
ninject 2 and db4o

Hi, I am trying to use ninject with db4o and I have a problem. This is the relevant code from the Global.aspx static IObjectServer _server; protected override void OnApplicationStarted() { AutoMapperConfiguration.Configure(); RegisterRoutes(RouteTable.Routes); RegisterAllControllersIn(Assembly.Get...

db4o object update dilemma

I am new to db4o. I have this question in mind: when the object are retrieved from DAL, maybe it will update in Business layer, then we lost it's original property, so when it comes to updating how can I find which one is the original object in the database to update? ...

How to store objects created in IronPython to object databases

I'd like to use object database to persist some classes created in IronPython. The database is db4o for .NET 2.0 (downloaded today). The code looks like this: import clr clr.AddReferenceToFileAndPath(r"C:\dev\Db4objects\db4o-7.12-net20\bin\net-2.0\Db4objects.Db4o.dll") from Db4objects.Db4o import * db = Db4oFactory.OpenFile(r'G:\IronPyt...

Problem with db4o (java) when running a query

I'm glancing through parts of the official db4o tutorial, and I'm trying to make a modification to the code they give you for running native queries: //the original List<Pilot> pilots = db.query(new Predicate<Pilot>() { public boolean match(Pilot pilot) { return pilot.getPoints() == 100; } }); //modified List<Pilot> pil...

Subsonic and DB4O

I was recently reading Rob Conery's post about DB4O and it was very interesting. My question is really concerned with class generation and future use of Subsonic and DB4O. As Subsonic looks at the database and then generates classes how would this work for DB4O. Would the classes have to be written by hand and then DB4O would store th...

Prevent orphaned objects in DB4O when updating fields

I want to store Person objects in DB4O. The Person Location field can be changed over time. So I retrieve a person from the DB and call a method to set the location field to a new Location object. (I want the Location objects to be immutable i.e. DDD Value Objects). This works, however the previously assigned Location objects remain the...

Recommend a good db4o viewer

I'm playing around with db4o, and I have the Object Manager viewer thingy for Visual Studio. It seems okay, but not exactly on par with tools like HeidiSQL/SQL Studio/etc., not to mention that it locks the db4o file--I can't use my db4o app and Object Manager at the same time. Maybe I'm using it wrong, but regardless, I'd like to know ...

How do you transfer data from SQL Server to db4o?

I came across this question after searching for a ODBC or JDBC. To my surprise, since I am new to db4o I found there are tools to browse db4o, including a Netbeans and Eclipse plug in. However, when it comes to the question at hand, I only found one company, and the product is not being sold nor demoed (makes me think is not ready yet). ...

Handling data maintenance in Object Databases like db4o

One thing I have continually found very confusing about using an object database like db4o is how you are supposed to handle complex migrations that would normally be handled by SQL/PL-SQL. For example imagine you had a table in a relational database called my_users. Originally you had a column named "full_name", now that your softwa...

Do you need to pay to use db4o for Android in commercial software?

Is db4o for Android free to use for commercial software? I know you can pay for support but if I do not need support would it be free? ...

Is db4o object manager enterprise free? Where can I download it? Is it a standalone application?

As per the title I have three parts to this question... Is db4o object manager enterprise free? -I saw a blog post about it being free. Where can I download it? -the website is rather unclear Is it a standalone application? -I seem to remember it was an eclipse plugin but this was awhile ago. Is there an Intellij plugin? ...

How to query for the oldest object from db4o?

I have objects that has a DateTime property, how can i query for the oldest object? After asking on db4o forum, I get the answer: It's quite easy: create a sorted SODA-Query and take the first / last object from the resulting ObjectSet. Don't iterate the ObjectSet (therefore the objects won't be activated), just take the required objec...

How to use db4o IObjectContainer in a web application ? (Container lifetime ?)

I am evaluating db4o for persistence for a ASP .NET MVC project. I am wondering how I should use the IObjectContainer in a web context with regards to object lifetime. As I see it, I can do one of the following: Create the IObjectContainer at application startup and keep the same instance for the entire application lifetime. Create on...

Has anyone used an object database with a large amount of data?

Object databases like MongoDB and db4o are getting lots of publicity lately. Everyone that plays with them seems to love it. I'm guessing that they are dealing with about 640K of data in their sample apps. Has anyone tried to use an object database with a large amount of data (say, 50GB or more)? Are you able to still execute complex...

Using db4o with multiple application instances under medium trust

I recently stumbled over the object database engine db4o which I think looks really interesting. I would like to use it in an ASP.NET MVC application that will be deployed to a shared hosting environment under medium trust. Because of the trust level, I'm restricted to using db4o in embedded/in-process mode. That in itself should be no ...

UniqueConstraint in EmbeddedConfiguration

I just started using db4o on C#, and I'm having trouble setting the UniqueConstraint on the DB.. here's the db4o configuration static IObjectContainer db = Db4oEmbedded.OpenFile(dbase.Configuration(), "data.db4o"); static IEmbeddedConfiguration Configuration() { IEmbeddedConfiguration dbConfig = Db4oEmbedded.NewConfiguration(); ...

How to use the distinct on databases DB4O

the data like this: file1 file2 aaaa milk aaaa red bbbb box bbbb pen cccc rose i want get result like this: file1: aaaa bbbb cccc who can tell me how to do using DB4objects waiting online.... ...

How to use an OSGi service from a web application?

I'm trying to develop a web application that is going to be launched from a HTTP OSGi service, this application needs to use other OSGi service (db4o OSGi), for what I need a reference to a BundleContext. I have tried two different approaches to get the OSGi context in the web application: Store the BundleContext of the Activator in a ...

Db4o Mvc Application Architecture

I am currently testing out Db4o for an asp.net MVC 2 application idea but there are a few things I'm not quite sure on the best way to proceed. I want my application to use guessable routes rather than Id's for referencing my entities but I also think I need Id's of some sort for update scenarios. so for example I want /country/usa i...

How to install and use db4o for Android?

I have to admit that I'm new to Java and Android. db4o seems to be an excellent DB framework to replace SQLite http://developer.db4o.com/Platforms/Java/Android.aspx. I want to use it for my Android application. I don't know how to: Import/Install/Attach/Upload db4o to Android phone. Where should I put the JAR file db4o-