
Dataset / Datatable issue

Hi! I'm using a dataset to store a datatable filled from a database. the content of this datatable is pulled out from more than one table (e.g. the datatable has the columns "user_id", "user_name", "user_address", store in the db in tables users and addresses, using a select - join statement). After editing the records in a gridview, i ...

How to make Databinding between classes easy?

What would be the best practice to save information for about 30 TextBoxes in a in-memory database such as a dataset. I want it to be easy to modify in case we need to add or remove information parsed. And make sure that it's easy to update this information from my Parser class to the actual Forms or User Controls. I also want to make ...

MSDataSetGenerator changes NullValue DateTime format in generated designer file

Hello, When I create a dataset in VS 2008 and add a column named "Date" with DataType = System.DateTime and NullValue = 9999-12-31T23:59:59 this gets changed, when running the MSDataSetGenerator tool, in the designer file to private static System.DateTime Date_nullValue = global::System.DateTime.Parse("12/31/9999 23:59:59"); This gi...

How to move to next row in dataset and display in hyperlink

I'm writing an email application that will be used to send HTML news articles to clients. I'm using a dataset to return the headlines to display to the client. When I loop through the dataset the the latest record is returned but latest headline link is not displayed. So the outputted HTML is the same headline everytime, which is the fi...

How to use Case Conditions in LINQ To DataSets

I have a DataTable containing some records. Based on some conditions I have to filter records into two datatables. Say When row["ItemType"]==1 //Insert item into DataTable 1 When row["ItemType"]==2 //Insert item into DataTable 2 Else //Insert item into DataTable 3 How to do this in LINQ for a DataTable that contains a...

XSD element in DataSets

I have an XSD file with various elements like <xs:element name="a1" type="xs:int" /> <xs:element name="b1" type="xs:string" /> <xs:element name="c1" type="xs:unsignedByte" /> etc. based on conditions in code i assign DataRow drXML = xmlDoc.DataSet.Tables["COLLECTION"].NewRow(); for ex: drXML["b1"] = dr.GetString("b1"); (this d...

How do get a strongly typed single value using LINQ

I am using LINQ to interact with data in a DataSet in a C#.NET program. The data is imported into the data set from an XML file so that is where it gets it's schema. I want to be able to grab a single row from the table and then access the specific columns of that row in a strongly-typed manner (with intelli-sense). I think I am close on...

cast e.Item.DataItem to typed dataset1.TableRow (Datagrid1_ItemDataBound event)

hi all, on there is good example of using typed dataset though its in I am not able to to the castings done in DataGrid1_ItemDataBound event in c#. Can any body help? datarow = CType(CType(e.Item.DataItem, DataRowView).Row, Dataset1.WorkExperianceDataRow) is the line with which...

Alternatives to typed datasets?

I can add a stored procedure to a dataset and handle the data manipulation. Wanted to know if there are any other ways through which on the basis of stored procedure result sets, I can handle data in the BAL, like dynamically generating business objects or something else? ...

fastest way to read/write to sql server - large dataset

I have about 60Million records in database and have to process all of them. So the idea is to use c# code to read data, process it and then put it back in the db. Data doesn't come and go to the same table - multiple tables are involved. I want to see what's the best to go about doing that? Should I read 100K records at a time in dat...

C# Convert string array to dataset

I have an array of strings and need to convert them to a dataset. Is there some shortcut way to do this? For example: string[] results = GetResults(); DataSet myDataSet = new DataSet(); results = myDataSet.ToDataSet(); // Convert array to data set I’m not too bothered about formatting or structure. ...

Best way to check for duplicates when adding a new Row in DataSets?

Hey, What is the most effective way to add new items to my DataSet, and making sure that if it's an duplicate item, that I update it instead of creating a new entry? If I was writing this in mySQL I would use the 'On Duplicate' syntax. ...

Is there a dataset describing all common software licenses?

Is there a public project to build a dataset describing all common software licenses with information on license name, text, compatibility with others and regular expression patterns to identify it? Something similar to oh-count/licenses.c, but language-independent (JSON or XML) and with more details about each license? I plan to build...

DataSet ReadXmlSchema ignoring precision and scale

I have a very simple XML schema I am trying to read into DataSet. When I read the schema file, the DataSet ignores the totalDigits and fractionalDigits restrictions. The string's max length restriction is respected, but I can't get it to acknowledge the decimal restrictions. Here is the xsd file: <?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?> <...

C#: How to add a row to a child table with a DataSet backing?

On the back end I am using XML files, xsd schemas a DataSet(dsThingPrograms) and DataTables. I have a parent ->child table relationship defined through the DataSet designer as such: things[RFID(pkey), name] programs[ID(pkey/autogen), name, path, thing_RFID(FK references things->RFID)] In my code I have: dsThingPrograms.things.Addthin...

C# access DataSet data from another class

Hello, how I can access a DataSet and it's TablesData(s) to add/delete/edit rows from another class I have a winform and I added a DataGridView dataGridView1 then I added a DataSet dataSet1 then I bind them with BindingSource all the data will be saved in an XML all work OK, I made few test projects all work fine but when I try to ...

dataset top n rows in c#

I want to select top N rows from a dataset. is there any way to do it in C# ? i dont have access to sql server stored procedures to change them so I need to show only some rows to data bind. how would I go about this? ...

Remove row from DataSet if bound table is sorted

I have a DataGridView that is bound to a DataSet and I allow someone to remove a row from the table and I remove the row from the set. My code looks like this: ds.Tables(0).Rows(dgCourseList.SelectedRows(0).Index).Delete() My problem I found is if the grid gets sorted the index of the rows no longer corresponds to the indexes in the D...

WPF: After adding a new row why aren't my bound controls updating?

I'm using wpf drag and drop databinding to datasets. I generate a new datatable row using the AddNew method of the BindingListCollectionView. I set values on the new row and call CommitNew on the BindingListCollectionView. I expect to see my assigned values in the bound controls but they are all blank. If I save the changes to the databa...

BIRT dynamic image url - cannot get access to data columns

I am trying to display different images based on data returned. I am running into the following issues DataSet is not available on the image control for me to make decisions based on the column information. I am using a grid layout (no tables)... Think of a letter I tried to create report level variables and assign it the value from da...