
Is there anyway to make a jQuery UI Datepicker unclickable?

Is there anyway to make a jQuery UI Datepicker unclickable, so that it's essentially just displaying a date? I tried $("#calendar").datepicker({ disabled: true, altField: '#note_date', maxDate: 0 }); but it didn't work. Thanks for reading. ...

jQuery date validation only works in Firefox 3.6

Hey. I'm trying to validate a datepicker in a form, but it only seems to work in Firefox 3.6. I can't see what i'm doing wrong, please lend me your wise eyes to check through my code. Live Example: Try picking any date ("Börjar" and "Slutar"), also try switching month with the datepicker up. Validation...

iPhone UIDatePicker setMaximumDate

Hi, I am trying to build a datepicker which has today as a minimum date and 1 Feb 2011 as Maximum date. I have set the minimum date as followed [picker setMinimumDate: [NSDate date]]; and this works just fine but the MaximumDate does not seem to be correct. [picker setMaximumDate: [NSDate dateWithNaturalLanguageString:@"11/02/01"]];...

How to set values into custom DataGridBound column in WPF

Since there is no way to paste values into a DataGridTemplateColumn. I found some suggestions for creating my own column class derived from DataGridBoundColumn. The sample below adds a DatePicker to the column without using a template. However this sample does not allow me to manually set a value using the DatePicker and I'm not sure wh...

jQuery Datepicker keeps showing when closed in IE7

I have an issue with datepicker continually reappearing when the Done button is clicked. But only in IE7, not Firefox - it stays hidden. I suspect the problem is datepicker is shown on focus and the host input is being refocused in IE when datepicker is closed, triggering it to come up again. JQ 1.3.2 (also tried 1.4.2) JQUI 1.7.2. $...

Looking for a JavaScript multi-level picklist DATE-PICKER widget.

I am looking for a sample of a date picker widget (for faster selection of Date Of Birth) that is in the form of a multi-level dropdown, like this: Field | | 1970 -----YearSelect 1971 1972 1973 ... | March ----------MonthSelect ...

Date ranges in swingx's JXDatePicker?

Does anyone know if it's possible to selected multiple days with swingx's jxdatepicker? I'm using swingx version 1.6.1 (which looks to be the latest). ...

Custom WPF DatePickerTextBox Template Help

I am trying to use a custom textbox in the DatePicker control, but I can't get the date to bind from the popup calendar to the TextBox. I don't want to have to style the entire DatePicker unless I have to, and the DatePickerTextBox has its own control, so there must be a way to only alter it. The code below is what I have as a start: <S...

Problems integrating jquery UI datepicker in ajax application

Hello there, I am working on a ajax based application and try to add the jquery datepicker (and its timepicker extension) to a few forms. They provide just the functionality I need. The basic problem I have now is to deal in an environment where the DOM is not complete or better triggered within the application (clicking the edit button...

JQuery UI Datepicker not working inside asp:MutiView

Coding with ASP.NET 3.5 C#, jquery.1.4.2, jquery-ui-1.8.2 My textbox is in fourth asp:View of an asp:MultiView which is not active on PageLoad. My Page is also a content page with a master page. The textbox is created like <asp:TextBox ID="txtStartDate" runat="server" CssClass="datePicker" MaxLength="20" Re...

Android - DatePicker widget problem

Hi, I am trying to create activity with few controls and a DatePicker widget. And I am facing one strange problem that I can not explain. If I set activity that has only DatePicker widget shown app works. And if I set activity that has other controls without DatePicker it works too. But when I show them both I get a NullPointer Excep...

WPF: How to use DatePicker in XAML-DataGrid

In a standanlone WPF app I got a DataGrid to enter some values. For text values this works nicely just like this: <DataGrid AutoGenerateColumns="False" ItemsSource="{Binding MyCollection}"> <DataGrid.Columns> <DataGridTextColumn Header="Name" Binding="{Binding Name}"/> <DataGridTextColumn Header="Description" Binding="{Binding...

jQuery Date Picker

I am using following attached date picker. Problem is if i don't use font-size tag in the body of the HTML page date picker size becomes too big . I tried using Font-size tag with the div/table/td inside which i put...

ajax datepicker

Hello everyone, In attachment File Have ziped file for Ajax Datepicker. The Code is working but i have some problem. if i want to use it with php, how can i know where is the $_POST name . Code : <div id="widget"><div id="widgetField" style="width: 290px; height: 26px"> <span>28 July, 2008 &divide; 31 July, 2008</span> <a href="#">S...

jQuery UI datepicker reinstantiation blues

I am having some trouble with jQuery UI's datepicker script and am hoping someone here may be able to help. I need to be able to dynamically create the elements that require the datepicker plugin, then destroy them, then re-create them. (I make heavy use of jTemplates for this.) Unfortunately, datepicker only appears to work the first...

How do I remove a selected date from a jQuery UI Datepicker?

Hi, After selecting a date on a jQuery UI Datepicker, how can this selection be programmatically removed? I'd like to remove/change the selected date, not the current date! Many thanks! ...

Dynamically generating a jQuery Datepicker with altFields

Hi, I'm dynamically generating datepicker's by simply appending the field HTML to a div: <input type="text" value="" readonly="readonly" name="tier[2][publication_date]" id="publication_date_2" size="10" maxlength="10" tabindex="6" class="publication_date hasDatepicker"> <input type="hidden" name="tier[2][publication_date_db]" id="publ...

Set the Default Date of WPF Date Picker to Current Date

Hi, I have a WPF Datagrid in which one of the columns is a Date Column. So i have used a DataTemplateColumn as Follows <my:DataGridTemplateColumn CellTemplate="{StaticResource EffDateDateTimePickerControl}" CellEditingTemplate="{StaticResource addrEffDate}" Header="Effective Date"/> And in my Resource File i have written...

Parsing dates from jQuery UI datepicker

Hi, I am using jQuery UI datepicker to allow the user to select dates. This updates an input field in a form in the format: dd/mm/yyyy I am trying to use jQueryUI to then parse the date in a UNIX timestamp to check it is a date with the built in jQuery UI parseDate: However i am not su...

JQuery Datepicker - no default date

Hi. I want to remove the default date in my JQuery Datepicker. I try the following code: $(this).datepicker({defaultDate: ''}); But it doesn't seem to work. Today's date is still selected as default. ...