
Where should default parameters be specified?

At my workplace, usually default parameters are specified in the declaration.What is the normal custom? Should I specify default parameters in method declaration or method definition? EDIT: Is there any way to specify default parameters for references? EDIT: Can someone please provide an example of default arguments for reference para...

Master Page Validation Issue With Default Arguments

I have implemented a helper extension method on an interface that my Master page implements called "Url" to create URLs using business logic. This allows me to do this on my Master markup... <a href="<%=this.Url("/mypage.aspx", forceHttps: true)%>">Click Me Secure</a> <a href="<%=this.Url("/mypage.aspx")%>">Click Me Not Secure</a> As...

Python: Can I use a class attribute as a default value for an instance method?

I am writing a new class in Python (2.5). My immediate goal is to: GOAL: Use the value of a class (static) attribute as the default value for an instance attribute I can add logic to the __init__ method to do this, and it works fine. In an effort to tidy up the body of the __init__ method, however, I tried to set a default value for o...