
WinForms - VB.NET - Passing same list as DataSource for two different listboxes create problems

Check out the simple code below : Public Class Form1 Private _items As List(Of String) = New List(Of String) Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load _items.Add("Item1") _items.Add("Item2") _items.Add("Item3") ListBox1.DataSource = _it...

JBOSS Exception formatter for MySQL

We have a solution that uses JBoss and Oracle, in the datasource configuration file it makes reference to a OracleXAExceptionFormatter class. We are migrating from Oracle to MySQL, my question is does JBoss have an equivalent exception formatter class for MySQL or at least a generic equivalent? <datasources> <xa-datasource> <jndi-...

DataGridView: Keep selections after datasource is changed?

Is there a way to keep the selected cells of a DataGridView selected after the DataSource is changed? ...

How to handle two-way binding of a SqlDataSource on a ASP.NET ListBox

If I have two listboxes, with a button between them, how do I update the Items of ListBox2 if ListBox2's items are databound? <asp:ListBox runat="server" ID="ListBox1" DataSourceID="DataSource1" DataTextField="Name" DataValueField="ID" SelectionMode="Multiple" /> <asp:Button runat="server" ID="addButton" onClick="addButton_Click" ...

Why in "Configure Data Source" when i choose "Parameter source :Control" all ControlIDs are duplicated?

Hi , I don't know it happen just to me or Others have the same situation too . All the time when i bind a DataControl to an ObjectDataSource in "Configure Data Source" wizard of ObjectDataSource,when i set parameter source as "Control" in "ControlId" DropdownList there are TWO Item of every control in the WebForm , while it make sense ...

transactionmanager using same datasource

(connected to db call abc)--->datasource1 ---> LocalSessionFactoryBean --->transactionManager1 (connected to db call abc)--->datasource1----->AnnotationSessionFactoryBean -->transactionManager2 the reason i have 2 sessionfactory is because one is used by 3rd party osworkflow library and latter use by my application since both are co...

How to use multiple List<> as DatagridView's datasource

I'm looking for a highly efficient way to save data to a table like structure in C#. The number of rows, columns and data type for each column is determined at runtime. One of my approaches is to create a struct that defines a column. The struct consists of ColumnName, Units, and a generic List of doubles. (For now I am sticking to one d...

is there a good datasource example which binds to json (from a webservice)

Is there a good example (code) for a datasource which binds to json data from a remote webservice? Or is there another smart way to bind json formatted data against for instance a grid control? (either be it web or win forms) I'm asking for the source code, since that way it can be tweaked a bit to the json better ...

Datasources in

My colleague wants to connect a Gridview's datasource to a dynamic Stored procedures. The Stored procedure is not showing up in the list so I put the stored procedure in the select command. I need to pass it parts of sql statements and not just regular string parameters. How can i accomplish this? ...

debug iphone app data source

Hi, I'd like to debug/monitor what my iphoneapp retrieves from my website from the iphone. i.e. My iphone app retrieves some prices for products from my website How do I see it from the iPhone itself that it is doing what it is suppose to do? THanks ...

bindingsource doesn't save some fields

I have an invoice form bind to a bindingsource and bindingnavigator. I use the bindingnavigator to add and save records. But I can's save data from an item combobox and total text box. The item combobox's datasource is set from the item table. It's value member is set to item id and its display member to item name. but when i hit save, t...

How to use higher level datasource in custom usercontrol?

I'm setting up a web application with multiple forms. Each form is defined within an asp:FormView with the DataSource set to an ObjectDataSource. Each form contains it's own set of fields and always contains one or more blocks of fields, which are the same for multiple forms. Because this blocks are the same, I decided to define them in...

Where to find "delegate" and "datasource" method documentation for NSTableView?

I'm looking for Apple documentation regarding the "delegate" and "datasource" methods for NSTableView. They don't appear in the NSTableView Class Reference for some reason. Any idea where I can look? Here's an example of one of them: - (void)tableView:(NSTableView *)tableView setObjectValue:(id)object forTableColumn:(NSTableC...

Crystal Reports 10.5 PrintToPrinter override report datasource

My Crystal Report .rpt file has a datasource of 'dev'. The deployment environment datasource name will vary. In my app code, I have: SqlConnectionStringBuilder SConn = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder(connectionString); Label myLabel = new Label(); myLabel.DataSourceConnections[0].SetConnection(SConn.DataSource, SConn.InitialCatalog...

CakePHP External API aggregation - A Model, Datasource & Behaviour Design Question - Best Practice

Hi, I have a project that requires me to integrate with 2 REST APIs and then aggregate the results. I am building this project in CakePHP My basic approach is: Product (model) Products (controller) API1 (datasource) API2 (datasource) Aggregation (behaviour) The basic flow is: 1. User enters a product name into a search form /products...

c# dictionary one key many values

Hi, I want to create a data store to allow me to store some data. The first idea was to create a dictionary where you have 1 key with many values, so a bit like a one to many relationship I think the dictionary only has 1 key value. How else could I store this information?? Marc ...

Is there PHP treeview with data from database?

Hello, I want to know if there exists php treeview with data from mysql. I haven't found a suitalbe one for my project. Do you know if there is some plugins or code samples out there? Thanks a lot. Edit: jQuery Treeview's asyncronous example, link text I found it can work, but i don't know how to get the source.php. Do you have ...

How can I allow users to switch data sources for an SSRS report?

I have two SQL Server databases with identical schemas, but different data. I also have SSRS generating reports, in native mode, for one of the databases. All reports the same shared data source. I would like to allow users to get reports for the other database. I created a second shared data source for the second database. Modifying th...

Jboss datasource recovering after database re-start

Closed connections still in the connection pool - why? servlet- public class Index extends HttpServlet { TimeZoneService timeZoneService; public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws ServletException { WebApplicationContext ctx = WebApplicationContextUtils.getRequiredWebApplicationContext(...

Invalid Jboss Datasources after redeploy

I'm developing an application tha uses seven datasources (ds) for MySql databases. I'm pretty satisfied with the result when it is working. However i'm getting are datasource related problems when I redeploy my aplication. Here is one of the seven ds I've configured in my my-application-ds.xml: <xa-datasource> <jndi-name>jd...