
jquery datepicker minDate specific day in current month

H I need to customize two datepickers. First shold have: minDate: last ten days of this month (or if easier: 20th of this month) maxDate: 10th of next month I can only set then as given in "manual" like this: +1m +2w +5d. But that is not good in my case since I do not need to go relative to current data. Any idea? I have tried th...

jquery datepicker CSS for next and prev problem

Hi, Jquery datepicker "prev" and "next" image not render properly. I suspecting issue with datepicker CSS but fails to resolve the problem. In normal view : Can someone point me to the correct path?? Thank you. -mike ...

Overriding default Rails date_select

So what I'd like to do is to override the default date_select method (I'd like to make an 'optional / unspecified' date input). What I've tried so far is this: lib/overrides.rb ActionView::Helpers::DateHelper::DateTimeSelector.class_eval do def build_selects_from_types(order) select = '' order.reverse.each do |type| sep...

JQuery Datepicker in Zend Framework not showing correctly

Hi, I have the following problem: I made a form, wich extends from Zend_Form, where I added a ZendX_JQuery_Form_Element_Datepicker like you can see in this picture: But when I view that page in the browser, the datepicker seems to work, but the layout is messed up. See this picture: ...

jQuery datepicker, disable dates from MYSQL

I have a list of dates stored in a MYSQL table, the idea is if the following field has valued 'completed' the row's date is unselectable in the jQueryUI datepicker. The dates are stored in the format YYYY-MM-DD.. how would I go about loading these 'completed' dates into a PHP array in a format for the datepicker to understand and disable...

jQuery UI Datepicker restricted AND changeable date range that auto updates

Hi! I'm trying to get my datepicker (jQuery UI Datepicker), which has one field for "check-in" and another for "check-out" to update the check-out date based on the minimum period (in seconds) pulled in via ajax when the user chooses a check-in date, but to also allow choices to be changed. For example I want to check-in on January 1, ...

jQuery UI Datepicker - date being inserted on close

I have just recently upgraded to the latest version (1.8.5) of jQuery UI and noticed a change of behaviour in Datepicker widget. If you open the Datepicker and then click/tab away (i.e. don't press the 'Done' button) the auto-selected date gets populated in to the input field. I was previously using version 1.7.2 and with this version ...

jQuery UI inline datepicker changeMonth/Year unexpected behavior

I have an inline datepicker with changeMonth: true, changeYear: true. Because of the way I'm using the datepicker I have an 'Apply' button that calls datepicker('getDate'). If, for example, the user selects Jan 15 2010 and then changes the month from Jan to Feb, the control appears to have have Feb 15 2010 selected but datepicker('getDat...

jQuery object expected error in page with master site

The error i get seems to be centered around jquery finding what it's in (window,document, etc.). Right now i'm just trying to implement the jQuery datepicker. the project has a master page, where i placed my script references. <head runat="server"> <title></title> <link href="~/Styles/Site.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <lin...

jqueryui datepicker throwing error at code relating to zIndex

I am developing an page/application. I have created a textbox that i set as a datepicker using the datepicker from jqueryui. in firefox and chrome the datepicker does not render. in IE9 the date picker renders if i ignore the error. the error is at line 644 in jquery.ui.datepicker.js. the code where the error is thrown is ...

Using DatePciker with no day picker.

I want to get a DatePicker Dialog with no day picker (only year and month) for credit cards expiration in a form. I checked the DatePicker source code and it's not seem to be suporting such feature as not showing once of it's pickers. Any other widget to do it or do i have to create my own widget again... ...

jQueryUI DatePicker Customizing the Year

I have a Datepicker using jqueryui DatePicker. The behavior requirement is: A User can store a Birthdate for a friend. The User should be able to store a year if known, or select "N/A". If "N/A" is selected, Store the year 1900 in the database and only display the day and month in an input field to the User. The dropdown should star...