
How to remove all cross-sell product links from Magento?

I want to remove all of the cross-sell product links from the store - we have around 22,000 links that was the result of an auto cross sell extension that I have since removed. I imagine it has something to do with removing records from the table catalog_product_link? Or is there a way to do this programmatically? ...

UNIX timestamp issue on MYSQL insert via PHP

Im receiving data with a created time field given in a unix timestamp format for example "1251324809" which to my understanding is the amount of time elapsed since the epoch, 1970. Ive got a DATETIME formatted field in a MYSQL table, and im using this to return the UNIX time to a YY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format: date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $timestamp...

Create MySQL database on server

I'm following a tutorial for constructing a PHP and MySQL ecommerce driven website, and I'm uploading them to my server at the moment, but in need of some assistance determining how to proceed. In the README of the tutorial, are the following instructions: INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 1.) Unzip to the root folder under your...

How to store Log in database ?

My application let users to send files to each other. Regular users can edit their contacts, change password, etc. In addition, admin users can add/remove users and view the log of what happened. My question is how to store this log in MySQL database ? I thought to store the log like this: log_id time user_id action_type ...

When to use @TableGenerator?

Can you tell me when to use it and why should I create a new table just for keeping primary key while most DBMS now support auto increment and you can adjust it easily? ...

Customizeable database

What would be the best database/technique to use if I'd like to create a database that can "add", "remove" and "edit" tables and columns? I'd like it to be scaleable and fast. Should I use one table and four columns for this (Id, Table, Column, Type, Value) - Is there any good articles about this. Or is there any other solutions? May...

how to connect directly to aspnetdb database

I wanna connect to aspnetdb but it makes an error says "Login failed for user" this is the connection string in web config : <add name="UserProfiles" connectionString="Data Source=KIA;Initial Catalog=aspnetdb;Integrated Security=True;" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" /> and this is my code: SqlConnection connection = new SqlC...

Populating Combobox from database dynamically

Hi there, I am working on a project for my college where I need to bind data from database into the combobox. I need to store the roll no / enrollment no in the "value" field of combobox and name of the student in the "text" property of the combobox. My code is : #region Fill Combo Box //Fill Combo Box. public static vo...

How to differentiate between 0 and null in an INT column in MySQL

If there is a null value stored in a MySQL INT column, it will return 0 when accessed by technoligies like JPA. If 0 value also stored in the column, how can I differentiate between null and 0? ...

JDO design tool for GAE?

Hi, Is there a free JDO designer tool that will work nicely with Google App Engine projects? (I'm working in Eclipse) I need something to create some classes visually, then it could create/update my classes in certain packages. Something like Javelin, but a free alternative and something that is especially designed to work together wit...

Change varchar data type to Number in Oracle

I have data like this in oracle database -> 20123,45 ,data type is varchar. and I want to migrate it to column with NUMBER data type, change comma (,) to dot (.). so expected result is 20123.45 and data type is NUMBER, how can I do that ? thanks before :D ...

Checking for database changes at set intervals in ASP.NET page

Hi all, I have an ASP.NET page which contains a large number of gridviews, which contain masses amount of data which take a fair while to rebind. I currently have it set so the gridviews are only bound when the account number is changed (on the page, the user searches for an account which then displays their information). I'd like it to...

How can i learn Stored Procedure and Trigger?

Hello I want to learn quickly writing Stored Procedure and Trigger? Can you suggest any link, eBook, etc? ...

Batch Scheduling algorithm with variable slot length, simplest possible

I am trying to implement an Oracle pl/sql script to batch insert appointments into a database. The application is for managing appointments for operators/offices as follow: There are X offices, each having Y number of operators. (Ex: Office #1 has 4 Operators, #2 has 6, etc) Each office has difference opening hours, defined in ...

What database table to alter to have a bestseller product in webshop?

Hello, I do have a little expierence with database tables, but I can't read a db_query I believe to have a query which should enable a product as a bestseller and place it in scroller. I want to fake a bestseller because it looks a little dump when opening a webshop with having a empty bestseller list. I have manually altered the table...

data not transfering from Textbox to query

Hi there... I am creating a desktop application in C# where my code is : private void btnLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (clsFunctions.recordExist("SELECT AtNumConstructorID, TxtConstructorName AS Fullname FROM tblConstructorDetails WHERE txtUserName = '" + txtUserName.Text + "' AND TxtPassword LIKE '" ...

How to efficiently store hundrets of thousands of documents?

I'm working on a system that will need to store a lot of documents (PDFs, Word files etc.) I'm using Solr/Lucene to search for revelant information extracted from those documents but I also need a place to store the original files so that they can be opened/downloaded by the users. I was thinking about several possibilities: file syst...

Is there a change between how session/cached info is stored with dif. Azure Guest OS?

I have an application running perfectly on windows azure since april. Unfortunetly, about 2 weeks ago it suddenly stopped. It would not run again until we upgraded the Azure Guest OS to the newest Version(1.7). Over the last two weeks we're noticing that session data transferred between pages (eg. http://program-url/cars/edit/3 will be...

asynchttp and rhomobile

Hello, How can i display JSON data in a rhomobile application without saving it to a database? thanks ...

Easiest way to transform mysql table "as is" into xml document ?

Interested how to do it programmatically, not export table data once (there are tools for sure). easiest way to transform mysql table "as is" into xml document ? table contains say 2 rows: id name 1 "John Travolta" 2 "Mary Lynch" ideally we'd need a class that's gonna eat login/passw/host of a database and Goo...