
How to search data from oracle database which contains single quote.

Hi All, i have one table my_table,which contains three columnn namely name,address1,address2. Now i want to search a data from these 3 column which contains single quote. Can anybody suggest. Thanks in advance. ...

jQuery multiple image uploader insert in to database?

I’m currently using jQuery’s Multiple image uploader for my form in CI. This works superbly however I would like to insert the file names, etc in to the database - anybody any ideas how I can do this? My controller $config['upload_path'] = './uploads/'; $config['allowed_types'] = 'gif|jpg|pdf|doc|bmp|png'; $config['max_size'] = ...

Create database with JPA ??

When I create (using JPA - java persistence api) a persistence unit and then persistence entities they auto create the corresponding tables and fields in the database. Can I also make it to auto create the database (if it doesn't exist)? My objectif is : I mean it creates inside the database the tables and fields, but not the databas...

Open Source Database cluster on Windows Server 2003

Hello, We're looking for an Open Source Database application to run in a cluster environment under Windows Server 2003 across 6-8 cluster nodes. We're primarily looking for High Availability and Load Balancing. Can you provide us with the options available? We've been looking at the SAP MAXDB and Postgres but they're both limited by 1 a...

How can I tell a Content Provider where to store a file related to a record?

I understand, that I can use ContentResolver's "openOutputStream()" to get a writeable stream of a file that is automatically created for my record, if it contains a "_data" attribute. But I can't find any docs on exactly where this file will be created? Can I alter this location? I'd be better if the provider would create them on the S...

How can I configure Hibernate to immediately apply all saves, updates, and deletes?

How can I configure Hibernate to apply all saves, updates, and deletes to the database server immediately after the session executes each operation? By default, Hibernate enqueues all save, update, and delete operations and submits them to the database server only after a flush() operation, committing the transaction, or the closing of ...

SQL to dBase Query Translator?

Is anyone aware of an application that will allow me to convert some existing SQL queries into dBase? I have an application that I need to program but it prefers dBase queries to SQL queries. I've written a working SQL query, but now need to figure out what the query would look like in dBase. ...

Filter database results without running an additional query

I'm using CodeIgniter for a classifieds website. Here's a specific example of what I'm trying to achieve: On page all the Real Estate classifieds are listed. I'm using CI's Pagination Class to paginate the results. On the leftbar, a set of filters are shown that correspond to each db column of ...

How do I get and compare stock quotes from Yahoo! and Google?

How to get a history quote from Yahoo and Google Finance with Perl and save in DB to compare and validate. What´s the best/simple Perl/Windows DB to make this and the Perl/Algoritmo to compare this data? ...

Can I save credit card secret code in the database ?

I need to save the credit card numbers and secret codes of users in the database in plain text ( consensus behind obviously ) for automatic operation made from the server. Is there some problems ? What do I need to be aware of? ...

Basic Database Question?

I am intrested to know a little bit more about databases then i currently know. I know how to setup a database backend for any webapp that i happen to be creating but that is all. For example if i was creating three different apps i would simply create three different databases and then configure each database for the particular app. Thi...

postgres spatial indexing

I can't seem to find much documentation on this. What's the simplest way to create a database/table on postgres supporting a query like this SELECT * FROM table WHERE distance(POINT(0,0), table.location) <= 1000m; Where POINT(0,0) and table.location should be latitude/longitude pair, and 1000m is 1000 meters. And how should I go about i...

ODP .NET AQ Getting Exception Messages Queue

How can I dequeue Exception Messages from a Oracle Message Queue using ODP? I'm using the default queue for exceptions. Thanks!! ...

I need to Edit 100,000+ Products

Hey Guys, I'm looking at accepting a project that would require me to clean up an existing e-commerce website. Its been relatively successful and has over 100,000 individual products - loaded both by the client and its publishers. The site wasn't originally designed for this many products and has become fairly disorganized. SO, the cl...

Database factory class design

Hi i have this class to instantiate DAL classes: public class Factory { public static T GetInstance<T>() where T : new() { return new T(); } } I want to make my application capable of using multiple databases. I was planning on setting the database in my web.config and then pass in that setting possibly to the fac...

When/why should I start using a database?

I'm currently in the process of evaluating the design, and possible reimplementation of an in-house app our engineers use. Although the application handles large amounts of data. Only two sets of values (floats) are saved along with a simple name and description of the data. In my opinion the current application is in overkill territory...

Rails database - how to store encrypted data using the user's password?

I have a database that will be holding sensitive data, so it should be encrypted in the database. Basically the sensitive data are credentials to another web site. So I want to encrypt them with the users password + salt. To decrypt the credentials one would need the password. I see two ways: On login, I could decrypt the credentials...

Zend DB Select nested Joins

I'm trying to realize the following query with zend db select: SELECT `uac`.`uid`, `u`.`uid`, `g`.`groupid`, `g`.`packageid` FROM `user_has_data` AS `uac` INNER JOIN `users` AS `u` ON u.uid = uac.uid LEFT JOIN (`user_in_group` AS `uig` INNER JOIN `groups` AS `ag` ON (ag.groupid = uig.groupid) AND (ag.packageid = 2) ) AS `g` ON u...

solution for Company Intranet (wiki + database + bug tracking + document management +++)

We are looking for a Company Intranet product with some or all of these attributes - common home page - departmental sections with password protection for some content - allow designated users to edit specific pages - wiki type knowledge repository - company phone list - document & image management (uploads, some ...

Possible to use two separate SQLite databases?

I have one sqlite database in which I store both user-defined information and information which is read-only to the user. I feel like I may need to modify the read-only information in the future, and I don't want to have to do a whole data migration. Is there a way that I can use a separate sqlite database, which can easily be replaced, ...