
ADO.NET DataRow - check for column existance

How do I check for the existence of a column in a datarow? I'm building datatables to organize some data that I've already pulled back from the db. Depending on the type of data in each row I need to create a datatable with different columns. Then later on I want to check and see if the datatable i am looking at has a certain column. ...

Adding a datarow from an existing table to a new table

Hi i want to add a datarow that im getting back from a data table to a new datatable this is the code im using: foreach (DataRow dr1 in dt.Rows) { string AptType = dr1["AppointmentType"].ToString(); if (AptType == "FreeTime") { dt2.ImportRow(dr1); } } RadGrid2.DataSource = dt2; reader.Close(); conn.Close(); the problem i...

Get Value of Row in Datatable c#

Hi, i have a problem with my code. foreach (DataRow dr in dt_pattern.Rows) { part = dr["patternString"].ToString(); if (part != vpart) { System.Console.WriteLine(part); System.Console.WriteLine("Geben Sie bitte für den Abschnitt die AT ein: "); temp = System.Console.ReadLine(); AT = ...

Adding Datarow between Rows?

Hello, how can i add rows between existing rows in a datatable ? Thanks ...

Why does my DataTable always returns "true/false" but never a string?

I'm trying to use a DataTable, filled by a MySqlDataAdapter, which contains a list of comments for a blog entry. For some reasons, if the field "anonymous" is set to "1", the username field is empty and should be replaced with a specified string. The problem I have is that whenever I try to get the value of the field, I get either "true...

Update Exist Data Using DataRow C#

hi. I need to update my exist data in mysql database. I write like this code; String _id = lbID.Text; dsrm_usersTableAdapters.rm_usersTableAdapter _t = new dsrm_usersTableAdapters.rm_usersTableAdapter(); dsrm_users _mds = new dsrm_users(); _mds.EnforceConstraints = false; dsrm_users.rm_usersData...

DataSet help in C#

Hello, I connected an sql database in c# and now trying to put the contents into a dataset. How will I be able to do that? My code is: string constr = "Data Source=ECEE;Initial Catalog=Internet_Bankaciligi;User ID=sa"; SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(constr); SqlDataAdapter mySqlDataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapt...

DataBinding with a DataRow - problems

Hello, I am currently coding a project under c# and am experiencing problems. I'll give a brief description of my form: It has a datagridview on the bottom half of the form with single row selection, and is read only. On the top half of the form I have various components which are databound to the selected row on the datagridview. I di...

Changing how a telerik radgrid marks a row as "modified"

I am working with the Telerik Winforms Radgrid version 2009.2.9.701 in visual studio 2008 (C#) and I've come across and issue I can't seem to find a solution for. When the radgrid is populated and the user changes a cell within a row, the row is not flagged as "modified" until the user actually clicks onto another location on the datagr...

Handle DataTable.DataRow cell change event

I have a DataTable that has several DataColumns and DataRow. Now i would like to handle an event when cell of this DataRow is changed. How to do this in c#? ...

C# Assigning a value to DataRow["haswhatnots"] = hasWhatnots is awful slow.

C# Assigning a value to DataRow["haswhatnots"] = hasWhatnots is awful slow. hasWhatnots is a boolean value. I have profiled this line and with 560000 hits the execution time is 82 seconds. Of course the profiler has some effect on the performance, but still the performance of this is grazy slow! Any hints on the issue. The DataRow is p...

what is the correct way to read from a datarow if the cell might be null

I have the following code which seems to blow up if the column in the datarow (dr) is null. what is the correct way to parse out the value from the data row and handle null checks? Person person = new Person() { FirstName = dr["FirstName"].ToString(), ...

C# DataTable: Add new row throws error using AutoInc field

I have a collection List<Employee> employees; I use a DataTable, and load all the records (from MDB table) when Form1.Loads, and add these records to the List (Collection) so I work with them in memory. Now, when I add a new employee to the collection, I should add it also to the mdb table... so I do: DataRow rowemployee = Program...

Hide a row in a datagridview (WinForms/C#)

Say I have a DataGridView Control, this grid is filled through a DataTable. Now, I'd like to add some dynamic filtering, by means of a checkbox. When the _CheckedChanged event is launched and Checked is set to true, I exectue a filter; DataRow[] rows = grid.Select("foo = bar"); No I want to only show these records in the grid. Now, wh...

Mapping special null constant values into DBNull in a DataTable

I'm working with an existing object framework that uses special values to represent NULL for primitives int, DateTime, long. Data containing these values are added to a DataTable and displayed in third-party controls such as XtraGrid. All is fine, except when aggregates are applied to the data. In this case, obviously the special value...

Is it possible to insert DataRow into a DataTable at index 0?

This question answers how to insert a DataColumn at position 0. Is there a way to do the same thing with a DataRow? Or is that impossible? Thanks. ...

How to check if a column with a given name exists in a datarow.

i want to insert a value from loop in datarow so before entering value in datarow i want to check that a perticular column NAME exist in table or not...please tell me how can i check it.. ( preferred). ...

Compare DataRow collection to List<T>

I have a List<string> and I have a DataTable. One of the columns in a DataRow is ID. The List holds instances of this ID. The DataTable gets populated on a Timer. I want to return items from the List that are not in the DataTable into another list. ...

Ruby On Rails: Fetching records

Hi everybody, I'm looking for a tutorial or a piece of code that can leads me to create a page where we can find only 10 data rows per page and navigating with Ajax previous/next arrows and also page number (i.e.: < 1 2 3 ... 10 > ). Thank you very much. ...

how to return single row using TableAdapter

Hi I am currently using TableAdapter that returns a dataTable, which is fine to use when result table should have more than one row like : MyItemsDataTable myItemsDataTable = Adapter.GetAllItems(); but if we need only one row as a result, say an item, which has a particular ID MyItemsDataSet.MyItemRow itemRow = Adapter.GetItemByID...