I am working on a .NET web project with an SQL Server back end. There is a core part of the database that is populated with stock data. This data is loaded daily by a loading application.
This data should remain readonly to the website. By this I mean, that I do not want a Web developer to modify the tables that are are specific ...
I have a daily launched multi-threaded loading service. I would like to keep tack of the percentage progress of the loader. I was thinking that it would be good to have an update column on a database table that writes the %Progress. Is this a good idea or will there be a large overhead(5k updates per minute). Is there a better way t...
i want my database to support one company haveing many users how can i do that? exampleusers table(UID,username,password)company table(CID,companyname,usersthatistheownerofthecompany) how can i do that? what should i do ? should i make an array in php like 1241,423,4123 *uid's that will be inserted on usersthatistheownerofthecompany row ...
I need to store basic data of customer's and cars that they bought and payment schedule of these cars. These data come from GUI, written in Python. I don't have enough experience to use a database system like sql, so I want to store my data in a file as plain text. And it doesn't have to be online.
To be able to search and filter them,...
I am fairly new to Objective C and iOS programming but am constantly trying to learn as much as I can.
I am about to start an iPad project which will involve storing large amounts of data which will need to be exported to one extremely large excel spreadsheet.(it's for a friend....they currently enter massive amounts of data into excel ...
I have 2 models that are associated but don't want it to use joins when I make database updates.. from the cakephp cookbook, I can't quite gather how I am supposed to set "recursive" to -1, also, do I do it for the model that has the association, the other one, or both
such as if model1 "belongs to" model2 and I am trying to make it so...
Hi ! I have a very simple question for a beginner in SQL. I have defined 3 tables in my database : "DOCTOR", "PATIENTS", "VISITS". For simplicity purposes, I have only a one-to-many relationship btw these tables : One doctor has many patients, but a patient can see only one doctor and one patient can make many visits... in my table "VISI...
I want to put together the functionality of these two links:
http://bassistance.de/jquery-plugins/jquery-plugin-validation/ (demo: http://jquery.bassistance.de/validate/demo/)
It is actually adding the email existence check to the jQuery Validation plu...
Hello -
I am quite familiar with web programming (HTML, PHP, MySQL) and semi-familiar with Android Java programming, and would like to begin a project that combines the two together.
Can someone point me into the right direction for how I would access/manipulate a web-based MySQL database from an android app?
Thanks in advance!
I dropped all tables from a database then restore(import) a backup. and getting this error.
Should i repeat the process. or something else? Why this error is coming?
The query looks like this:
Select t1.*, t2.balance from t1 left outer join t2 on (t1.id1 = t2.id1 and t1.id2 = t2.id2)
where t1.name = 'name';
I was good until I was using native queries but now I need to use Hibernate's JPA implementation for all the queries. The involved table are not associated in any way.
That's why I want to use...
Using Mysql Administrator GUI tool - I have exported some data tables retrieved from an sql dumpfile into csv files.
I then tried to import these csv files into a postgres database using the postgres COPY command. I've tried entering "COPY articles FROM '[insert .csv dir here]' DELIMITERS ',' CSV;" and also the same command without the ...
Ok, so the story is like this:
-- I am having lots of files (pretty big, around 25GB) that are in a particular format and needs to be imported in a datastore
-- these files are continuously updated with data, sometimes new, sometimes the same data
-- I am trying to figure out an algorithm on how could I detect if something has changed...
I'm using C# in .NET 2.0 and I'm trying to access and manipulate a database. I can read as many times from the DB as I want and everything works, but as soon as I try to insert an item I get the following error message:
ExecuteNonQuery requires an open and available Connection. The connection's current state is closed.
I've tried to l...
I want to add a new column to a table which already consists billions of rows. The new columns are derived from existing columns.
For example,
new_col1 = old_col1 + old_col2
new_col2 = old_col1 / old_col2
I am trying to do this in following way -
Add new columns
ALTER TABLE table_name
ADD ( column_1 column-definition,
Hello Experts !
Last week i read about liquibase quick start and all the related tutorials but i feel like i don't get the whole drift about using it for consecutive change in the database and i have some questions still opened.
i'm developing an application in netbeans using maven with 3 modules: dbunit module, service module a...
hello, after running "python manage.py syncdb" i gett an error saying "unable to open database file".
here is the important part from my settings.py:
DATABASE_ENGINE = 'sqlite3' # 'postgresql_psycopg2', 'postgresql', 'mysql', 'sqlite3' or 'oracle'.
DATABASE_NAME = 'apps.db' # Or path to database file if using sqlite3.
What is the best way to prepare the log files before inserting their values in the MYSQL database using
LOAD DATA INFILE '/tmp/someFile.txt'
How can I make sure and make the data log file ready to be read by such command ? Someone told me by scripting (using sed,grep,cat,sub ...) .. how can I do that or what are the to...
$link = mysql_connect('localhost', 'root', '');
mysql_select_db('rems', $link);
mysql_query('SET AUTOCOMMIT=0; START TRANSACTION', $link);
mysql_query('DELETE FROM admins WHERE admin_id=4', $link);
mysql_query('ROLLBACK; SET AUTOCOMMIT=1', $link);
$link = mysql_connect('localhost', 'root', '');
I know the tagging stuff has been mentioned many times, but I can't seem to see any that address this question.
From this thread
I can see the best way to setup tags is likely
Item (item_id, item_content)
Tag (tag_id, tag_title)