
How to show a DataTemplate in the window

I have declared a DataTemplate in Window.Resources; I don't intend to use it inside an ItemsControl, but rather just use it as a user control. How do I put it on a form? ...

How to access a control placed inside data template of listbox?

Hi I have the following code: <ListBox x:Name="foldersListBox" Grid.Column="0" MouseLeftButtonUp="foldersListBox_MouseLeftButtonUp" BorderThickness="0" Height="AUTO" ScrollViewer.HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Disabled" ScrollViewer.VerticalScrol...

How to add handler in dynamic datatemplate

I am successfully declaring a data template in a code behind as follows: private static DataTemplate CreateTemplate(string sortMemberPath, HorizontalAlignment horzAlignment) { const string xamlFormat = "<DataTemplate xmlns=\"\" >" ...

MVVM/WPF: DataTemplate is not changed in Wizard

Hello, I wonder why my contentcontrol(headeredcontentcontrol) does not change the datatemplates when I press the previous/next button. While debugging everything seems ok means I jump forth and back the collection of wizardpages but always the first page is shown and its header text not the usercontrol is visible. What do I have forgot...

How can I use a parent content control from a sub binding?

I have the following code currently: <DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type vm:SectionViewModel}"> <ScrollViewer> <ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding ViewModels}"> </ItemsControl> </ScrollViewer> </DataTemplate> <DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type vm:StringViewModel}"> <Grid> <Grid.ColumnDefinitions> ...

How to get relative source of item in ItemTemplate

I have a ListBox with specified ItemTemplate. And the ItemTemplate contain itself ListView and I want to display in that ListView a collection, which is actually a property of the item of the ListBox. Could you show me how to do Binding. I'm thinking about RelativeSource thing, but I don't know what correct syntax would look like... ...

DataTemplate / ContentTemplate - exchange controls

How can i solve the following (simplified) problem? M-V-VM context. I want to show text at the UI. In case the user has the rights to change the text, i want to use a textbox to manipulate the text. In case the user has no rights, i want to use a label to only show the text. My main problem: how to exchange textbox and label and bind Te...

Custom DataType in DataTemplate breaks WPF designer

Why does the DataTemplate line break the WPF designer in Visual Studio 2008? The program compiles and runs properly. The DataTemplate is applied as it should. However the entire DataTemplate block of code is underlined in red, and when I simply "build" the program without running, I get the error "Type reference cannot find public type ...

WPF DataTemplateKey can not find ListBox key

I am fairly new to WPF and am having trouble getting the DataTemplateKey to find my ListBox. <Window.Resources> <ControlTemplate x:Key="FocusTemplate" > <Rectangle Fill="Azure" Width="290" Height="55" /> </ControlTemplate> <Style x:Key="FocusStyle" TargetType="{x:Type Control}"> <Setter Property="Template" V...

Binding a WPF ComboBox to a different ItemsSource within a ListBox DataTemplate

I have a ListBox that contains a textbox and a combobox in its datatemplate: <ListBox Height="147" Margin="158,29,170,0" Name="PitcherListBox" VerticalAlignment="Top" ItemsSource="{Binding SomeCollectionOfObjects}" Background="Black"> <ListBox.ItemTemplate> <DataTemplate> <StackPanel Orientation="Hori...

ValueConverter not invoked in DataTemplate binding

I have a ComboBox that uses a DataTemplate. The DataTemplate contains a binding which uses an IValueConverter to convert an enumerated value into a string. The problem is that the value converter is never invoked. If I put a breakpoint in StatusToTextConverter.Convert(), it never is hit. This is my XAML: <ComboBox ItemsSource="{Bin...

WPF data templates

I'm getting started with WPF and trying to get my head around connecting data to the UI. I've managed to connect to a class without any issues, but what I really want to do is connect to a property of the main window. Here's the XAML: <Window x:Class="test3.MainWindow" xmlns="

Difference between Control Template and Data Template in wpf

hello, Can someone elaborate the difference between Control template and Data template in wpf? What should one use in case of custom controls? Like for example a stackpanel which possibly has an image and a textbox? It seems confusing in some cases where you define a custom control using the 'Content' property. It would be great if an...

Silverlight 4.0: DataTemplate Error

Im trying to get the specific template in my resource dictionary. This is my resource dictionary <ResourceDictionary xmlns="" xmlns:view="clr-namespace:Test.Layout.View" xmlns:toolkit="clr-namespace:System.Windows.Controls;assembly=System.Windows.Controls.Toolkit" xmlns:x="http...

How can data templates in generic.xaml get applied automatically?

I have a custom control that has a ContentPresenter that will have an arbitrary object set as it content. This object does not have any constraint on its type, so I want this control to display its content based on any data templates defined by application or by data templates defined in Generic.xaml. If in a application I define some da...

DataTemplate Xaml ,make a Datagrid custom

hi, I'm actually looking for solutions to edit a kind of a datagrid. Explanations : I have a list of data A, and a list of data B and i would like to attribute an element of list of data B to an other element in list of data A. I would like to use DataTemplate,but I'm blocked with the radio button inside the grid. This is an image of ...

DataTemplate defautl visibility for ContentControls

In my MVVM based WPF application I have a lot of different ViewModel types that dynamically loaded into ContentControls or ContentPresenters. Therefor I need to explictly set what DataTemplate is to be used in XAML: <ContentControl Content={Binding SomePropertyOfTypeViewModel} ContentTemplate={StaticResource someTemplate} /> Now my pro...

Getting unhandled exception when DataTemplate is created dynamically using Silverlight 3.0

Requirement is to create a reusable multi-select combobox custom control. To accomplish this, I am creating the DataTemplate dynamically through code and set the combobox ItemTemplate. I am able to load the datatemplate dynamically and set the ItemTemplate, but getting unhandled exception (code: 7054) when combobox is selected. Here is...

Retrieve a TextBox element dinamically created and Focus it

Hi, I have a collection (VariableValueCollection) of custom type VariableValueViewModel objects binded with a ListView. WPF Follow: <ListView ItemsSource="{Binding VariableValueCollection}" Name="itemList"> <ListView.Resources> <DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type vm:VariableValueViewModel}"> <Grid> <...

WPF Datatemplate + ItemsControl each item uses > 1 MB Memory?

Does that sound right to anyone???? I have an ItemsControl that displays data from a custom object that implements iNotifyPropertyChanged. The DataTemplate consists of: Border 3 buttons 5 textboxes An ellipse A Bindable RichTextBox (custom class that inherits from RichTextBox... so I could make Document a dependency property (to suppo...