
How to avoid entering library's source files while debugging in Qt Creator with gdb?

How can I configure Qt Creator and/or gdb so that while debugging my program using Qt libraries the debugger would avoid stepping into Qt's source files? ...

MVC deployment setup

Does the Visual Studio 2008 Web Deployment Projects handle deployment of ASP.NET MVC applications? If not, what's the best practice for deploying an ASP.NET MVC application? Also what's the best way to handle different versions of configuration files (such as web.config) that will contain different settings depending on what type of bui...

How to debug remote website?

I have a online website and i have locally on my PC all its source code "c#/asp.net3.5" i want to debug the online version using the current local source code i have inside my Visual studio 2008. Anyone have an idea how to do that or its not possible? ...

Where can I find technical information on IE internal methods and objects?

I am an html coder, and I am still fighting a hard-to-reproduce crash in IE 8. Okay, I managed to get a crash dump out of it and I unpacked (decoded? deciphered?) it. Now I have a stack trace of what was happening before the crash and I want to find out what went wrong. It goes like this: BUGCHECK_STR: APPLICATION_FAULT_NULL_POINTER_RE...


Our application is failing on one specific user's computer with ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ("Not enough storage is available to process this command"). The error is apparently being raised somewhere deep within the Delphi VCL framework that we're using, so I'm not sure which Windows API function is responsible. Is memory a problem? A cal...

Debugging on Win7 HyperV VM, get multiple instances of "0xC0000096 Privileged instruction" exceptions

When I debug a large app (with VS2008) that I maintain on a Windows 7 Hyper V VM, it seems that once I hit a breakpoint, VS constantly throws 0xC0000096 Privileged instruction exceptions( or 0x00000005 Access violation reading 0x03A6E7EB). It doesn't seem to matter where the breakpoints are set either. I can do exactly the same things o...

Help with Java Applet

I'm new to Java and I need some advice/information on how to debug my Java Applet. I have created a applet that simply updates a mysql database. The applet seems to load in the webpage with no errors. When I click on my button to update the database it seems to actually make the call to the applet, BUT nothing happens, i.e. no new ins...

How do I dump the .NET process so that Visual Studio 2008 will load it as a managed dump?

I'm trying to create a minidump of the managed process, which would be loadable into Visual Studio 2008. I'm using following code to create a minidump: ... MINIDUMP_TYPE dumpType = static_cast< MINIDUMP_TYPE >( MiniDumpWithFullMemory | MiniDumpWithDataSegs | MiniDumpWithHandleData | MiniDumpWithProcessThreadData | MiniDumpWithPriv...

what process do I attach to for a console app?

When I want to debug a .net console application, what process do I attach to? ...

Run Apache 2.2 as a single httpd.exe for debugging.

I'm running Apache 2.2 in console mode on Windows to test an apache module I'm writing. By default, a parent httpd.exe is started (with one thread), which starts a child httpd.exe with a number of worker threads. Now I have to attach the debugger to the child process each time to be able to debug my module. Is there a way to configure ...

What are segfault rip/rsp numbers and how to use them

When my linux application crashes, it produces a line in the logs something like: segfault at 0000000 rip 00003f32a823 rsp 000123ade323 error 4 What are those rip and rsp addresses? how do I use them to pinpoint the problem? do they correspond to something in the "objdump" or "readelf" outputs? are they useful if my program gets its sy...

Debug Threadpool in C#

I want to observe the Threadpool when debugging Visual C# without changing the code (the program is already running) can I add code to the monitoring? Perhaps that I ask for the Threadpool.AvailableThreads method when debugging. I am developing in Visual Studio 2008. EDIT: I just figured out that within my threads (i.e. in the method I ...

Debugging, Building and Deploying in moss

I would be interested to hear how people develop for moss. We currently use virtual environments, with wspbuilder and nant scripts to build and deploy. We are finding the debugging and deployment process slow for our devs. Can anyone suggest ways to speed everything up? ...

Live element attribute editing in IE7

Is there anything for IE that would allow me to edit attributes of DOM elements live, like Firebug does for Firefox? So far, I have only found DOM inspectors - Developer Toolbar, DebugBar, Firebug Lite. None of them allow editing the elements, only looking up/highlighting them :( ...

How to know that my callstack is wrong ?

Hello How can I recognize that the callstack that is shown by the debugger when my program crashes may be wrong and misleading. For example when the callstack says the following frames may be missing or incorrect, what that actually means? Also what the + number after the function call in the callstack means : kernel32!LoadLibrary + 0...

How do I debug Visual Studio projects using VMware?

I just installed WMware Workstation for the first time, and noticed that it included some new toolbars in Visual Studio for me to be able to debug applications on a virtual machine. Has anyone used this feature? How do you use it, and what do you debug with it? What are some of the benefits of debugging under a virtual machine as oppos...

How do I work effectively with SOS debugging extensions?

When I use .load SOS in Visual Studio's immediate window and accitentally issued a command that result in a long list of output (e.g. !dumpheap -type System.String -min 100), the immediate window just can't stop listing the values and keeps scrolling for hours. All I can do is kill the process and restart debugging. This is very annoying...

Why does this javascript code prevent my browser from ever loading?

Hello. I'm learning javascript and jquery and have written a very basic script inside my file. I'm experiencing two problems... The browser never finishes loading the document, it just sits there with the loading icon animating in the tab. Any ideas? I can't seem to debug this using firebug. When I set a breakpoint anywhere in the ...

How do I use !gcroot

From within visual studio immediate window with SOS debugging extension loaded I can do !dumpheap -stat Then I get something like this: total 108,014 objects Statistics: MT Count TotalSize Class Name ... 0x00be209c 135 714108 System.Object[] 0x79b925c8 218 2659728 System.String 0x00be2c3c ...

foreach loop does not loop through all item in list - C#

I have a basic foreach loop that calls a static method which makes a connection to a database and inserts some data. For some reason it will only iterate through the first item in the collection when I run the application without debugging. If I debug the application and set a break point on the foreach loop, it will iterate through al...