
jQuery Datepicker - Programatically Limit Second Datepicker

Hello all, I've recently been using the following piece of code to limit my 2nd Date picker (end date) so that it does not precede the date of the 1st Date picker. $("#datepicker").datepicker({ minDate: +5, maxDate: '+1M +10D', onSelect: function(dateText, inst){ var the_date = dateText; $("#datepicker2").da...

Javascript string to Date conversion - simple?

Hi all, Yesterday I managed to solve this, then lost a day's work due to the death of a HD. Now I cannot remember what I did to fix it, but I know it can be done. Input: string date in the format 'm/d/yy', eg '12/25/10', or '4/1/10' (1st April) Output - Date object I'm working with date.js and date.format.js so have Date.fromString() ...

getting date from JQueryUI Datepicker

I am using JQueryUI datepicker. I am currently using following: $('#dtpicker').datepicker('getDate'); to get date from the datepicker. This function by default gets me today's date if the user has not selected any date in the picker. Is there some function which gets the date the user has selected? For example, if the user has selecte...

Test if element already has jQuery datepicker

I have a form with many input elements. Some are date fields with a jQuery UI datepicker alraedy attached: $("#someElement").mask("9?9/99/9999").datepicker({showOn: 'button', buttonText:'Click here to show calendar', duration: 'fast', buttonImageOnly: true, buttonImage: /images/calicon.gif' }); Then I have a key command bound to this ...

Prevent form field to be edited without disabling field

I am currently working on a page that has a date picker for one of the field. One of the requirements by my client is to prevent the user from editing the field manually. Only the date picker would be possible to be used. (jQuery DatePicker) I had in mind to disable the field and use an hidden field to store the data (disabled from ob...

Is there a Silverlight week picker control?

We have a report that compares data between weeks, and it seems like this is the exception and not the rule in the reporting world. I'm looking for an elegant way of selecting "a week" in a Silverlight control. I'd prefer not to spend the time building it ourselves, so it would be nice if I could buy a well polished control that does th...

datepicker send data to database

How i can get picked data in inline mode. With popup its easy to do with input tag <input type="hidden" id="defaultInlineDatepicker" size="60">. And when i can write data to database. But i need calendar on my page inline. <p> <span id="defaultInlineDatepicke" class="datepicker"></span>&nbsp; </p> <script> $('#de...

Date picker validation WPF

How to apply validations to WPF datepicker toolkit? I want it to error out if invalid date is selected and in some case I have Arrival and Departure dates, so I want to validate it to see that the arrival date is not later than the departure date. ...

grails datepicker

Hi, I'm using g:datePicker name="date1" id="date1" value="${program?.startDate}" > In controller when used params.date1 it is showing value as "struct" and unable to save date in my database. How can we parse date in to one param like eg: 2010-10-10 11:11:11 using datePicker ? thanks in advance srinath ...

Clone a div that contains "customized" jQueryUI datePicker

I have a div that contains 3 fields You can see the image here I'm cloning this div with this plugin My problems are: It doesn't clone correctly datePicker. I'm using validate form plugin, but I guess this plugin is not prepared to validate cloned ...

WPF DatePicker IsEnabled property not changing appearance

I think I have found an issue with the DatePicker in the toolkit, perhaps some of you gurus can check it out. The issue is when setting the IsEnabled property of the DatePicker. If set in XAML, it stays grey even if you set the IsEnabled to true at run time. The same goes for the other way around should it start off being enabled. Th...

alternative to the missing setOnDateChangeListener()-function

I have a DatePicker-view as well as a TimePicker-view in my layout, and everytime the date or time is changed I want to update a value. On the TimePicker I can simply set a setOnTimeChangedListener, but nothing corresponding exists for the DatePicker. A listener called OnDateChangedListener can be set in the init()-function, but it does ...

set DatePickerDialog one day before

hi I have a datepickerdialog but i´d like to change always one day before DatePickerDialog.OnDateSetListener dini=new DatePickerDialog.OnDateSetListener() { public void onDateSet(DatePicker view, int year, int monthOfYear, int dayOfMonth) { myInitialDate.set(Calendar.YEAR, year); myInitialDate.set(Calenda...

Why no DatePicker.setDateChangedListener() method

Since most widgets have a standard method of setting a listener, setOnXXXListener(), just wondering why there is no setDateChangedListener() method for DatePicker? I know init(int, int, int, OnDateChangedListener) can be used for the same purpose, but surely there must be some reason why Google decided not to use the standard method her...

Jquery Datepicker with XML file

an extension of my last question, , I am trying to use the jquery datepicker to load specific info from xml file dependent on the date selected by the user. Similar code but i am trying to load and parse an xml file to read contents of the file for the particular...

jQuery validate plugin against custom jQueryUI datePickers

I have some datePickers I've customized these so they show only month and year This is the code to create them jQuery("input[name*='fechauso']").each(function() { jQuery(this).datepicker({ changeMonth: true, changeYear: true, showButtonPanel: true, dateFormat: 'MM yy', constrainInput: true, ...

Highlighting dates between two selected dates jQuery UI Datepicker

I have one datepicker with numberOfMonths set to 2. Arrival Date and Departure Date are determined using this logic (within onSelect): if ((count % 2)==0) { depart = $("#datepicker-1").datepicker('getDate'); if (arriv > depart) { temp=arriv; arriv=depart; depart=temp; } $("#check-in").val($.datepicker.formatDate("D...

MATLAB date selection popup calendar for gui

Does anyone know of a method to display a popup date selection calendar in a MATLAB gui? I know the financial toolbox has a uicalendar function, but unfortunately I don't have that toolbox. I have a hunch I'm going to have to use some Java or some other language for this one, which I know nothing about. I'm looking for something simila...

Jquery datepicker that consumes json data which are future dates...

Is there any jquery datepicker that consumes json data... My json data would be a list of future dates that belongs to any month should be consumed by my datepicker which should be disabled and highlighted with a color.... ...

VB NET using custom controls with jquery in a gridview in edit mode

Greetings and thank you in advance for your answers. I am fairly new to creating controls. I have created a datepicker control which uses the jQuery datepicker. It works in most instances except within another control which utilizes a gridview. It seems that control is not being loaded since the control is only created in edit mode, ...