
SQL Server 2000 vs. 2005+ sample databases to study db design?

I always tried to learn using the most recent versions of SQL Server, books, articles, docs. I started to doubt whether it is efficient. I've got a feeling that I am frequently inefficiently loosing time with learning materials based on bloated AdventureWorksXXX sample databases from SQL Server 2005+. Even simplest principles and conc...

Any script for compiling Java server like apps into crossplatform executables?

Possible Duplicate: How do I create executable Java program? Windows, mac, lin. I want to be capable of compiling my app consisting of HSQLDB (I have it as stand alone server but inside my app), Hibernate, some of my classes, Spring and BlazeDS into stand alone executables. Howtodosuch thing? ...

Number SQL rows based on query sorting?

Say I have a set of SQLite rows that have an auto increment field "_id", a string field "title", an integer field "type", and an integer field "number". There are only a few types (i.e. 1, 2, 3). All the number fields are currently blank, and I need to fill them with the numbers 1 through N for all rows of type 1. These numbers should ...

MySql: convert a float to decimal produce more decimal number then the stored in back.sql file

Hi at all, i want to understand this: i have a dump of a table (a sql script file) from a database that use float 9,2 as default type for numbers. In the backup file i have a value like '4172.08'. I restore this file in a new database and i convert the float to decimal 20,5. Now the value in the field is 4172.08008 ...where come from the...

Where can I find a downloadable prescription and OTC drugs database?

I am working on a project for (US based) online pharmacies and I am having a hard time finding a database of drugs grouped by layman categories. I downloaded FDA data from 'Drugs@FDA' and 'Facts@FDA'. It contains a wide list of approved medications but is not sorted/grouped by layman categories like you would find in online search libr...

PHP Cron script efficiency using CURL to load files

Im pulling in search query results using CURL and then iterating through a database to load additional queries then storing the results back in the database. Im running into hassles with php maximum time and have tried setting the maximum time variable to a higher amount which i think isnt working on my host using this: ini_set('max_exe...

Serializing .RData file to database

Hi R users, I am working on a project where I have a lot of analysts creating statistical models in R. They usually provide me with the model objects (.Rdata files) and I automate executing them for various datasets. My problem is: Can I use a database and save these .RData files there ? Any hints on doing this? ( I currently store t...

Database Unit-Testing. What is the best database testing approach for enterprise solution running CI, having branches and heavy databases?

So situation is following: We have some very old product, that has dozen of solutions. Many of them run different unit tests, some MSTest, some NUnit. There are lot of tests that test database, also some depend on data. In other words they execute code to check if customer Andriy has orders with products A and B. I know that this is wron...

Java Desktop application

This is a single question, but with a couple of sub questions. I am planning a Desktop application using Java and I am using NetBeans as the IDE. Questions: Why so many Javas? Java, Java SE, Java EE, Java Me I want the application to store data locally, what is best Java DB or SQLite? Do I need anything extra to create a setup file for...

Ideal method to get db schema from clients?

Hi, What would be an ideal way of getting db schema designs from clients via the web? Was thinking of having a textarea in a form and ask them to enter the field names, max length, and sample data. E.g. FirstName, 20, Joe LastName, 20, John Age, Integer, 25 Bio, Text, Bio info about Joe John .... Or should I ask them to email or at...

Specifying data directory for a specific database in mysql

I have a mysql database with 4 different databases. 1 of the databases has a lot of read/write activity that would benefit from being run on ramdisk. Due to the nature of the data layout and types of reads needed, memcached is not an effective option here. Therefore, I would like to run one of the databases in a ramdisk (data persistence...

How to save to XML using dataset

I am using sql databse to save data of a simple note taking application, using dataset and gui is binded with database. Simple work. Using SQL is useless here, i want to save the data to a simple XML file instead of SQL using the same dataset. I am using Visual Studio 2010 and programming in C# .Net 4.0 ...

in ESE (JetBlue) is there a way to limit a search with multiple keys?

In Extensbile Strage Engine (ESE/JetBlue) I've got a table that contains data I'd like to locate using two indexes assuming that each row has three integers X, Y, and Z. I'd like to quickly locate all the rows where X=10 and Y=20 (for example) the resulting set would contain all the entries where X=10, Y=20, and Z= whever Z happened t...

How do you model a table for unit conversion?

I'm looking to create a db model of various units and their relation to each other. For instance, 36 inches = 3 feet = 1 yard = .9144 meters etc. This table would also store cups in ounces, pounds, kg, grams, cm and all sorts of measurements. How do you do this? I was thinking about something like this: Amount | Units | Convers...

How to update a record from database via ADO.NET Entity Framework?

Hi, My WPF desktop-based application uses ADO.Net Entity Framework in order to connect with SQL Server database. In one of the windows I have a DataGrid with all data from tbl_users, when user selects one of the row (record) and clicks on Edit, application opens a new window with form, that includes all data that user can edit/update. ...

EER design and CIOM design

Does any body know about CIOM and ER design in database? I have few queries in it and want help. Plz reply back to me with your email id so that I can send you the design there. Please...I need your help.. ...

Synchronize Data Access

Some years ago I built an Excel file for my colleagues that displays lots of data from an external ODBC data source. The data is partitioned into lots of data tables in different sheets. The file also contains a button that allows the user to update the data. Since accessing the data from the external source was very slow, I implemented...

How to copy MSSQLServer Database automated from one server to another

I would like to copy one database (almost all tables) to another server. So far we have done this using the standard MSSQL wizard. We would like to include this work into an automated build we have with ant. I have found one command line tool: Any better ideas? ...

What's the best DB to store banking transactions?

hi, We are planning to create a web app to store banking transactions for customers, e.g purchases, transfers etc and allow them to tag / categorize each transaction. Could someone point us to the best DB for this purpose? It needs to scale horizontally and we also need to perform analysis on all transactions. Thanks ...

prefetch databse value

hi...i m developing an app in which when incoming call will there on user android mobile. my app will check it from database and if incoming number is in blocked will is running successfully. but is there a way so that i can prefetch database value in an XML file or any other way, becoz if user got 100 calls a day it...