
jquery: selectbox with diffrent output on diffrent selections

Hello! I'm trying to get input box to show different dates depending on the users selection from select box. If user select today today date should show if tomorrow, the date for tomorrow. My qustion is how do I get the select box to show the correct date? <?php $tomorrow = date("Y-m-d", mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m") , date("d")+2, date...

Date and time input

How can I show a date popup box that formats the date so it will fit in the mySQL date field? Also, how can I check or format time to fit in the mySQL time field? ...

SQL date selecting

I want to be able to select all database rows where the month and year are the same as what I am searching for. Since the DATE field has year, month, and day, how do I search with year and month? ...

Get Latest Entry from Database

How can I get the latest entry by the latest DATE field from a MySQL database using PHP? The rows will not be in order of date, so I can't just take the first or last row. ...

Taking a NULL value from the database and assigning to a Date variable

A stored procedure returns data about a user record including a nullable datetime column for their last login date. Which one is the better choice in dealing with the possibility for NULL values when trying to assign a .Net date variable? Try _LastLogin = CDate(DT.Rows(0)("LastLogin")) Catch ex As InvalidCastException ...

How can I calculate a time span in Java and format the output?

I want to take two times (in seconds since epoch) and show the difference between the two in formats like: 2 minutes 1 hour, 15 minutes 3 hours, 9 minutes 1 minute ago 1 hour, 2 minutes ago How can I accomplish this?? ...

Algorithm to determine if a given date/time is between two date/time pairs

I have an array of dates in a one week range stored in an unusual way. The Dates are stored in this numeric format: 12150 From left to right: 1st digit represents day: 1 = sunday, 2 = monday, 3 = tuesday, ...., 7 = saturday next two digits represent hour in a 24 hour system: 00 = midnight, 23 = 11pm next two digits represent minutes...

date formatting in php

Hi, I am having a string as mentioned below: $ts = "3/11/09 11:18:59 AM"; which I have got using date() function Now i need to convert this to a readable format like below 11-Mar-2009 I have ave tried everything using date() Can someone please help me with this?? ...

How to change format (e.g. dd/MMM/yyyy) of DateTimePicker in WPF application

I want to Change the Format of date selected in DateTimePicker in WPF Application ...

How can I format date -u so that the results include timezone offset in a Mac OSX terminal session?

In a terminal session I can use date -u to get Mon Mar 16 03:34:39 2009 UTC However, I'd like to include the offset. I'm modifying a TextMate tab trigger so that I can insert the full date including the local offset, in standard UTC format. I believe that would be in the following form: Mon Mar 16 03:34:39 2009 UTC -0500 So, as you c...

How to Change System Date Programatically

How can I Change Local System DateTime Programatically with C# ? ...

Partially null dates in MySQL/Django

I'm currently converting my site from PHP to Django, but as I'm new to Python I'm struggling to get my head around a few thingss. Sometimes I have incomplete dates in my database (ie I may not know the day or even the month), so currently have three integer fields: date_year, date_month and date_day. I noticed that MySQL accepted 'part...

[Wordpress] date issue with PHP 4.4.8

Hello folks. Last week a released a 2.0 beta version of my Events Manager plugin, which produces a list of events. Among the many bugs floating around, there is one I cannot fix. The bug seems to manifest itself only on a tester's server with PHP 4.4.8; works allright on PHP 5. When I try to use the H:i php time format, I always get midn...

What are equivalent C# datatypes for the new "date", "time" and "datetimeoffset" types?

What are the most suitable equivalent C# datatypes for the new "date", "time" and "datetimeoffset" datatypes in Sql Server 2008? ...

Is there an easy way to Calculate and format time/date intervals in java?

I'm familiar with the the date and time classes in the JDK and their associated formatting methods. I may be blind, but I cannot find an equivalent set of classes for processing time intervals. For example, I would like to display the number of days for a given long value of milliseconds. I realize that the method to do these conversions...

A non-deprecated exact equivalent of Date(String s) in Java?

I have old code that uses new Date(dateString) to parse a date string. Compiling the code produces the deprecation warning Date(java.lang.String) in java.util.Date has been deprecated. The javadoc unhelpfully advises me to use DateFormat.parse(), even though the DateFormat class does not have a static parse method. Now, I know how to u...

Simplest way to increment a date in PHP?

Say I have a string coming in, "2007-02-28", what's the simplest code I could write to turn that into "2007-03-01"? Right now I'm just using strtotime(), then adding 24*60*60, then using date(), but just wondering if there is a cleaner, simpler, or more clever way of doing it. ...

How can I build a list of days, months, years from a calendar object in Java?

I want to build a date widget for a form, which has a select list of months, days, years. since the list is different based on the month and year, i cant hard code it to 31 days. (e.g february has 28 days not 30 or 31 and some years even 29 days) How can I use the calendar or joda object to build me these lists. ...

How to create a friendly date format (for example "submitted 2 days ago"

I'm meaning to format dates on my social web app much like and other sites do. There, you see very friendly dates, such as: just now 3 minutes ago one hour ago 2 weeks ago 6 monts ago get the idea. Before I wrap my head around creating such a thing, does anyone know of any ready-to-go script for this where I simply in...

Modulo arithmetic on dates in SQL

I have a system which defines repeating patterns of days. Each pattern has a base date (often a few years in the past, when the pattern was created) and a day count (which loops), so for example it might define a pattern for a seven day period: Table: Pattern ID | BaseDate | DayCount ----------------------------- 1 | 01/02/2005 | 7 ...