
How to use Windows login for single-sign-on and for Active Directory entries for Desktop Java application?

I'd like to have my desktop Java application to have single sign on related to Active Directory users. In two steps, I'd like to : Be sure that the particular user has logged in to Windows with some user entry. Check out some setup information for that user from the Active Directory With

Tomcat and windows integrated authentication

Hi! I'm developing a JAVA APP that must run on a Tomcat and I need to be able to identify the remote user who is acceding to my application web. This remote user is running on a windows, so I need to get his "windows login" (sAMAccountName active directory attribute). On IIS is easiest. I follow this

Integrated Windows Authentication in FireFox

Hello If my ASP.NET app is set up for ADFS using Windows Integrated Authentication, I know this will work in IE, but will it work in Firefox? I've seen some things on the web that indicate that there are problems, and you need to put a workaround in each client browser -

Nant, Vault & Windows Integrated Authentication

I am wanting to perform a number of tasks in SourceGear Vault (V4.1.4) with Nant (V0.86.3317.0). Is there any way we can get Vault to use Windows Authentication from Nant to create the connection? The Nant block I am using to initialise the vault connect is : <target name="InitialiseVaultSettings"> <echo>InitialiseVaultSettings</echo>...

Java Active Directory Integrated Windows Authentication

You can see in the following posts an example of accessing LDAP using the InitialLdapContext class in Java. This requires a login and a password to be passed in. (Even though the service ac...

Is there anythings besides IIS that I can use to get Windows Integrated Authentication?

On a Mac os x server with apache, is there any programming library, framework, etc. that I can get to allow Windows Integrated Authentication? I don't mean just LDAP because the user still has to logon the website before I can get the LOGON_USER. I am looking for something that gets the credentials of the Windows user from the browser ...

why does Integrated Windows Authentication fail when clients access off the network

My background is not with web applications so this problem is hard for me to explain easily. First I'll try to describe the setup. Client setup:-Only browser that is effected is IE 6-8 (Firefox, chrome, opera, and safari all work fine) -A user will try to access our web application from a company laptop that is not connected to our netwo...

Using Windows Integrated Authentication when connecting to db4o in .net?

When opening a client against a db40 server it seems to expect a user name and password Db4oFactory.OpenClient(string hostName, int port, string user, string password); Is there any way of using windows integrated instead? ...

Access denied for Integrated Windows authentication website

Hey everyone. I've been running into problems trying to get a internal website to work properly. The website is setup in IIS6 with Integrated Windows authentication. Anonymous access is denied. I've set the permissions to allow Full control to anyone within the administrator group of the company domain, but when I hit the site and put in...

SAML Identity Provider based on Active Directory

I have a 3rd party program that supports web SSO using SAML 1.1 (it is ready to serve as the Service Provider, in other words). We would like to implement this SSO for our intranet users based on their Active Directory credentials. In other words, they've already logged on to their system, so let's simply use those credentials to fac...