
Deciphering MMORPG Protocol Encoding

I plan on writing an automated bot for a game. The tricky part is figuring out how they encoded their protocol... To make the bot run around is easy, simply make the character run and record what it does in wireshark. However, interpreting the environment is more difficult... It recieves about 5 packets each second if you are idle, henc...

Deciphering Encoding: Packet Analyzation Tools

I am looking for better tools than wireshark for this. The problem with wireshark is that it does not format the data layer (which is the only part I am looking at) cleanly for me to compare the different packets and attempt to understand the third party encoding (which is closed source). Specifically, what are some good tools for viewi...

wireshark: Capture Data Layer Only

Is there a way to capture only the data layer and disregard the upper layers in wireshark? If not, is there a different packet dump utility that can do this? PREFERABLY 1 file per packet! What I am looking for: A utility that dumps only the data (the payload) layer to a file. This is programming related...! What I really want to do is...

Identifying a substitution cipher random key. (English text)

input: Crypted English normal text (A-Z) using a random generated substitution cipher. output: key ideas: read the whole text storing in some arrays the frequencies for each character/bigram/trigram and comparing them to:

Need for both Ciphering and Integrity ?

Why do some scenarios require both ciphering and integrity whereas some scenarios require only ciphering ? What are the factors that decide this in the case of networking domain ? ...