
Looking for encrypt/decrypt functions

I have an array of IDs (e.g. array(1, 2, 10, 34, 100, 101)) that represents files ids of pictures in database. I would like to send a link to customer by email such that when he press this link he will see the pictures, but I don't want customer to see these files ids! Thus, I thought to encrypt the array of pictures ids with some key ...

How to code number in string and later decode it ?

I'm looking for encrypt/decrypt functions that will encode numbers (0, 1, 2, ...) into strings, such that these strings will look random, and later the number could be decodes back from the string. For example: 3 will be encrypted to ABFQWEMasdEE, and 6 will be encrypted to poad_Asd#@sad. If I could control the number of characters in ...

how secure is a digital signature?

Digital signature, if I understood right, means sending the message in clear along with a hash of the message which is encrypted using a private key. The recipient of the message calculates the hash, decrypts the received hash using the public key, then compares the two hashes for a match. How safe is this? I mean, you can obtain the ...

Simple encrypt/decrypt functions in Classic ASP

Are there any simple encrypt/decrypt functions in Classic ASP? The data that needs to be encrypted and decrypted is not super sensitive. So simple functions would do. ...

Key Management - Classic ASP - encrypt/decrypt

Here is my scenario: I have file called gen.asp, when ever someone requests this file It needs to generate a encrypted-random-key and pass it back. (Gen.asp can not store the key it generated, anywhere no session, no database) I have a different file called GenValid.asp, in this file I need to verify weather the encrypted-random-key is...

Trouble with CryptImportKey function...

I've created this program that can encrypt and decrypt a found file. I've got the encryption part working fine, and its seems to me that the encryption key is exported as a tmp file. The problem is when I'm importing the session key for decryption that is where the CryptImportKey fails and so does CryptDecrypt fails too. Can someone plea...

Java AES encryption with C/C++ AES decryption question

I am doing a simple AES encryption in Java: Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES"); cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, getAES128SecretKey()); byte[] encrypted = cipher.doFinal(input); The output is converted to hex and stored in a database. A later process (one written in C/C++) comes along and reads the hex, converts it to bytes an...

Isn't it difficult to recognize a successful decryption?

When I hear about methods for breaking encryption algorithms, I notice there is often focused on how to decrypt very rapidly and how to reduce the search space. However, I always wonder how you can recognize a successful decryption, and why this doesn't form a bottleneck. Or is it often assumed that a encrypted/decrypted pair is known? ...

Problems decrypting HTTP Live Stream

I have a single key encrypted HTTP Live Stream which decodes fine in Quicktime and iPhone. I'm trying to create a simple client application to do the decryption of the ts files. Right now I've used openssl to decrypt. I believe I have the correct arguments to openssl and I'm inserting the key and the IV properly. I can successfully d...

Problem with decrypting xml document

Hi, I have written some code that has encrypted an XML config file containing user credentials, and also the code to decrypt that file. When I run the encryption and decryption together on my local machine it works as expected. However, when I deploy the program, with only the decrypt code, the xml file will not decrypt. I get a cryp...

Show process of solution?

Clarification: no python program necessary. This is not homework cryptogram - two variations - most likely by substitution - please help me solve: cfcfcf adgddlb cfcicmc gddo bcfcfc dgddg cfcjcfc dgdhgo cfcfb ehk cb (or) ab cdccdcdce fgfgfgfgf cdcdcdcdchc fifjfb cdcdcdchk flmgfgn bcoco ...

Encryption/Decryption in .NET

I'm looking for a secure way to encrypt and decrypt a string in a Visual Studio Project (in C#). I found that there is native DES classes, but it's not secure enough. Do you have any suggestions? UPDATE : OK then, the question is : What's the most secure way to encrypt/decrypt a string without too much hassle (aka having to install exte...

How does a legitmate administrator get a user's password in ActiveDirectory?

If a password is stored with reversable encryption in Active Directory, how does an administrator/developer extract and decrypt this password? Specifically, I'm referring to this setting. ...

pad block corrupted during decryption(Android)

Hi all, I'm encrypting a file in java and send the encrypted file and private key to android device. But while decrypting the file in Android, it gives pad block corrupted error. By the way, same decryption code works on PC Here is the encryption: public void encrypt(File inf, File outf, File publicKey, int userId, int resourceId) thr...

Android - How to decrypt an XML file?

I am trying to to download and decrypt an encrypted XML file. I have implemented the download part and have tested with an unencrypted file and it works fine. However I now need to be able to download an XML file that has been encrypted using AES and the key "XXXX" So I am only concerned with decryption as the encryption on the XML fi...

PHP's crypt challenge

A friend gave me a challenge: he encrypted a string using PHP's crypt function (CRYPT_STD_DES) (from PHP4). I know the salt used to encrypt, and as crypt is a one-way algorithm I must use brute-force method, and I know that passwords only consist of lower-case letters. Now, I have machine with 16 cores (2x Xeon), and lots of RAM. What i...

Decrypting with Cipher and AES yields 208 decrypted bytes followed by trash...

I got an annoying problem here I have no clue about how to solve... A system writes encrypted data to files, some are serialized objects, others text (XML) files. The base class that does the decryption when needed initializes a Cipher with AES encryption, prepares a key (read from a file) and has to ways to access data: A way to get a...

Java AES Decrypting problem

I have been tasked with decrypting a file in Java that has been encrypted using the following criteria: AES encryption algorithm with 128-bit key, ECB mode and PKCS7 padding. The encrypted file format is: - first byte is hex 0x31 – specifying encryption method used (1 for AES) - followed by the encrypted bytes of the input file I...

Decrypting images using JavaScript within browser.

I have a web based application that requires images to be encrypted before they are sent to server, and decrypted after loaded into the browser from the server, when the correct key was given by a user. [Edit: The goal is that the original image and the key never leaves the user's computer so that he/she is not required to trust the s...

Decrypt Java AES 128Bit encrypted string which has been encrypted using key only (no IV) in VB.NET

I am attempting to find some code to use in VB.NET to decrypt a string that has been encrypted using the Java crypto libary. All of the code I have found so far uses an Initialisation Vector and Key to decrypt but the string has been encrypted using the Key only. (Using an Initialisation Vector is apperently an optional step in Java)....