
can jquery datepicker pass H:m:s

hello i have a field in mysql that is datetime format. if i use datepicker to select a date it dosen't pass the time. is there a way to use a format for example: dd/mm/yy H:m:s i have included the code i am using and would be grateful for any help. many thanks <SCRIPT type=text/javascript> $(function() { $("#datepicker")....

Disable dates in Jquery datepicker

I am using a jquery datepicker and timepicker. In datepicker I want to disable the all dates which are past to the current date. And in timepicker I want to show the times which is one hour prior to the current time.Can anyone tell me how to do this? ...

jquery datepicker not working properly with js.erb views in ruby on rails

Hi i have two js.erb views, namely new.js.erb and edit.js.erb with both use a form partial to be rendered in a dialog box. Two of the fields in the form are start date and end date to which i have added the datepicker from jquery ui as shown below $("#event_startDate").datepicker({dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd'}); $("#event_endDate").datepicker(...

RadDatetimepicker capture the date

I am working with WPF and C#. I want to fire an event when the user modifies or selects a date on my raddatepicker control. What event handler should I be using for this? I want to be able to convert this captured date to a SQL server 'datetime' variable for use in the backend. ...

How to solve jQuery UI and TableGear conflict?

I'm using Tablegear and jQuery UI's date picker in my site and somehow only the one I declare first is working. I'm not sure but it can be a conflict issue, can't be? Here's the code: Notice that I added the TableGears1.6-jQuery.js as a resource. As soon as I remove this resource the date picker begins to wor...

How do I get one jquery datepicker input to integrate with value of another?

I have a form with 3 input fields that use jQuery's DatePicker plugin. The fields are #startdate, #enddate, and #raindate. I am using DatePicker's event function to get the #startdate and #enddate to work together so the #enddate cannot be before the #startdate. Both those fields are required, by the way. The #raindate field is not re...

jquery datepicker- ie only lets me have 5 where firefox doesnt care how many

Hi guys. I am developing a web system that has 12 text boxes. When you click on this textbox, a jquery datepicker pops up. Before I post code up, just wandering if there is a simple answer. Basically, IE will not let me have more than 5 instances of a datepicker. E.g. I have 12 text boxes and when you click them, the date picker comes...

How to show datapicker for datatype in MVC2 using telerik in edit mode

Hi.. I have an MVC application and using telerik grid for performing the listing,add,edit operation.I am using popup mode for edit/add .I want to show the datepicker for date datatype in the edit and add operation. I have created a partial view for the datepicker using telerik as: <%@ Control Language="C#" Inherits="System...

Changing the string format of the WPF DatePicker

I need to change the string format of the DatePickerTextBox in the WPF Toolkit DatePicker, to use hyphens instead of slashes for the seperators. Is there a way to override this default culture or the display string format? 01-01-2010 ...

jquery Datepicker does not close when clicking on it

I am using jquery datepicker widget all over my application always initializing it with the same method, the simplest one $("[ID$=dueDate]").datepicker(); I have checked the documentation and there is nothing that seems to help on it. How can I have the datepicker to close when I click on a day? ...

jQuery UI Datepicker Range

I asked a pretty similar question a few days ago, but this one is different enough that I didn't feel like derailing the other helpful topic. I basically want to set up two text input fields and hook them both up with jQuery UI's Datepicker to have them act as a range... I want the second input field start date to be contingent upon what...

jQuery UI DatePicker - Departing Date and Returning Date

Hi, Basically what I'm trying to do is create two DatePicker fields. The first is the departing date and the second is the returning date. So for example if someone was looking for a holiday that was a 5 night stay, when they loaded the page the dates would look as follows: 01/12/2010 | Calendar Icon 07/12/2010 | Calendar Icon For the...

How to validate the Jquery UI- Calendar plugin ?

I have used JqueryUI plugin- date picker to display my date. The format is such that it has Fromdate & Todate. If I select fromDate: for example 09/28/2010 and If I select toDate: for example 09/30/2010. It should be like this such that todate is always the one which comes after the fromdate. But i want to validate such that if I cli...

Jquery UI datepicker default date

Hi, I have a problem with the Jquery UI datepicker, I have searched and searcher and i didn't find the answer.I have the following code: <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { $("#birthdate" ).datepicker({ changeMonth: true, changeYear: true, yearRange: '1920:2010', dateFormat :...

jQuery DatePicker how to disable auto day selection while browsing calendar?

In jQuery DatePicker there is one annoying thing, if you using it as a calendar and depend on selected date. While navigationg from month to month it keep selected day activated for all months. I know that this issue exist for more than 6 months and I have reported it to jQuery Team.However I would like to know is there any workarounds o...

jQuery DatePicker ui is failing on IE

IE is giving me an undefined NAN when i try to view the calender... here is my html $("#datepicker").datepicker({ altField: '#outing_suggested_date', minDate: new Date, dateFormat: "yy-mm-dd", defaultDate: new Date("2010-10-07"), setDate: new Date("2010-10-07") }); here is the code i use to generate it $("#datepicker").datepicke...

Datepicker problem by using Java code but no problems if using XML parsing

Hello all, It is so strange that there is problem when I implement the same Datepicker method on Java code not XML. XML CODE approach: public class DateActivity extends Activity implements OnClickListener { private static final int DATE_ID=0; public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInst...

DatePicker Problem

Hi, I have to set the startdate/Mindate in jquery datapicked calender. i am using datepicker v1.7.2. and using mindate and max date prpperty but its not working fine. ...

Not Binding WpfToolKit:dataPicker through Converter

ConvertDateTime - return good string "01.10.2010" but datapicker not binding. if we replace datapicker on textbox - all works well help me, code: add: xmlns:loc="clr-namespace:StoreBags" add: <loc:ConvertDateTime x:Key="conkey"/> xaml add: <my:DataGridTemplateColumn Header="Дата" Width="100"> <my:DataGridTemplateColu...

How to make a jquery datePicker button image unclickable

I have a jquery UI datePicker in my page. I have a text box on which the date is displayed. The code is: $("#cal").datepicker({ minDate: new Date(), defaultDate: new Date(), buttonImage: '/images/calendar.gif', constrainInput: false, closeText: 'Close', showButtonPanel: true, showButtonText: 'Choose a...