
How to convert en-gb to en-us (Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type datetime)

Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type datetime. The statement has been terminated. The culture of my site is en-gb (18/10/2010) The culture of my db server is en-us (10/18/2010) the date is stored in a param; command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@bookingdate", inputBookingDate.Text) Is there a way to convert this...

Convert.ToDatetime not adding timestamp

For example: Dim testdate As String = "29/10/2010" testdate = Convert.ToDateTime(testdate.ToString) Response.Write(testdate) expecting "29/10/2010 00:00:00" what I get is "29/10/2010" ...

Setting dateTime.ToString() format centrally

How do i set the DateTime format centrally so that at any time if I use a dateTime.ToString() in my code I get string in the ISO format(eg:2008-2-19 01:00:00) ...

Help getting GB - US date conversions working in vb

My site is set to en-GB in the web.config. I have a calendar extended textbox control on a page which lets the user select date, in GB format as string (DD/MM/YYYY). I need to convert this to a US datetime before inserting into db. solution: (MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss) I do hate mondays. Overthinking as usual. ...

Create date from day, month, year fields in MySQL

Hello, I am currently developing an application that displays documents and allows the members to search for these documents by a number of different parameters, one of them being date range. The problem I am having is that the database schema was not developed by myself and the creator of the database has created a 'date' table with f...

In Python, how to display current time in readable format

How can I display the current time as: 12:18PM EST on Oct 18, 2010 in Python. Thanks. ...

UNIX timestamp issue on MYSQL insert via PHP

Im receiving data with a created time field given in a unix timestamp format for example "1251324809" which to my understanding is the amount of time elapsed since the epoch, 1970. Ive got a DATETIME formatted field in a MYSQL table, and im using this to return the UNIX time to a YY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format: date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $timestamp...

Convert date into dd/MM/yyyy format in JQuery

Hi, I am getting selected date as in Thu Oct 14 2010 00:00:00 GMT 0530 (India Standard Time) format. I want to convert this in dd/MM/yyyy format. What have to do in jQuery? ...

Passing parameter of C# DateTime to SQL Server 2005?

How do I pass C# DateTime values (FromCreateDate and ToCreateDate) to SQL Server 2005 in order to select from a view ? The result set CreateDate column must be between FromDateDate and ToCreateDate. ...

"Group by day" in PowerShell

Ok I have this script where I read in a CSV (converted from a XLS) and save an ID-field as well as a date-field into an array. Like so: New-Object PSObject -prop @{ TheId = $_."The ID"; TheDate = [DateTime]::Parse($_."The Date") } It works like a charm and I get a nice array of objects with the two properties above. Now, I wou...

Need parse dd.MM.yyyy to DateTime using TryParse

Hi I need to parse string to DateTime. The string is always in the following format "10.10.2010" That means dd.MM.yyyy, separated with dots. I want to use DateTime.TryParse or any other method. Please suggest. UPDATE Updated the question. I am just looking for the right method to achieve the goal. Not manual parsing ...

Android get time format

Is there a nice way to retriev the time format e.g. 24h or 12h from within an android app? ...

SQLServer 2005: Error converting date 'yyyy-mm-dd' in query

I have this condition in a query: WHERE fielddate> = '2010-10-01 'AND fielddate <= '2010-10-18' to migrate the database to another server (2008) with the same engine database (sqlserver-2005 Express), returned error: The conversion of a char data type to a datetime data type resulting in an out-of-range datetime value. But i...

Determine if a week is odd or even

I have debugged this legacy code, and would like a sanity check on it. The purpose of it is to allow someone to choose a delivery frequency for shipping a product. If someone wants their product Every Other Week, the system needs to determine if they should get an order next week, or two weeks from now. We call it A week, or B Week. Ke...

How do I write a select_year backwards from today's year?

I understand there is a select_Year but i can't figure out how to use it: = f.select_year("dob", :start_year =>, :end_year => - 100 ) This is would you actually write this? My attribute is :dob ...

Best way to manage Cron job for enrollment site

I manage an enrollment website which needs some new features for our agents. What we are trying to accomplish is the following: For every 3 members and agent enrolls, he receives a gift card (email sent to administrator to mail out) For 10 enrollments in a month, the agent receives his/her marketing materials free of charge for a year ...

Parsing and setting a date

I have dates like - 15-JUL-10 00:00:00 12-AUG-10 23:59:59 24-SEP-10 18:13:18 How do I easily parse these sort of dates and assign to a Date object? ...

CakePHP: Registering user does not save correct date

Hi, I have a CakePHP application that allows a user to register and post projects. At some point whilst I have been tinkering with it I have managed to change the way the current date is captured when the user record is created :( when a new user account is created the date is defaulted to Jan 19th 1970, 01:00 Here is my register ac...

Has date type changed in SQL Server 2008?

I am confused reading statements in "Why is 1899-12-30 the zero date in Access / SQL Server instead of 12/31?" Was there date type in SQL Server before 2008 version? I cannot find. In SQL Server 2008 zero date is 0001-01-01. Were there any date type before (in previous SQL Server versions) how is it backward compatible? ...

How to aggregate timeseries in Python?

I have two different timeseries with partially overlapping timestamps: import scikits.timeseries as ts from datetime import datetime a = ts.time_series([1,2,3], dates=[datetime(2010,10,20), datetime(2010,10,21), datetime(2010,10,23)], freq='D') b = ts.time_series([4,5,6], dates=[datetime(2010,10,20), datetime(2010,10,22), datetime(2010...