each computer.

I need to do some tests, and make DB out of the testing result. After I'm done with that, I send the DB to server to merge it into some host DB. For that purpose, I want to have a UNIQUE ID for each computer that I run on. I thought about the GUID, but I'd like to avoid that option if possible. I prefer to have something that I can rea...

How to store testing options into database?

Let's say I have some parameters such as a,b,c, and I need to store the test results by changing them. The thing is that the the number of parameters will be keep increasing, so I can't keep them as static column. For example : Test 1 : a = 10, b = 20, c = 1 Test 2 : a = 11, b = 21, c = 11 Test 3 : a = 11, b = 20, c = 1 ... Test 1001...

Unique index on every column

So here I am looking at this huge oracle 10g table. I looked at its indexes and see that ALL of the columns are under one unique index. Does this provide actually provide any performance benefits? ...

MDX : Analysis Services 2008, Excel 2007

Hi, Using : Analysis Services 2008, Excel 2007 I've created a Cube and am able to connect from Excel. Cube does have some Calculated Measures, Named Sets and KPIs. Now, I'm been writing some MDX in MS SQL Server Management Studio. How do I write MDX queries and make them available through the Cube? Can I create Cube Views / Cube spr...

sql constraint for checking for two uppercase letters followed by numeric values

i have the following sql check and it accepts values that are supposed to be two uppercase letters followed by 3 numeric values. CREATE TABLE Project( projectID NCHAR(5) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, CHECK(projectID LIKE '[A-Z][A-Z][0-9][0-9][0-9]'), projectName NVARCHAR(20) NOT N...

use uniqueidentifider as primary key

Is it a good idea? would the use of it slow down my database compared to an integer field as primary key? ...

how to populate a drop down list from the database with jstl?

I know this has been asked before, but it just doesn't work for me. I'm trying to populate a drop down list from a database using jstl, here's the class i use as a usebean: public class feedData { Connection con; public feedData() throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, SQLException { ...

Cookie vs storing user data in Database

Hello, I feel sorry, if this post isn't related here. If you feel this post is useless act according to your wish My question is why don't we save the visitors(subscribers) cookie information in DB rather than setting a file on user's machine.Yeah, I know I might sound silly for following reasons 1) Maintaining DB for every single ...

Sort mySQL table's fields

So lets say I have a table (lets say 50 rows, 50 columns) that I occasionally have to make tiny edits to. While I realize I could be (maybe some of you will tell me I should be) using the query to do this, I like using a database management program (like Sequel Pro) to make changes by hand. So I have two questions: When you do a query ...

Can AS/400 Database Tables Be Hidden?

I was trying to delete a record from a table in AS/400 database. I got an error message saying that there is a referential integrity to another table XYZ in the same Schema ABC. To my wonder, that table was not in the list of the tables shown by my DbVisualizer database client. Then I decided to do a select on that table (ABC.XYZ) - bu...

solution to OCR / search through 4 million pieces of paper and 10,000 added daily

I work for a medical lab company. They need to be able to search through all their client data. So far they have a few years in storage about 4 million pieces of paper, and they are adding 10,000 pages per day. For data that is 6 months old, they need to access it about 10-20 times per day. They are deciding whether to spend 80k on a sca...

MySQL Keyword Search Across Multiple Tables

I have three tables in a MySQL database used in a music library application: The Genre table has columns: id title (string) The Album table has columns: id genre_id (foreign key to title (string) artist (string) and the Track table has columns: id album_id (foreign key to title (string) Each Album can hav...

Database Management System

I'm looking to create something exactly like this site: Is this a proprietary system? Or is this possibly open source and/or purchasable? If it is proprietary, then how would I go about creating something like this? ...

Django says: table X has no column named Y. I disagree

I get the following error: sqlite3.OperationalError: table gallery_image has no column named filename Here is my Model: from django.db import models class Image(models.Model): filename= models.Field(max_length=40); gallery = models.ForeignKey('Gallery') def __unicode__(self): return u'%s(%s)' % (self.filename,se...

MySQL syntax problem in "SELECT * FROM INTO FILE"

I'm trying to move tables between two databases and I'm using this command that is given by MySQL : SELECT * INTO OUTFILE '/tmp/result.txt' FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '"' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n' FROM test_table; As it is written in the MySQL Dev Manual. I'm using MySQL 5.1. Error : Error Code:...