
Decoding JSON format in Java

I got a JSON(encoded) format nested Arrays which looks like this; [ [[1234,245,10],[312,234,122],[1234,67788,345],[235,001,332]], [[1234,245,10],[312,234,122],[1234,67788,345],[235,001,332],[1234,67788,3450]], [[1234,245,10],[312,234,122],[1234,67788,345],[235,001,332],[1234,67788,34534]]] So I have one big array which contains three ...

Decode HTML from XML with NewLine

Hi! First I parse XML and retrieve this: &#60;p&#62;&#60;strong&#62;Berns Salonger &#45; the City&#39;s The I decode it with MWFeedParser (stringByDecodingHTMLEntities) and retrieve this: <p><strong>Berns Salonger - the City's Ideal Meeting Place Note that this is only one line of many many lines which includes alot of tags. Th...

Character Decoders in Java

Where can I find some character decoders for the non-officially supported charsets? I.e. I don't want to reinvent the wheel, surely someone must have already written some decoders for their own purposes or as a library? Thanks! ...

Cross-browser incompatibilities in decoding JPEG files?

Something is puzzling me - why does this image appear different in every browser? Image in IE9 (and Windows Photo Viewer): Image in Firefox (and Photoshop): Image in Chrome (and Irfanview): What is going on in their decoding processes of the JPEG to make the eventual output so different? (View it in IE, Firefox, Chrome, etc...

As3 and Image ByteArray Data

How can I get the bytearray data from an image that is under certain shape, for example a circule or square? Let's say I want to modify ONLY the pixel inside this circule, how can I get this Bytearray data? Any ideas? ...

HTML entity decoding in Java: apostrophe

I have to decode, using Java, HTML strings which contain the following entities: "&#39" and "&apos". I'm using Apache Commons Lang, but it doesn't decode those two entities, so, I'm currently doing as follows, but I'm looking for the fastest way to do what I want. import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils; public class StringUti...