
error in Delphi loadlibrary()

i have given a chance to my software user to select dll from openfile dialog.(so my user can download dlls form my website and use it with the main project ). everything is working fine and it can even find that dlls is provided by me or selected an invalid dll.but the problem raises if the user selects a renamed file(eg : apple.txt file...

how can I disable Delphi's TRibbon "customize quick access toolbar"?

how can I disable/hide Delphi's TRibbon "customize quick access toolbar"? thank you! ...

How to change Delphi Build configuration?

How to change the Delphi 2009 Build configuration? The only place I see is on top of the Project Options window, anyway I don't feel that the options are applied. ...

ribbon controls in delphi

(sorry this question is not based on software but about legal issues ) I have used tms ribbon controls and ribbon controls came with Delphi 2009 in my project. i can remember the Delphi setup warned me about ribbon controls and said me to get license from microsoft. whats is the licences and can i distribute this application as a comerc...

How can I reduce PageControl flicker in Delphi?

In Delphi 2009 I found that the flicker of a PageControl - which occurs during resizing of the form - can be reduced by setting its DoubleBuffered property to true. However if I add controls to the PageControl tabsheets, they will flicker regardless of their DoubleBuffered property setting. I have also tried with and without runtime the...

How do I find the DataSnap server in DCOMCNFG?

On Windows 7 I tried to register a new DataSnap server using tregsrvr (using run as administrator), which runs and confirms that the registration succeeded. However I can not find the server in DCOMCNFG to check its settings. There are quite many DCOM entries, which have a GUID as their ID. I know one of them should be the DataSnap serv...

Delphi ODAC: Disecting JMS messages from Oracle AQ

I'm trying to evaluate ODAC for using Oracle AQ. The request queue contains JMS objects like these (but without linebreaks and other whitespace): SYS.AQ$_JMS_BYTES_MESSAGE( SYS.AQ$_JMS_HEADER( 'null','null','null','null','null','null', SYS.AQ$_JMS_USERPROPARRAY( SYS.AQ$_JMS_USERPROPERTY('Key1',100,'Value1','null',27), ...