
iphone local database synchronization with remote server master......

I've tried googling this with very few helpful answers....basically I have a master database sitting on a linux server with a partial local copy sitting on the iphone. The database gets updated a few times every minute and I would like to somehow transnit (push, pull, or poll) the changes in real time to anyone using the app on the ipho...

Storing data for web application in python dictionary

Is it feasible to store data for a web application inside the program itself, e.g. as a large dictionary? The data would mostly be just a few hundred short-ish text blocks (roughly blog post size), and it will not be altered/added to at all by the users (although I would want to be able to update it myself every so often). Up until now...

Need info on database cluster

My understanding of database cluster is less because I have not worked on them. I have the below question. Database cluster has two instance db server 1 & server 2. Each instance will have a copy of databases, considering the database has say Table A. Normally a query request will be done by only one of the servers which is randomly de...

What kind of file system configuration changes are handled by an RDBMS?

From here, Oracle ASM provides several advantages over conventional file systems and storage managers, including the following: Rebalances data automatically after storage configuration changes What kind of configuration changes are we talking about here? In a database, what kind of configuration changes happen? ...

Database access related info on clustered environment

My understanding of database cluster is less because I have not worked on them. I have the below question. Database cluster has two instance db server 1 & server 2. Each instance will have a copy of databases, considering the database has say Table A. Normally a query request will be done by only one of the servers which is randomly de...

What is a Projection?

What is a Projection, in terms of database theory and NHibernate when using SetProjection()? ...

Create a Sequence with START WITH from Query

How can I create a Sequence where my START WITH value comes from a query? I'm trying this way: CREATE SEQUENCE "Seq" INCREMENT BY 1 START WITH (SELECT MAX("ID") FROM "Table"); But, I get the ORA-01722 error ...

JAVA - insert into DB problem

I've got a problem where I'm inserting data into a database. It's returning that 1 row is being inserted, but when I actually check the database, nothing new has actually been inserted. Here's my update function: public int update(String sqlStatement) { int rows = 0; try { Statement st = this.conn.createStatement(); ...

MySQL - moving from 1st Normal Form to 2nd and 3rd Normal Forms

Hello This question directly relates to a previous topic "MySQL - move from flat table to first normal form" ( - and as I am now asking a question about moving to second and third normal forms, I figured it best to start a new topic. Below is my first normal form schema which I am pretty sure is solid enough for my...

How to group the records according to the range in SQL

Hi I would like to create a SQL to group the records according to the range For example, suppose I have Number Time Price 100 20100810 10.0 100 20100812 15.0 160 20100810 10.0 200 20100810 12.0 210 20100811 13.0 300 20100811 14.0 350 2010081...

TDD With Store Procedures

When I'm coding in .Net (c#), I use NUnit and Rhino Mock to do testing. Haven't done much database coding (Store Procs). How can we do TDD with database coding (Store Procs)? ...

Problem trying to fix SQL query to return a single result

I'm trying to use this query to delete the rows that are already on a linked server's Database: GO USE TAMSTest GO DELETE from [dbo].[Hour] WHERE [dbo].[Hour].[InHour] = (SELECT [InHour] FROM [TDG-MBL-005].[TAMSTEST].[dbo].[Hour]) GO When there is only 1 row in the linked server's table, SELECT [InH...

What is the best way of searching mysql table field for the ending of a fiels?

I have been told that searching in a MySQL database with LIKE '%wordend' is bad because it takes very long time. What is the best way of searching on the end of a field? Should I make an extra field where field that needs to be searched backwards is stored backwards, seems like an ok idea to me since it will give the benefit of indexin...

Optimize a rankings page using PHP and MySQL

I could really use some help optimizing a table on my website that is used to display rankings. I have been reading a lot on how to optimize queries and how to properly use indexes but even after implementing changes I thought would work, little improvement can be seen. My quick fix has been simply to use only the top 100,000 rankings (...

Querying a subquery

I'm trying to do something like this: SELECT t1.*, t2.* FROM (SELECT * FROM USER) AS t1, (SELECT * FROM t1) AS t2 It doesn't work in MySQL. Is something like the above possible? My other option is to take the last subsquery and "wrap" it around the main query. Ideas? ...

How to detect database events with, for example, java

Is there a way to detect database events, e.g. insert, update and delete, comparable to file access monitors like JNotify (can detect read, create, modify of files and directories)? Looking for something like database event listeners because I don't want to do polling. Thanks! ...

How to JOIN a table in MySQL with a table in Oracle

Now, I'm pretty sure that it's not possible, but I want to 1) Confirm this, and 2) Hear alternatives. My solution today was to run the MySQL query, then use its result to construct a "NOT IN ('value1', 'value2', 'value3')" string, which I tacked onto the Oracle query before running it. Rather cumbersome, but it worked, and it's fast eno...

How to structure database tables?

I am planning a database. It will track when a software program has been registered and log the information in the Registered table. Two questions: 1: where should i log invalid registration attempts. For example if the user enters the wrong registration information or if they try to register but they have used all of their licenses...

Data Retrieval - Performance with CLOB Columns in Oracle

I have a table in Oracle that is currently storing close a Million Records. This table is having 2 CLOB columns that store XML data. I also have a search screen built for this particular table where users can search on pretty much all the columns except for the CLOB columns. Now here is my questions - Assuming that I have right indexe...

What type of database replication should I use?

I have 2 databases, one on local server and one on a remote server. I created a transactional replication publication on the local DB, which feeds the remote DB every minute with whatever updates it gets. So far, this is working perfectly. However, the local DB needs to get cleaned (all its information deleted) daily. THIS is the part ...