
Increase days to php current Date()

How do I add a certain number of days to the current date in PHP? I already got the current date with: $today = date('y:m:d'); Just need to add x number of days to it ...

Special days of the year for programmers?

What days of the years should I know about as a programmer? As Pi Day just passed, I was wondering if there are any other days relevant to programmers. This is a good place to list them all... ...

How can I calculate the number of days between two dates in Perl?

Heylo, I want to calculate (using the default Perl installation only) the number of days between two dates. The format of both the dates are like so 04-MAY-09. (DD-MMM-YY) I couldn't find any tutorials that discussed that date format. Should I be building a custom date checker for this format? Further reading of the Date::Calc on CPAN ...

How to get the number of days in a given month in Ruby, accounting for year?

I'm sure there's a good simple elegant one-liner in Ruby to give you the number of days in a given month, accounting for year, such as "February 1997". What is it? ...

How can I use Jquery Datepicker to highlight with befereshowday two different kind of special dates?

I mean, I found here a way to disable an array of nationalDays. I'm trying to make a code to disable the national days and also to highlight some other days (I'm coding a web app and I will pass another array of days) but to let them enabled. Imagine a calendar where you can see three different day colors. The first one, today's date. ...

Mysql get count of rows for each day

My Current query is: SELECT DISTINCT DATE(vote_timestamp) AS Date, COUNT(*) AS TotalVotes FROM `votes` WHERE vote_target_id='83031' GROUP BY DATE(vote_timestamp) ORDER BY DATE(vote_timestamp) DESC LIMIT 30 (line breaks separated for readability) Where vote_timestamp is a time for each "vote", Count(*) is the count for that day, and ...

Convert dates to hours

Hello all, I'm trying to work with dates for the first time, I did it something about that with Flash but it's different. I have two different dates and I'd like to see the difference in hours and days with them, I've found too many examples but not what I'm loking for: <?php $now_date = strtotime (date ('Y-m-d H:i:s')); // the cur...

How to use DATEDIFF? How many days are inside of two dates.

How to use DATEDIFF? How can I make this to work? or should I use DATEDIFF completly differently? SELECT DATEDIFF('Started ','will_end') AS 'Duration' FROM my_table WHERE id = '110'; I try to get answer, how many days are inside of two dates. I would like to get an aswer like: Duration = 7 days; I have this kind of database: Start...

Simple custom range in Ruby

I have a Rails named_scope which is using a condition to pull specific days of the week from the table like so: :conditions => [ 'EXTRACT(DOW FROM bookdate) IN (?)', (1..6).to_a ] The 1..6 date range will be a variable depending on the dates the user wants, Which produces this SQL (EXTRACT(DOW FROM bookdate) IN (1,2,3,4,5,6) My pr...

What's up with this date???

Why between those dates i get 5,9.... and if i use another year i get 6 ???? It only happens with march and 2008... why is there an hour difference ??? <?php $from = '2008-03-04'; $to = '2008-03-10'; echo datediff($from,$to); $from = '2010-03-04'; $to = '2010-03-10'; echo datediff($from,$to); function datediff($from,$to) { ...

Algorithm to add or subtract days from a date?

Hi, I'm trying to write a Date class in an attempt to learn C++. I'm trying to find an algorithm to add or subtract days to a date, where Day starts from 1 and Month starts from 1. It's proving to be very complex, and google doesn't turn up much, Does anyone know of an algorithm which does this? ...

How can I pick from two ranges of dates with datepicker in jQuery?

I am using the jQuery Datepicker( I am trying to let the user pick a date from two separate ranges of days. I can't find that feature in the documentation and I would like to know how to make that possible. I want to let the user pick from 1-5 days after the current date. I also don't want to allow ...

Java days of week calculation

I have an Enum for Days of week (with Everyday, weekend and weekdays) as follows where each entry has an int value. public enum DaysOfWeek { Everyday(127), Weekend(65), Weekdays(62), Monday(2), Tuesday(4), Wednesday(8), Thursday(16), Friday(32), Saturday(64), Sunday(1); private int bitValue; private DaysOf...

finding numbers of days between two date to make a dynamic columns [closed]

Dear all, I have a select query that currently produces the following results: DoctorName Team 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ... 31 Visited dr. As   A                             x    x ...      2 times dr. Sc   A                          x          ...      1 times dr. Gh...

How can I compare two dates, return a number of days.

Hi, how can I compare two dates return number of days. Ex: Missing X days of the Cup. look my code. NSDateFormatter *df = [[NSDateFormatter alloc]init]; [df setDateFormat:@"d MMMM,yyyy"]; NSDate *date1 = [df dateFromString:@"11-05-2010"]; NSDate *date2 = [df dateFromString:@"11-06-2010"]; NSTimeInterval interval = [dat...

How to get year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds of the current moment in Java?

I would like to have them as strings. ...

FullCalendar wordpress plugin: How to hide inactive days in other months

Hi I am using the Kino Calendar Plugin for wordpress and noticed that it uses the FullCalendar script. I would like to hide the dates from the previous and next months that are inactive. At the moment these days are greyed out but I would like to remove them completely thereby leaving just a blank cell. Is this possible and how would ...

Flex 4 DateChooser

Hello. I have an Array of days. I want those days to have a different background-color in the DateChooser component, say red. How can I do that please? ...

PHP iterate days of month given month and year

Hello! How can I print (echo) the days of an unknown month if month and year are parameters? Thank you. ...

PHP get 31 days distance from starting date

Hello! How can I get what date it will be after 31 days starting with $startDate, where $startDate is a string of this format: YYYYMMDD. Thank you. ...