
Which is better? An extra database call or a generated PHP file?

I want to add some static information associated with string keys to all of my pages. The individual PHP pages use some of that information filtered by a query string. Which is the better approach to add this information? Generate a 100K (or larger if more info is needed later) PHP file with an associated array or add an other DB table w...

Database connection/update mechanism for continuous data

I am working on system where there are huge (2000-5000 records per minute) amount of incoming events which have to be recorded in the database (SQL server 2000). We are using ODBC connection to connect with the database. Currently we open a single connection during the app startup and push the data using the connection since we won't be...

php mysql query: multiple drop down options

I have a search box that the user can select a $location a $type and a $rating. $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Places WHERE Location = '$location' and Type ='$type' and Rating = '$rating'") or die(mysql_error()); This works fine if the user selects and option from all 3 drop down boxes- however how do I make the msql query che...

Open source graph database

I need graph database for my project. I want to perform shortest path operation on the graph. I searched google and found neo4j, InfoGrid and sones. I am not sure which one performs the best. Neo4j is insisting on transaction for read queries also, so I am worried it will cause delays. I want high performance graph database engine. It w...

Issue with OleDbConnection.Open when Running as a Service

We have an Nant build script that we are running through SSH (Cygwin & Open SSH) to remotely upgrade our databases. When the Nant script is launched through an SSH session, the following error is thrown when it attempts to make a database connection. However, if I log in to the server directly (using the same account as the service) an...

Android.. How to Upload data from android phone to remote database?

Hi all. I am doing some android development, and now I need to send some android application generated data onto a remote server (a database)? How can I do that? can I use direct JDBC connection and sql? Thanks in advance! ...

Eloquera object database

Hello I saw Eloquera db and was quite impressed with it. Currently I'm thinking developing my next project on Eloquera and not Sql Server. So I have several questions with it. 1) How does Eloquera performs in enterprise and heavy loads? 2) How does it compare with other open source and commercial RDBMSes (I mean performance)? 3) Is it s...

Entering dates into a SQL database

The problem I'm having at the moment is that the date is being entered into the SQL database as 30/12/1899. I'm using Access 2003 for the database and can't think of any potential reason why this is happening! window.status='Loading contingency scripts - please wait...'; audit('Loading contingency scripts'); var conting={ i:0 ,start:fu...

how to upload android data onto remote server (a database)?

Hi all. I am doing some android development, and now I need to send some android application generated data onto a remote server (a database)? How can I do that? can I use direct JDBC connection and sql? Thanks in advance! ...

Why doesn't MongoDB use fsync()?

So I have done some research and found out that MongoDB doesn't do fsync(), which means that when you tell the database to write something, the database might tell you it's written, although it's not. Isn't this going against CRUD? If I'm correct, are there any good reasons for this? ...

MongoDB or CouchDB as database for mobile devices?

I wonder if MongoDB and CouchDB could work as database for mobile devices? If they both can, which one is better to use for online/offline storage? ...

Tips for build foreign keys into a legacy database

Hey, I've got a database that doesn't have any foreign keys. I've done some checks and there are a a fair few orphaned records. Its a pretty large database 500 + tables and I'm looking at the possibility of building the foreign keys back in. Other than trawling though every single table over time? Has anybody ever been through this ...

Master-master vs master-slave database architecture?

I've heard about two kind of database architectures. master-master master-slave Isn't the master-master more suitable for today's web cause it's like Git, every unit has the whole set of data and if one goes down, it doesn't quite matter. Master-slave reminds me of SVN (which I don't like) where you have one central unit that handle...

block list table (IP, Mac, email, name, username)

I am creating block lists to block user actions based on IP address, MAC address, Email address, Name (first/last name), Trademark names and Usernames. So should each of these be a separate lookup table or can there be 1 blocked_list table with all these in? Each is individual independent of the other. The list will be used in few pl...

How to pause python execution in eclipse and return to an interactive prompt

I am using Eclipse as a Python IDE. Is there anyway for me to Debug my program and break to an interactive prompt. I am interested in exploring the existing data and running/testing commands. I believe there has to be a way, but I am so used to compiling languages that I have not been able to find where the options are. Any ideas? ...

Is there a general component/form for connecting to a database?

I need a form where I could easly select a database source (from file or network) using ODBC or any other data provider, but I don't want to code it myself. Are there any component or open source code that could save me the trouble? Thanks in advance. PS.: to be used with ADO.NET ...

How to find changes in a table relative to an initial SQL fixture?

I have a number of tests that run against a MySQL database which is pre-loaded with schemas and example data from a set of SQL files. Some of these tests, during their run, also create new data in the database. Normally, tests are responsible for cleaning up after themselves (and thus not polluting the database environment for other tes...

HowTo Publish ASP.NET Project on Web to work as it does locally?

Hi. I just followed a tutorial that created a database and two .aspx web forms.. And it runs perfectly when I view the asp pages in my browser. But when I FTP'd the files: Default.aspx AddEntry.aspx And my entire App_Data folder (with the .mdf and .ldf files) It doesn't view at the URL. For example.. When I go to http://www.mysite....

How would I write this SQL query?


Validate allowed filesize from user input like files to save in local database

Hello, I can not allow my user to save a 6 GB video in the sqlite database. Can I not really? Well all freedom to the user not? Should I protect the user from himself? Where do I draw the border? 1 mb? ...