
Is there a Ruby equivalent to the .NET DataContract serializers

I've been using WCF's DataContract and DataContractSerializer to read/write objects to XML files. We want to switch to using a Ruby on Rails version, and I wanted to find out what I could use. We have objects that have attributes like (these are just examples not the exact objects): [DataContract] public class City { [DataMember] ...

Controlling what properties are serialized through a service reference

We have a service reference that points at a WCF service, this acts as a proxy to our model layer where our data access logic is being handled. Under the hood we are using Linq2Sql as the ORM to facilitate the database communication. We use the generated classes as our data access layer, but what gets returned is actually dumb DTOs obje...

Put objects which are decorated with [DataContract] into a StateServer?

Is there anyway to stick objects which are decorated with DataContract attributes but not decorated with Serializable attributes in to a SqlServer StateServer? In other words, I would prefer not having to decorate these objects with the Serializable attribute as I will also have to implement IXmlSerizable on all of these objects because ...

DataContractSerializer and deserializing web service response types

Hi, I am using calling web services and using WCF generated service-reference on the client. I have saved XML responses that are received from test service to disk (without SOAP envelope and body tags) I would like to load them from disk and create objects from them. Lets' take the following method from my web service: SomeMethodRespo...

WCF Datacontract, some fields do not deserialize

Problem: I have a WCF service setup to be an endpoint for a call from an external system. The call is sending plain xml. I am testing the system by sending calls into the service from Fiddler using the RequestBuilder. The issue is that all of my fields are being deserialized with the exception of two fields. price_retail and price_whol...

Data Contract Serialization Not Working For All Elements

I have an XML file that I'm trying to serialize into an object. Some elements are being ignored. My XML File: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <License xmlns=""&gt; <Guid>7FF07F74-CD5F-4369-8FC7-9BF50274A8E8</Guid> <Url>;/Url&gt; <ValidKey>true</Valid...

Changing what a property is serialized as

I think i already know the answer to this, but i cannot find anything that states it definitively, hence my question - i want to make sure i am not missing a trick. Using the DataContractSerializer or the XmlSerializer, is there any way to change what a pulic property is serialized as? I have a property that is an Enum, and i would lik...

How does DataContractSerializer write to private fields?

I understand how XMLSerializer could work by using reflection to figure out what public read/write fields or properties it should be using to serialize or de-serialize XML. Yet XMLSerializer requires that the fields be public and read/write. However, DataContractSerializer is able to read or write to or from completely private fields i...

WCF Serialization -More Information

I read some microsoft articles.They explained that WCF uses DataContractSerializer for serialization.But the articles did not explain why DataContractSerializer preferred over XmlSerialization.Can anyone give me the additional information? ...

Object hierarchy returned by WCF Service is different than expected

Good Day Everyone... My understanding may be wrong, but I thought once you applied the correct attributes the DataContractSerializer would render fully-qualified instances back to the caller. The code runs and the objects return. But oddly enough, once I look at the returned objects I noticed the namespacing disappeared and the object-...

How to serialize a collection of base type and see the concrete types in easy to read XML

I have a List which is populated with objects of various concrete types which subclass BaseType I am using the WCF DataContractSerializer <Children> <BaseType xmlns:d3p1="" i:type="d3p1:ConcreteTypeA"></BaseType> <BaseType xmlns:d3p1="

Is there a way to create a WCF DataContract on a third party type?

I am migrating to wcf and trying to figure out how I'm going to declare my Data Contracts properly. Some of the types I have been remoting are from a third party that I am unable to change. Are attributes the only way to explicitly declare data contracts in wcf? I know about the auto data contract functionality in 3.5, but the books I'...

"Wrapping" a BindingList<T> propertry with a List<T> property for serialization.

I'm writing an app that allows users search and browse catalogs of widgets. My WidgetCatalog class is serialized and deserialized to and from XML files using DataContractSerializer. My app is working now but I think I can make the code a lot more efficient if I started taking advantage of data binding rather then doing everything manuall...

PostSharp when using DataContractSerializer?

I have an Aspect that implements INotifyPropertyChanged on a class. The aspect includes the following: [OnLocationSetValueAdvice, MethodPointcut("SelectProperties")] public void OnPropertySet(LocationInterceptionArgs args) { var currentValue = args.GetCurrentValue(); bool alreadyEqual = (currentValue == args...

Setting the initial value of a property when using DataContractSerializer

If I am serializing and later deserializing a class using DataContractSerializer how can I control the initial values of properties that were not serialized? Consider the Person class below. Its data contract is set to serialize the FirstName and LastName properties but not the IsNew property. I want IsNew to initialize to TRUE whether ...

F# DataContractJsonSerializer StackOverflowException

dataElementsList : TypesAndData.DataElement list is a list of 50,000 records (actually many more but let's start small). I am trying to serialize to a JSON file: let ser = Json.DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof<TypesAndData.DataElement list>) use ofs = File.OpenWrite(fileName) let result = ser.WriteObject(ofs, dataElementsList) an...

MessageContract serialization with DCS

Is there a way to make the DataContractSerializer serialize a [MessageContract] the same way it appears when transmitted over SOAP? I have a class that appears as follows on the wire for a WCF call: <TestRequest xmlns=""&gt; <Name>Just Me</Name> </TestRequest> When serializing using the DCS...

Silverlight: DataContractSerializer cannot handle read only collection properties

Hey Stackoverflowers :) For our Silverlight Project (SL4) I'm using a Model which might contain Lists (IList<AnotherModel>). According to good practice and rule CA2227:CollectionPropertiesShouldBeReadOnly the IList properties don't have a public setter. We serialize the Model using the DataContractSerializer which is working. But when ...

Enums, DataContracts and WCF question

I am new to WCF and have a simple question... My DataContract class returns an Enum type to the consumer from one of it's exposed methods. The consumer is able to see the enum type, and instantiate variables of that typel. However, I have not provided a [DataContract] nor [EnumMember]s for the enum in the service. My question is, wh...

Serialize an object using DataContractJsonSerializer as a json array

I have a class which contains a list of items. I want to serialize an instance of this class to json using the DataContractJsonSerializer as a json array. eg. class MyClass { List<MyItem> _items; } class MyItem { public string Name {get;set;} public string Description {get;set;} } When serialized to json it should be like...