
Multiple updatepanels on page remove JavaScript Datepicker calender from textbox

Actually I have Multiple update panels on page, which update different values on server but the problem is that I have textbox to which I attach javascript class for datepicker on Load event. But There are other updatepanels before that date TextBox, when I update them first calender image with date control which is in updatepanel disa...

Customising the DatePicker Dialog Android

I am using a DatePicker in a Dialog box to allow the user to chose a date. But I just want them to chose a month and a day. Is there any way I can make the year not show up? ...

jQuery UI datepicker (with time addon) issues

Hi all, I'm trying to implement the jQuery UI Date Picker with the Time Picker addon ( For some reason, I'm getting NaN instead of numbers and the little slider isn't showing up. I downloaded Redmound theme from the UI, so that might have something to do with it? But I've also copied the ...

WP7 Trouble customizing DatePicker control

I'm using the DatePicker control from the WP7 SL toolkit. It navigates to DatePickerPage.xaml, which has the scrollers for date picking. I want to keep all the functionality, but change the colors. I'm messing around with DatePickerPage.xaml and updating colors to fit my needs. I've been able to update the text colors on the scrollers ...

Retrieving the dateFormat from jQuery UI datepicker

Hi, I would like to retrieve the dateFormat from my datepicker default set up declaration like so: $.datepicker.setDefaults({ constrainInput: true, dateFormat: 'dd/mm/yy', gotoCurrent: true, hideIfNoPrevNext: true, minDate: '-1y', maxDate: 0, showOn: 'both' }); Is there a way to retrieve this information? ...

WPF DatePicker default to today's date

WPF DatePicker always show 'Show Calendar' by default. I want it to show current/todays date. How do I do that. I tried doing something like the below in the constructor but it won't work, datePicker.SelectedDate = DateTime.Now.Date; or datePicker.DisplayDate = DateTime.Now.Date; ...

iPhone, how do I set my date pickers minimum date to today in code?

I need to set my date pickers minimum date to today in code ? ...

Datepicker problem using tabs (Tabwidget)

Hello all, The datepicker runs without problem. But if the datepicker is under tabwidget, it failed. Anyone has experience on that ??? and how to solve it ?? public class TestActivity extends Activity implements OnClickListener{ @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstan...

jQuery doesn't display chosen date but sends it

Hey All, I've stumbled upon an interesting bug, and I'm sure something is wrong with my code. I have a semi-dynamic page of jQuery tabs. Each tab has a number of buttons, which generate certain content by onClick event. <div id="tabs"> <ul> <li><a href="/load/entity/1">Entity-1</a></li> <li><a href="/load/entity/2">En...

class for jquery ui datepicker button

I have the following code for the jQuery UI datepicker: $(function() { $(".date").datepicker({ showOn: 'button', buttonText: "Choose Date", dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd' }); }); It creates a button on the side of the text box so people can click the box and select a date. Is it possibl...

jquery how to how to get key and value in an associative array

Hi all, here's my problem. I have a datepicker which has only some dates enabled based on 3 sets of arrays. onSelect I retrieve the available date I clicked. Now things get complicated. The array with the available dates needs to be an associative array with id and date as 'key' and 'value'. How do I retrieve the id associated with the a...

jQuery datepicker setting date not working in IE8

The developer tools show no error message. Works fine on Chrome, Firefox and Safari. $("#datepicker").datepicker(); console.log($("#datepicker").datepicker("isDisabled")); // prints false $("#datepicker").datepicker("setDate", new Date()); console.log("here"); // doesn't print at all Thank you for any ideas. ...

Change format of date in DatePickerDialog?

Hello, Following the Android SDK tutorials I have implemented my first basic date picker dialog. It works fine but is there any way to change the format of the date shown? Example: The date picker dialog displays the date as "17 Oct 2010". I would it like to be displayed as "17 10 2010". Greetings, Robert ...

beforeShow event not firing on jQueryUI Datepicker

No matter what I try, I'm not able to get the beforeShow event to fire on my datepicker. Here's my code: $('#calendar').datepicker({ inline: true, dateFormat: 'mm,dd,yy', beforeShow: function(input, inst) { alert('before'); } }); I've added beforeShowDay and onSelect events to my datepicker, and they do fire correctly. Has anyone el...

changing href attr in jQuery UI datepicker

Hi, I'm playing around with the UI datepicker widget and I noticed that when the calender is generated, all the dates are inside an anchor tag with href="#". is it possible to change the href to the dateText, or whatever i set the dateFormat to? ex: <a class="ui-state-default" href="#October-27-2010">27</a> Thanks in advance //update...

Remove jquery datepicker from a html control

I have a datepicker on a textbox txtDate. I need to remove the datepicker, if a particular checkbox chkBox is checked. And to reapply the datepicker if the checkbox is not checked. I tried making the textbox readonly, but datepicker is still working. How to do this. EDIT: On the same checkbox event, I also want to make a select (drop...

Android: DatePicker not working inside Actvity

In my application I have a Tabbar and I am using ActivityGroup to load contents into each tab as shown below. public class FirstGroup extends ActivityGroup { // Keep this in a static variable to make it accessible for all the nesten activities, lets them manipulate the view public static FirstGroup group; // Need to k...

How do I find out what date format this is?

Wed Oct 20 2010 14:11:39 GMT-0500 (CST) {} More detail (sorry): I'm trying to pass in a date (like above) from the fullcalendar plugin to the jQueryUI datepicker like so: $('#miniCalendar').datepicker({defaultDate: date}); where date = Wed Oct 20 2010 14:11:39 GMT-0500 (CST) {} datepicker accepts a variety of ...

Why jquery datapicker inconsistently shows up?

Here is my problem. It seems that datapicker does not show up when clicked the first time on the dynamically added input (I have to click two or more times on it or best if I click above the input (label area)), does anyone see the problem. I tried a lot of live(), bind() .hasDatapicker and #datep1 variants. If possible test your answer ...

Datepicker jquery UI clashing code

Hi All I'm working with jquery UI Datepicker. I have some code which is sending data to an ecommerece patform (Foxycart) I've added some code to highlight only certain (delivery days) and its clashing with the original datpicker code. can anyone see wuat the problem is? link: Example Original code: $(function() { $(".datepicker")...