
How to clear filter on Telerik ASP.NET MVC Grid

I have a grid that allows the user to filter. If the user changes the search word that is used to populate the grid, the filter from the previous search remains in place. <label for="UserName"> User Name:</label> <%= Html.TextBox("UserName", "") %> &nbsp; &nbsp; <input id="btnSearch" type="submit" value="Submit" /> </p> <div ...

Conditional Editor template

How can we apply editor templates to selective rows in a grid? I want to show text box while editing for particular rows. I am using telerik grid. I have used [ReadOnly(true)] attribute for my class member and hence it's not showing me it as editable, which is obviously intended. But for selective rows, I want to show text box in my gr...

ASP.NET GetFullHtmlFieldId not returning valid id

In MVC2 template, I normally use this.ViewData.TemplateInfo.GetFullHtmlFieldId(fieldName) to generate the id field of an html element. This has worked in most of the cases. However this method does not actually return valid id field, it merely prefix fieldName with ViewData.TemplateInfo.HtmlFieldPrefix, this is causing problems for me w...

Telerik RadEditor add comments while being in Preview mode

Telerik's RadEditor is used for our content management system's WYSIWYG editor. We need to find a way to display content for review. User should be able to add comments and NOT be able to change the text itself. Currently, RadEditor has a Preview mode, and i am looking on how to add commenting functionality through context menu or button...

Telerik MVC Extensions deployment problem

I am writing a website which uses Telerik MVC Extensions, and am getting an error on my test server when I get no such error on my development PC. The error is ... Web.config(101): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Telerik' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) Here is the r...

using telerik grid with jquery ui dialog!

Hi every one, in mvc user control called form.ascx, I have a Telerik Grid contained in a div called "details". from a page called edit.aspx i wrote the following: <asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent" runat="server"> <div id="details"> <%Html.RenderPartial("form", Model != null ? Model.CurrentEnt...

Is a Strongly Typed Html.Telerik().DatePicker() possible in ASP.NET MVC in a Html.BeginForm()?

I have a section of a view that I would like to submit to an action so it is setup inside a Html.BeginForm() I am trying to also make use of the Html.Telerik().DatePicker() control and would like it also to strongly type linked inside the form, same as the DropDownListFor, is this possible? <% using (Html.BeginForm("MyAction", "Respond...

Add media type of links created by Telerik StyleSheetRegistrar

Is it possible to set the media attribute on a link tag using the Telerik MVC Extensions StyleSheetRegistrar method? <%= Html.Telerik().StyleSheetRegistrar() .DefaultGroup(group => group .Add("telerik.common.css") .Add("telerik." + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Telerik Theme"].ToLower() + ".min.css")) %> I want...

GPL 2.0 Free Telerik Extensions for ASP.NET MVC

Is my ASP.NET MVC project automatically GPL 2.0 licensed by including these libraries? I always find this confusing with the GPL. ...

Changing scripts folder in MVC application and using Telerik MVC Extensions

I am using the Telerik MVC Extensions and have moved my Scripts folder in to the Content folder. So instead of ... <script src="<%= Url.Content("~/Scripts/jquery-1.4.1.min.js") %>" type="text/javascript"></script> ... I now have ... <script src="<%= Url.Content("~/Content/Scripts/jquery-1.4.1.min.js") %>" type="text/javascript"><...

Paging with the Telerik MVC grid when using a sproc

The documentation only shows how to bind to an IEnumerable (which uses linq to page and sort) ... but I need to go against a sproc because expressing the query I'm working on with linq is proving to be a bit slow. Can anyone provide any guidelines or pointers on what's the best way to do this? ...

Controller side column binding for Telerik MVC Grid

I have a partial view that uses a Telerik MVC Grid, and it has column binding code as follows (very partial view): .Columns(column => { column.Bound(model => model.PlannedFinishDate).Title("Planned Date").Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}").Width(83); column.Bound(model => model.Province).Width(70); if (Roles.IsUserInRole("Controller")...

disable right click in file explorer telerik

Greetings everyone, i just wanna ask.. how do i disable the right click property in a telerik file explorer... what i want to achieve particularly is to restrict the user from deleting a file or folder.. i managed to hide the delete in toolbar but not in the right click.. kindly help me out... thanks... Below is the code i did for hidin...

How can I change the default filter for telerik mvc grid?

How can I set the "Starts with" value to be the default filter for telerik mvc grid? UPDATE: When the user clicks the filter button, I want the "Starts With" option to be his first option, and not the "Is equal to". ...

How to show datapicker for datatype in MVC2 using telerik in edit mode

Hi.. I have an MVC application and using telerik grid for performing the listing,add,edit operation.I am using popup mode for edit/add .I want to show the datepicker for date datatype in the edit and add operation. I have created a partial view for the datepicker using telerik as: <%@ Control Language="C#" Inherits="System...

How to add custom text to the footer of an MVC telerik grid

I am using the telerik MVC grid extension in my MVC2 application, and I would like to add a custom piece of text (a record count) in the footer. I don't want to use paging in this particular case. Is this supported? ...

Grouping not working with ajaxically loaded telerik MVC Grid

Hi, i m using telerik extensions for .net mvc. in grid everything is working fine until i try to group the grid control based on some columns. actually my grid is not server bound (even it loads the grid from a partial view using ajax). in this grid grouping causes problems and i get javascript error at a[this.plugins[e]].initialize(this...

Ajax.BeginForm + Updating entire page in IE9

I'm using MVC2 and have a telerik popup window in which I'm doing a search and wanting to display the search results in a second tab. I have my search form in the first tab, on post, I perform the search and have a partialview containing a telerik grid. This works perfectly in Chrome, but when I give it a go in IE9, it shows the search...

Telerik MVC Grid : Putting a button in a column

What im trying to do is have an edit button that instead of opening the line for editing, it forwards you to a page where you can edit. Is this possible? I tried something with the client template, but the grid render is ignoring it completely. ...

JQuery : Forcing page to halt until data is finished loading

I might be wrong about what is actually happening here but i have 3 Html.dropdownlists. And im using jquery to handle filtering which does actually work. However, there is some odd behaviour which i think might be because data isnt finished loading before the next function is called. For instance: Some background. Company: Owns sever...