
Time Stamp in DBML is solving concurrency issues...why?

We use LINQ in our ASP .NET application to run database queries and commands. We have been having concurrency issues on updates to tables in which we update the value of a Date field. More specifically, if two users click a button at the exact same time and the code attempts to update a Date field in the database then the built-in optim...

Complex relationships with multiple LINQ

After a long thought we found that the best approach for our needs would be to use multiple tables as if it was classes, so we have something like: tblPerson (pk code) tblWorker (pk codePerson) tblPhone (pk code, fk codePerson) tblAddress (pk code, fk codePerson) it's almost like classes. It was really necessary because many tables do...

Visual Studio Tool to update a DBML?

Is there a quick command in VS2008 to update a DBML that I'm missing or do I have to dleete everything, re-add and then deal with renames and table mods manually? This seems a bit tedious. ...

Setting Linq to SQL Type Names in Visual Studio

I love Linq but it can rapidly clutter up the namespace with automatically generated types. Usually these automatically generated types are often irritatingly close to other objects leading to many hours of fun and laughter. In the designer I notice that I can specify the table names, however I can not for the life of me see how to set ...

how to force sqlmetal to keep field name case?

When dbml file is generated automatically by Visual Studio I get the exact field names as they appeared in the tables. However, since VS does not provide refresh function for dbml, I run sqlmetal manually to re-create dbml file. It works fine with one exception -- sqlmetal "corrects" the names ses_Id -> Ses_Id aga_Id -> Aga_Id and so...

SQL metal to dbml, how to generate correct foreign key column names

I have this 2 tables table name: Person with Columns:PersonID, Name table name: VisitInfo with Columns: VisitPersonID , CoordinatorPersonID both columns have a foreign key to person table When i generate the code i get a VisitInfo class with the properties: Person CoordinatorPerson But what i want is a VisitInfoClass with the ...

Why is dbml generating extra classes

i am having a small problem here. The table which dbml (LinqToSql designer) is using has columns (Foreign keys), for which it generates two objectsfor the coressponding Blogs table (1:1 association) in DB lmost same, like Table Authors: AuthorID INT, Name varchar(20), BlogID INT And TABLE BLOG: BlogID INT, Name varchar(MAX) Bl...

LINQ to SQL : Need Different Usernames for Prod and Dev DBML On Table Attribute

This is a similar problem to this question When I deployed my dev app to the prod server I was getting an error: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Invalid object name 'dbo.Login'. The table attribute on the linq mapping looks like [Table(Name="dbo.Login")] When I loaded the prod db schema into the vs2008 server explorer and refresh...

Designer.cs is deleted on adding object in DBML

My original dbml file had objects which had data connection to other server/db. As my db is changed to different server and i want to update my spproc when i delete the spproc and drag the new one dbml.designer.cs is deleted. I am using VS 2008 SP1. I can't regenerate all my dbmls as they have lots of tables, sps etc.. Inserting the usin...

How do I export a DBML diagram from Visual Studio into an image?

I have a very pretty DBML diagram that I would like to preserve in our Design Documents. How do I get an image showing all of the tables in one go? I found http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1686767/how-to-export-visual-studio-2010-uml-modeling-diagrams but the slightly elegant solution of copying all the items and pasting them into an ...

Can I modify the dbml file, to add new database to that in asp.net?

I want to add the new tables to dbml file dynamically from another database Thank you ...

A Linq to Sql - Multiple .DBML files or one .DBML File

I am working on a web application using ASP.NET 3.5. The application has hundreds of tables. I was told in a seminar that I should use one .DBML file for the entire application instead of using multiple .DBML files (there was also a post in stackoverflow that said the same thing). Given that I have so many tables does using one .DBML f...

Linq To Sql Intellisense Property Names

If I had two tables such as this: Profile Table ------------- PK ProfileID int FK AddressPrimaryID int FK AddressSecondaryID int Address Table ------------- PK AddressID int Address nvarchar City nvarchar State nvarchar Zip nvarchar Notice, the profile has a two relationships to the same table, the address table. When I create my li...

Linq to SQL Associations with fixed fields

Linq to SQL, in the dbml designer (or otherwise) I have 3 tables: Orders, Deliveries and EmailTemplates. Orders have many Deliveries, and Orders and Deliveries have a status (int) field. EmailTemplates have a status they apply to and a bool IsForDeliveries field. I have Linq to sql associations for Order->EmailTemplate on order.st...

Is it possible to search a dbml diagram?

This is not an issue with a few tables, but when I have a ton of tables on my dbml diagram, I have to pan and zoom to find the table I am looking for. Is there a way to search the dbml diagram so it automatically goes to the table I searched for? ...

dbml does not updtae

Hello, I'm working with a dbml for my tables in one application, when I created the dbml it was working well, but when I added a new table in the dbml it does not update and now it does not work. Could you help me? ...

Why don't the classes in the DBML designer appear in alphabetical order?

I have a DBML file with a very large data model. Whenever I need to add a relationship between to tables I have to select the other table from a combo box which appears to be in in almost random order. Is there a reason these dropdowns aren't in alphabetical order, or is there a way to put them in some kind of order? ...

.DBML file and LINQ to SQL

In my DBML file I have mapped some tables and stored procedures, and the stored procedures return type is ISingleResult . T is some mapped table. But I want to take the data into my own created entities rather than LINQ to SQL created entites. The entites created by me are also the same as the mapped table entities and their use lies whe...

Weird mapping error in linq-to-sql dbml file in VS2010

Since I switched to VS2010, several times a day I get a compilation error in my dbml file: DBML1005: Mapping between DbType 'bigint' and Type 'MyNamespace.SecurityToken' in Column 'SecurityToken' of Type 'Employee' is not supported When I restart VS2010 the error disappears. I have no problems running my application using this dbml fi...

C# dbml stops linking tables to code

I am having occasional trouble with my C# dbml where it starts not linking properly. I do not know how to replicate the exact cause of the problem, it was working perfectly until I changed a database table and then deleted the table and readded it with the new schema. The error message I get is "The type or namespace name 'tbl' could no...