
Java dropping half of UDP packets

Greetings, I have a simple client/server setup. The server is in C and the client that is querying the server is Java. My problem is that, when I send bandwidth-intensive data over the connection, such as Video frames, it drops up to half the packets. I make sure that I properly fragment the udp packets on the server side (udp has a ma...

Why do I get UDP datagrams out of order even with processes runnning locally?

Well, I'm developing a java interface between a streaming server and a flash client. I noticed that UDP datagrams can reach my interface out of order even if both processes are running locally. Is that normal? I thought that as no datagram has to go through any router or any network device, then that should not be happening. Thanks in ...

Is it possible to send datagrams over TCP?

In theory nothing prevents using TCP socket with SOCK_DGRAM. What you'll get is reliable datagram transport. Is this possible using Berkeley sockets? ...

help on ejb stateless datagram and message driven beans

i have a client thats sending a message to the ejbserver using UDP, i want the server(stateless bean) to echo back this message to the client but i cant seem to do this. or can i implement the same logic by using JMS? please help and enlighten. this is just a test, in the end i want a midp to be sending the message to the ejb using dat...

[Android] Datagrampacket to xml

Hi, Im trying to parse a Soap ProbeMatch message with XMLPullParser. I receive this via UDP Multicast. I use the following code to receive it. byte[] buf = new byte[1900]; DatagramPacket packet = new DatagramPacket(buf, buf.length); mSocket.receive(packet); // Damn ugly.... String data = new String(packet.getData()) If i convert th...

Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) on Android/Java

Hi, Has anyone used DTLS on Android or is there an open source Java implementation that supports DTLS? What are my other options for securing UDP traffic on Android ? Thanks. ...

Building OpenSSL on Android NDK

Hi, I want to use DTLS (on OpenSSL) using JNI on Android 2.1/2.2. Can someone help me get started (tutorials, howto, pointers etc) with building OpenSSL for Android (2.1/2.2) using the Android NDK? Anything important that I should be aware of before doing it. Thanks. ...

Socket not closing properly

I am trying to create a UDP listener that will listen on a separate thread. It works fine the first time but when I stop the connection and then start it again it gives me errors. listenerRunnable = new Runnable() { public void run() { //This thread will listen keep listening to the UDP traffic and put it to the log...

Unix Domain Socket: Using datagram communication between one server process and several client processes

I would like to establish an IPC connection between several processes on Linux. I have never used UNIX sockets before, and thus I don't know if this is the correct approach to this problem. One process receives data (unformated, binary) and shall distribute this data via a local AF_UNIX socket using the datagram protocol (i.e. similar t...

Sending UDP packets via Java

Hi all, I'm trying to send UDP packets from my PC to an FPGA via my laptop's ethernet cable. I've been using Java's DatagramPacket and DatagramSocket to send the UDP packets. However, these packets will only send over my laptop's wireless interface. How can I specify that the packets should go through my ethernet interface? Thank you. ...

Checking setSoTimeout for DatagramSocket() in Java

Hi. I'm fairly new to java and I have a, probably, very easy question to answer. I have a DatagramSocket and i have set the setSoTimeout to be around 2 seconds. I know from the Java library that if a recieve() is issued to this socket and 2 seconds passes and it doesn't recieve a reply, an exception is raised (

File descriptor of a java datagram socket

Hi, How do I get the file descriptor of a Java Datagram socket? I've searched the web without any success. Srini ...

How can i emulate non blocking i/o in java using threads

Hello, i m writing simple application involving a server and many clients at time. i have to use DataGramSocket. application is simple exchange of messages through console like in chatting. but both operations in.readLine() and ds.receive() are blocking and putting them in seperate threads didn't help as blocking i/o will block the thr...

When to use WCF duplex vs datagram?

My app is master/slave system where slaves can send messages to the master based on a (local) event and master sends messages to the slave also based on local events. In both cases they may send outgoing messages based on incoming messages. Sometimes these reponses may only be sent after human interaction - not immediately (and connecti...

Static memory for incoming UDP packets

Objective: To pass data from incoming UDP datagrams to 4 threads waiting on their respective queues. The application is supposed to work non-stop for pumping traffic to a DUT and process the incoming messages. This is what I am doing: 1. Public byte[] receiveData = new byte[512] 2. receivePacket = new DatagramPacket(receiveData, 0 , ...