
How do I do a running year for a calendar report?

Here is the Query I am using: SELECT * FROM ra_ProjectCalendar WHERE MonthNumber between @Month and @Month + 12 and FullYear = @Year It works great for this year, but, stops at December of this year. How do I get it to show a running year? ...

How do I use the YEAR datatype in MySQL 5.1?

I am trying to set a datatype for a column on a new table in MySQL 5.1 to YEAR with a default value of 2009 but it will not allow this. Should I use another integer datatype instead and/or how do I use the YEAR datatype correctly? MySQL 5.1 reference: YEAR datatype ...

Why does a new SimpleDateFormat object contain calendar with the wrong year?

I came upon a strange behavior that has left me curious and without a satisfactory explanation as yet. For simplicity, I've reduced the symptoms I've noticed to the following code: import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; public class CalendarTest { public static void main(String[] args) { Sys...

iPhone Date Picker rolls over to 2010 on December 27th?

So I implemented a UIDatepicker in one of my applications for scheduling and autodialing teleconferences... everything is pretty much ready to go except, while testing I noticed that when the date rolls over from December 26th to December 27th, the year changes to 2010. I even rolled it forward to 2011... and it changes when December 2...

How to get the day of year in ruby?

What is the best way to get the day of year of an specific date in Ruby? For example: 31/dec/2009 -> 365, 01/feb/2008 -> 32, etc ...

Listing blog entries by year,month

Hi! I want to do something like this: Entries.objects.values('date.year','date.month') but this line is not valid. How can I list blog entries by year,month and display them in template? Thanks! ...

Is this value a valid year C#

What's the best way to check if a string is a valid year using C#? I currently have a dropdown list that contains the values {'All','2009','2008'} etc, and I want to know whether the selection is one of the dates or the 'All' field. Currently I'm checking for bool isYearValid = (Year.ToLower() == "all") ? false : true; How do I check ...

Convert a two digit year to a four digit year

This is a question of best practices. I have a utility that takes in a two digit year as a string and I need to convert it to a four digit year as a string. right now I do //DOB's format is "MMM (D)D YY" that first digit of the day is not there for numbers 1-9 string tmpYear = rowIn.DOB.Substring(rowIn.DOB.Length - 3, 2); //-3 because ... now.year

i am new to and just wanted to clarify something. i have this code - Dim i As Integer For i = Now.Year To Now.Year Next for the code "For i = Now.Year To Now.Year", when the month changes to say May 2010, will the now.year to now.year change the 11 records to May 2011. or will it be may 2010 again? ...

how to get the number of weeks of current year using Zend_Date class

how can we get number of weeks of current year, for example if it's 2009 there are 53 weeks and 2010 has 52 ...

jQuery - Dynamic Copyright Year

I have recently been running into alot of my clients coming to me in the last month asking me to update their Copyright on their sites to reflect 2010. Is it possible to write a small snippet with jQuery that automatically populated the year? When Jan 1st 2011 rolls around, the text would automatically change from 2010 to 2011? Thanks....

Sum values by year with MySQL/PHP

I've got a minor problem with a database admin page that I use to update values and totals in a MySQL database for generating various figures and data for a website. A bit of background - the database table in question holds fundraising totals for a charity bookstall, with the table having three columns - id, date, and amountraised. Sum...

display array of dates as 12 month view

i work with php/Mysql i have table with two cols (date , cash) with values like {7/2001:100$, 12/2001:50$ , 1/2002:30$ , 5/2002:90$ , 6/2003:80$,9/2003:20$ } i would like to make cash flow table that have cols (Jan,Feb,Mar,............Dec) and row for every year in the date array and the value of cash in the table cells like blow . Ho...

MySQL Year Type

Why does the MySQL year type limit the range of allowable years between 1901 and 2155? ...

Maximum Year in Expry Date of Credit Card

Various online services have different values for maximum year of expiry, when it comes to Credit Cards. For instance: Basecamp: +15 years (2025) Amazon: +20 years (2030) Paypal: +19 years (2029) What is the reasonable maximum here? Are there any official guidelines? ...

jQuery: How can I work with dates in this format? mm/yyyy

I'm doing a web application for articles Articles must be shown by month, with its published date stored as mm/yyyy Now: 1- Should I use a DATE type field for storing? 2- Will jQuery UI datePicker be useful for showing mm/yyyy? 3- How could I sort by mm/yyyy? I guess it will be more complicated if I store date normally and extract the...

How can I identify an argument as a year in Perl?

I have created a file which takes several arguments first of which should be in form of a year For example: 2010 23 type. Here 2010 is a year my code does something like: use strict; use warning use Date::Calc qw(:all); my ($startyear, $startmonth, $startday) = Today(); my $weekofyear = (Week_of_Year ($startyear,$startmonth...

How to get year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds of the current moment in Java?

I would like to have them as strings. ...

MySQL date query only returns one year, when multiple exist

I'm a part-time designer/developer with a part-time photography business. I've got a database of photos with various bits of metadata attached. I want to query the database and return a list of the years that photos were taken, and the quantity of photos that were taken in that year. In short, I want a list that looks like this: 2010 (...

Year dropdown range - when do we stop?

I attended a payroll software demo yesterday wherein the year dropdowns throughout the software ran from 2000 to 2200. Now, we've all been down this road before with 2 digit shortsight, but honestly - a 200 year service life for a Java & Oracle payroll system? Our Board of Directors would be thrilled if the company was even solvent for 1...