
Setting unique key constraint for Db4oEmbedded EmbeddedConfiguration

Hi, I want to set unique key constraint for Db4oEmbedded EmbeddedConfiguration. Here goes my code: EmbeddedConfiguration myConf = Db4oEmbedded.newConfiguration(); myConf.common().objectClass(NotyUser.class).objectField("username").indexed(true); myConf.common().add(new com.db4o.constraints.UniqueFieldValueConstraint(NotyUser.class, "...

Using Windows Integrated Authentication when connecting to db4o in .net?

When opening a client against a db40 server it seems to expect a user name and password Db4oFactory.OpenClient(string hostName, int port, string user, string password); Is there any way of using windows integrated instead? ...

Is anyone aware of an Object Manager Enterprise plugin for Visual Studio 2010?

I'm using DB4O on a new project I'm playing with and it would help me no end if I was able to use the Object Manager Enterprise utility. I understand it's only available as a VS plugin, so does anyone know whether such a plugin is / will be available for Visual Studio 2010, or is there another way to get the utility? ...

Handling ID's with db4o and ASP.NET MVC2

So, i'm looking at the TekPub sample for ASP.NET MVC2 (http://mvcstarter.codeplex.com/) using DB4o and there are a bunch of templates to create controllers etc, the generated code looks like: public ActionResult Details(int id) { var item = _session.Single<Account>(x=>x.ID == id); return View(item); } Now, ...

How to register for callbacks on a DB4O server?

I have a DB4O server listening on a port IObjectServer server = Db4oClientServer.OpenServer("filename.db40", 11978); How do i register for callbacks? For example how do i execute some custom code before an object is read or stored? ...

how to design the query for non-sql database

can anyone give some reference for non-sql database query interface design pattern? For sql-based database, the query can be achieved by combining the query token. but for non-sql, how to design the query, given that the query could be very complex. EDIT: I am using db4o to store some objects, I may need to query according to a certai...

Managing Unique IDs in stateless (web) DB4O applications

I'm playing around with building a new web application using DB4O - piles of fun and some really interesting stuff learned. The one thing I'm struggling with is DB4O's current lack of support for stateless applications (i.e. web apps, mostly) and the need for automatically-generated IDs. There are a number of creative and interesting a...

How to use the distinct on databases DB4O in Java?

Who can tell me how to use Distinct operation on db4o in Java code. I couldn't find any example in Java. Thanks! ...

db4o problem with graph of objects

I am a new to db4o. I have a big problem with persistance of a graph of objects. I am trying to migrate from old persistance component to new, using db4o. Before I peristed all objects its graph looked like below (Take a look at Zrodlo.Metadane.abstrakt string field with focused value) [its view from eclipse debuger] with a code: Ob...

Moving webshop storage to NoSQL solution

If you had a webshop solution based on SQL Server relational DB what would be the reasons, if any, to move to NoSQL storage ? Does it even make sense to migrate datastores that rely on relations heavily to NoSQL? If starting from scratch, would you choose NoSQL solution over relational one for a webshop project, which will, after a while...

Real World Experience of db4o and/or Eloquera Database

I am evaluating two object databases, db4o (http://www.db4o.com) and Eloquera Database (http://eloquera.com) for a coming project. I have to choose one. My basic requirement is scalability, multi user support and easy type evolution for RAD. Please share your real world experience. If you have both, can you compare these two? Which do...

Is it OK to open a DB4o file for query, insert, update multiple times?

This is the way I am thinking of using DB4o. When I need to query, I would open the file, read and close: using (IObjectContainer db = Db4oFactory.OpenFile(Db4oFactory.NewConfiguration(), YapFileName)) { try { List<Pilot> pilots = db.Query<Pilot>().ToList<Pilot>(); } finally { try { db.Close(); } ...

Is there a tool that will create Java or .NET classes from a db4o database file?

I have a db4o database file. Is there a tool that will generate Java or .NET classes (source) from this database? ...

DB4o Linq query - How to check for null strings

Hey there - simple query: var q = (from SomeObject o in container where o.SomeInt > 8 && o.SomeString != null //Null Ref here select o; I always get a null reference exception. If I use String.IsNullOrEmpty(o.SomeString) the query takes about 100 times as long, as if I use && o.SomeString != "" (which is way faster, but o...

How to stores and Pictures in Db40?

I want to stores fotos use DB4o and a tried de following code: using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.IO; using Db4objects.Db4o; using Db4objects.Db4o.Linq; namespace imagemsDb4o ...

Working with large collections in db40 (.net)

Hey all, I would like to use db4o as the backend of a custom cache implementation. Normally my program involves loading into memory some 40,000,000 objects and working on them simultaneously. Obviously this requires a lot of memory and I thought of perhaps persisting some of the objects (those not in a cache) to a db4o database. My p...

db4o: compacting / shrinking

Does anyone know of a way to shrink/compact a db4o database? Thanks, John ...

Scalable freetext & parametric searching (C#)

Hey, Currently, we've got an application that needs to perform very fast searches on ~2 mill records. Searches need to search both a large free-text field, and a number of integer/decimal fields between different ranges, along with various functions/computations & sorting. Currently, we're handling this with a big MSSQL database, usin...

Why is EF4 Code First so slow when storing objects?

I'm currently doing some research on usage of db4o a storage for my web application. I'm quite happy how easy db4o works. So when I read about the Code First approach I kinda liked is, because the way of working with EF4 Code First is quite similar to working with db4o: create your domain objects (POCO's), throw them at db4o, and never l...

Lift with db4o User model

Hi, suppose you have a Lift + db4o project... How do you define User model? Should I extend MetaMegaProtoUser? Thanks in advance, Etam. ...