
Default MVC Web Application Database

When setting up a new ASP.NET MVC Web Application, the default connection string inside Web.Config is something like this: connectionString="data source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Integrated Security=SSPI;AttachDBFilename=|DataDirectory|aspnetdb.mdf;User Instance=true" I'm just wanting to play around with logging in and registering, etc but when I r...

Using Database in Unit Tests

I was running into this error An attempt to attach an auto-named database for file C:\<...>\Out\MessagesDB.mdf failed. A database with the same name exists, or specified file cannot be opened, or it is located on UNC share.. attempting to write some unit tests for testing a controler. I belived the problem was that the tests were att...

Connection String to Connect to .MDF

I've created a new project in VS2008, and added a .MDF file to the project. This is the first time I've tried to use the MDF files and .SQLEXPRESS databases (I've always used extenal Oracle servers in the past). I'm trying to document everything as I go, but I can't figure out what credentials are being used to connect to the .MDF file...

how to use an mdf in App_Data with shared hosting

If I create a website that uses an mdf in App_Data with the connection string: Server=.\SQLExpress;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|mydbfile.mdf;Database=dbname; Trusted_Connection=Yes; what do I need to do to run the site in a shared hosting environment? Do I need to copy the contents of my mdf to the main SQL Server engine of my ...

ADO.NET |DataDirectory| where is this documented ?

In AppConfig it is possible to use |DataDirectory| but I can't find any doc ? ...

Visual Studion 2008 App_Data defaults

Is it possible to use the App_Data folder in conjunction with SQL Server 2005? When I try it specifies Express even though I have changed the Tools>Options>Database>Data Connections to the correct server. I have downloaded SQLEXPR32_x86_ENU.exe Version 10.0.1600.22 file locally and have gone through 7 installs and deinstalls with a var...

SQL Server Compact 'Data Directory' macro in Connection String - more info needed

So, as described on this msdn page, when you define a Connection String for SQL Server Compact 3.5, you can use the "Data Directory" macro, like this: quote from this msdn page: Data Directory Support SQL Server Compact 3.5 now supports the Data Directory macro. This means that if you add the string |DataDirectory| (enclosed in p...

sql exception when transferring project from usb to c:\

I'm working on a C# windows program with Visual Studio 2008. Usually, I work from school, directly on my usb drive. But when I copy the folder on my hard drive at home, an sql exception is unhandled whenever I try to write to the database. it is unhandled at the conn.Open(); line. here's the exception unhandled Database 'L:\system\pr...

Time out exception in 1st run for local DB

My connection string is like the following. It shows 'Timeout Exception' first time I run the application. But, for the subsequent run, it's ok. I think, it might take some time to attach the DB to the SQLExpress Server. Is there anyway to increase Timeout period? Thanks I am using SQLServer 2005 Express and VS 2008 and .Net 3.5. ...

What's the difference between "Import Table address" and "Import Address Table address" in Date Directories of PE?

Anyone knows the difference? ...

Specifying data directory for a specific database in mysql

I have a mysql database with 4 different databases. 1 of the databases has a lot of read/write activity that would benefit from being run on ramdisk. Due to the nature of the data layout and types of reads needed, memcached is not an effective option here. Therefore, I would like to run one of the databases in a ramdisk (data persistence...