
Silverlight DataBinding cross thread issue

I have an Image control with it's source bound to a property on an object(string url to an image). After making a service call, i update the data object with a new URL. The exception is thrown after it leaves my code, after invoking the PropertyChanged event. The data structure and the service logic are all done in a core dll that has...

How can you databind a single object in .NET ?

I would like to use a component that exposes the datasource property, but instead of supplying the datasource with whole list of objects, I would like to use only simple object. Is there any way to do this ? The mentioned component is DevExpress.XtraDataLayout.DataLayoutControl - this is fairly irrelevant to the question though. ...

Nesting a GridView within Repeater

I have a scenario wherein, for example, I need to repeat a list of US states and display a table of cities and city populations after the name of each state. The design requirement dictates that every outer repetition must be the name of a state followed by a table of cities, and that requirement cannot be changed at this time. Are there...

GridView will not update underlying data source

So I'm been pounding on this problem all day. I've got a LinqDataSource that points to my model and a GridView that consumes it. When I attempt to do an update on the GridView, it does not update the underlying data source. I thought it might have to do with the LinqDataSource, so I added a SqlDataSource and the same thing happens. The a...

Adding Items Using DataBinding from TreeView to ListBox WPF

Hi, I want to add the selected item from the TreeView to the ListBox control using DataBinding (If it can work with Databinding). <TreeView HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="30,32,0,83" Name="treeView1" Width="133" > </TreeView> <ListBox Margin="208,36,93,0" Name="listBox1" Height="196" VerticalAlignment="Top"> ...

Best Technique for Multiple Eval Fields in Gridview ItemTemplate?

What is the best way to use multiple EVAL fields in a GridView ItemTemplate? Looking to have some control over formatting for appearance as well as setting up hyperlinks/javascript etc. ...

WPF Databind Before Saving

In my WPF application, I have a number of databound TextBoxes. The UpdateSourceTrigger for these bindings is LostFocus. The object is saved using the File menu. The problem I have is that it is possible to enter a new value into a TextBox, select Save from the File menu, and never persist the new value (the one visible in the TextBox) be...

WPF - Programmatic Binding on a BitmapEffect

I would like to be able to programmatically bind some data to the dependency properties on a BitmapEffect. With a FrameworkElement like TextBlock there is a SetBinding method where you can programmatically do these bindings like: myTextBlock.SetBinding(TextBlock.TextProperty, new Binding("SomeProperty")); And I know you can do it in s...

How to load an xml string in the code behind to databound UI controls that bind to the XPath of the XML?

Every sample that I have seen uses static XML in the xmldataprovider source, which is then used to databind UI controls using XPath binding. Idea is to edit a dynamic XML (structure known to the developer during coding), using the WPF UI. Has anyone found a way to load a dynamic xml string (for example load it from a file during runtim...

ASP.NET Convert Invalid String to Null

In my application I have TextBox in a FormView bound to a LinqDataSource like so: <asp:TextBox ID="MyTextBox" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("MyValue") %>' AutoPostBack="True" ontextchanged="MyTextBox_TextChanged" /> protected void MyTextBox_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { MyFormView.UpdateItem(...

Performing validation on a databound object after the property has been updated

I have a basic form with controls that are databound to an object implementing the INotifyPropertyChanged interface. I would like to add some validation to a couple of properties but dont want to go through implementing IDataErrorInfo for the sake of validating a couple of properties. I have created the functions that perform the valid...

WPF Data Binding and Validation Rules Best Practices

I have a very simple WPF application in which I am using data binding to allow editing of some custom CLR objects. I am now wanting to put some input validation in when the user clicks save. However, all the WPF books I have read don't really devote any space to this issue. I see that you can create custom ValidationRules, but I am wonde...

Binding a form combo box in Access 2007

I've created an Access 2007 form that displays, for example, Products from a Product table. One of the fields in the Product table is a CategoryID that corresponds to this product's parent category. In the form, the CategoryID needs to be represented as a combo box that is bound to the Category table. The idea here is pretty straightf...

Programmatic binding in Silverlight

I'm missing the boat on something here, kids. This keeps rearing its head and I don't know what's going on with it, so I hope my homeys here can help. When working in Silverlight, when I create bindings in my c# code, they never hold up when the application is running. The declarative bindings from my xaml seem ok, but I'm doing somet...

Trigger update on DataTable bound to DataGridView

In my .NET/Forms app I have a DataGridView which is bound to a DataTable. The user selects a row of the DataGridView by double-clicking and does some interaction with the app. After that the content of the row is updated programmatically. When the user selects a new row the changes on the previous one are automagically propagated to the...

Databinding ApplicationSettings to Custom Components

I have a custom component where I have implemented INotifyPropertyChanged and IBindableComponent. However, when I try to databind a property, the designer adds this line: this.component11.TestString = global::WindowsFormsApplication2.Properties.Settings.Default.Setting; instead of creating a binding as it does with a TextBox: this.t...

Expose DependencyProperty

When developing WPF UserControls, what is the best way to expose a DependencyProperty of a child control as a DependencyProperty of the UserControl? The following example shows how I would currently expose the Text property of a TextBox inside a UserControl. Surely there is a better / simpler way to accomplish this? <UserControl x:Clas...

How do I use WPF bindings with RelativeSource?

How do I use RelativeSource with WPF bindings and what are the different use-cases? ...

How to have silverlight get its data from MySQL

I've written a small hello world test app in Silverlight which i want to host on a Linux/Apache2 server. I want the data to come from MySQL (or some other linux compatible db) so that I can databind to things in the db. I've managed to get it working by using the MySQL Connector/.NET: MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection("Server=...

Duplicate complex MXML binding in ActionScript

MXML lets you do some really quite powerful data binding such as: <mx:Button id="myBtn" label="Buy an {itemName}" visible="{itemName!=null}"/> I've found that the BindingUtils class can bind values to simple properties, but neither of the bindings above do this. Is it possible to do the same in AS3 code, or is Flex silently generating...